Scary Movie 2
Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Tori Spelling is lying in bed and the ghost pulls the sheet back and sees her ugly feet she doesn't have any socks on. As the ghost starts to have sex with her she has socks on. (00:30:30)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cindy is fighting the possessed cat, there's poop in the litter box, but the next time we see it the poop is gone. (00:33:00)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie Cindy drives towards the castle and sings along with the radio. She passes (and almost hits) a car. If you look through the back window, the car never comes by. (00:14:00)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene with the Charlie's Angels re-enactment, the angels pick their legs up and the fountain makes it look like they're peeing. But seconds later, when they are fighting, the fountain has gone, even though they were just in the same room a few seconds before. (01:04:20)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the butler is serving up the turkey, he holds up a plate full of what looks like turkey, salad and mash. When he puts it on the table, the plate just has turkey on it. (00:24:10)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Theo enters the room in which Dwight is working in, a can of Red Bull sitting on the side vanishes in one shot, and then makes a healthy return in the following shot. (00:43:00)


Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the film when the bird is pooing on the wall, you can clearly see the pipe leading up to the fake bird which is making it do this. (01:10:15)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Hanson enters the dining room with the trolley of food, a crewmembers hand can be seen ready to catch the door Hanson comes through. (00:22:10)


Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene of the fight between Cindy and the cat, after it hurts Cindy, the scratches disappear. (00:33:00)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the two guys are facing off in their wheelchairs the doves fly by and poop on the bald guy's head. But as he starts to move the poop is gone. But in the next shot it's back again. (01:00:20)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the man in the wheelchair first breaks his glasses. It is then in perfect shape in one scene, then broken again in another scene. This continues on for a few minutes. (00:47:30 - 00:56:45)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the guy with the weird hand is serving dinner, you can clealy see through the cuff on his left arm that his real hand is there. (00:24:50)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene where Dwight is handing out the goggles, and right before the part where Brenda asks about the walkie-talkies, if you look behind Dwight, you will see that there is one more pair of goggles in the cabinet. After Brenda asks the question, the cabinet is empty. (00:47:25)


Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film, when Dwight gets pulled into the room and sits down in a chair beside Ray and Buddy, Ray's shirt is orange. Then when Dwight says, "I can't feel my legs," it cuts back, but Ray's shirt is yellow. It alternates throughout this scene between orange and yellow. (01:06:00)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the couple split the pole, they get hit by a bus. As the shot cuts to a wide shot, you can see the couple have been replaced by dummies, just before the bus hits them. (00:10:20)


Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene of the dinner, Hanson cuts the turkey, but in a scene when Dwight is speaking, the turkey is perfectly OK. (00:24:35)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dwight is handing everybody goggles, cup walkie talkies etc., the red numbers on the machine nearby keep changing in most shots. You can clearly see "02.38.58" and it is counting down. Then in the next shot it is "02.39.48" and is counting up. Then it is "02.17.00" etc. (00:46:15 - 00:47:55)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the film when Cindy (Anna Faris) is talking to the hot dog man/housekeeper, you can see her wireless microphone transmitter in one shot, then right after it you can see the wire for the mike running from her shirt to her pants. (01:11:05)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Cindy is fighting with the cat, the size and position of the scratches in her chest are continually changing. (00:33:10)

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Tori Spelling is lying in bed and the ghost pulls the sheet back and sees her ugly feet she doesn't have any socks on. As the ghost starts to have sex with her she has socks on. (00:30:30)

More mistakes in Scary Movie 2

Hanson: Who's ready for a wing?
Dwight: Yours or the turkey's?
Hanson: Well, I know what you'd like. How about a leg?

More quotes from Scary Movie 2

Trivia: In the campus garden scene, look behind to the stands. They don't have the most ordinary pictures on them.

More trivia for Scary Movie 2

Question: What is the song being played when Tori Spelling is in her room getting ready for a romantic night with the ghost (It's a deleted scene, I think, but its the scene where she is waxing and the song I want to know is the one being played on the radio).

Answer: I want to know this so badly as well and can't find it. The Graduation Song is not right.

Answer: I'm looking for that song too. You'd think that even though it was a deleted scene, the song credit would have been featured in the credits. But, I guess not. It sounded kind of like Carmen Electra, and that would kinda make sense with her being the "Drew" (first victim) in this franchise. But still, I can't locate it. But Carmen Electra may surprise you with her singing career. She raps fast (in some tracks), has a good voice, and can dance to back it up. Still, I'm not sure who sings, nor what that track is officially called. But I'd like to hunt it down. Any info or suggestions?

Answer: Vitamin C - The Graduation Song.

More questions & answers from Scary Movie 2

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