Black Hawk Down
Black Hawk Down mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end of the movie when the convoy is heading back to the Pakistan Stadium, a Humvee stops briefly to allow a man to walk across the street with a child in his arms. When the shot changes and the Humvee begins driving again, a crew member or cameraman is seen inside the Humvee wearing a white shirt. All of the men who entered the Humvee were wearing fatigues. (02:05:27)

Black Hawk Down mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the Ranger driving the 5 ton truck is hit by the unexploded RPG, the closeup of his midsection shows (although VERY briefly!) the black special effects gaffer tape that secures the special effects charge. (01:25:00)

Visible crew/equipment: After the first black Hawk has crashed, a lone US soldier guarding the wreckage comes under attack by Somalis with RPGs. In a side shot of one of the missiles flying past the wreck, you can see a wire in the air along the trajectory. (00:56:35)

Visible crew/equipment: When McKnight's convoy rolls away from the scene where the Delta guy got his legs blown off, there is an explosion right next to one of the Humvees. You can see a small pile of dirt and the supposed grenade or RPG explodes exactly in the middle of it. Seems like it is an explosive charge that was deployed in the dirt bump for security reasons. (01:09:27)

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene after the soldier falls out of the helicopter, an intense gun battle breaks out. As the troops rally to evacuate the injured man, another soldier lays down some suppressing fire. Look in the lower left corner of the screen. Two crew members, one wearing eye protection and one wearing ear protection, are visible.


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Suggested correction: Both of whom are actually Rangers as they are seen in the distance.


Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning as the helicopters fly in formation to invade Mogadishu, you can see the tail control surface of the film helicopter providing the shot for said scene. (00:38:20)


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Suggested correction: Watching the film from when they take off to when they reach the city, there is no point where the tail of the filming helicopter is seen.


Visible crew/equipment: Just after Pilla is killed we see Aidid walking with his MP5. In his sunglasses the camera is reflected as clear as day. (00:48:20)


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Suggested correction: That wasn't Aidid, and the person you mention didn't have an MP5.

Steve Kozak

Black Hawk Down mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Grimes takes out the technical, he dives to the ground when an RPG explodes near him. As he hits the ground, a camera covered by a blue and grey blanket can be seen to his left.


Visible crew/equipment: The rocket launcher hits the transport truck and blows the Ranger out with his legs gone. When the convoy begins to stop you will see the Humvee with the gunner and beside him is the cameraman.

Black Hawk Down mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Star 41 is called to the first crash site, it has mini guns and rockets, but when it gets to the site it has seats for people. (00:50:20 - 01:02:00)

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Randy D. Shughart: My love, you are strong and you will do well in life. I love you and my children deeply. Today and tomorrow, each day grow and grow. Keep smiling and never give up, even when things get you down. So, in closing, my love... Tonight, tuck my children in bed warmly. Tell them I love them. Then hug them for me. And give them both a kiss good night for Daddy.

More quotes from Black Hawk Down

Trivia: According to veterans of the actual event, when the Rangers got the go-ahead for the mission and were getting their gear ready, "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses was playing on the base's loudspeakers. There were some half-serious comments among the men about the appropriateness of this song. However, the film's producers failed to secure the rights to use "Welcome to the Jungle," so they substituted Faith No More's "Falling to Pieces"--which is perhaps thematically in line with what happened on the raid. (00:27:28)


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Question: In the scene where Eversmann is briefing his team ready for them to gear up and go out, he says something like "sorry ass JROTC". What does JROTC stand for? (00:26:00)


Answer: Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps is an elective course offered by many high schools, and taught by retired Commissioned and Warrant Officers, and retired senior noncommissioned officers. They do learn military drill and ceremonies, but not tactics and techniques of combat. The goal is to produce a well-rounded high school graduate who can enlist in the military at a higher pay grade. The joke, or derision, has to do with JROTC cadets who can March and salute.

Chosen answer: Junior Reserve Officers Training Corp. You have JROTC in high school and ROTC in college. It's a way of getting a commission in the military early on. It's often not looked fondly upon by officers who came up through the enlisted ranks first.

Grumpy Scot

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