Scary Movie 2
Movie Quote Quiz

Hanson: Who's ready for a wing?
Dwight: Yours or the turkey's?
Hanson: Well, I know what you'd like. How about a leg?

Cindy: Oh my god, Brenda, we're gonna die!
Brenda: Well, it would have just been you if you had just shut the fuck up.

Shorty: Polly want a cracker?
Polly: Polly wants your mama's sweet ass.
Shorty: What did Polly say to me?
Polly: I said, "Polly wants your mama's sweet ass."
Shorty: You don't be talkin' 'bout my mama, son. You don't know my mama, son.
Polly: Yeah, I know your mama. I fucked her last night.
Shorty: You want beef? I'll fuck you up.

Ghost Voice: Cindy! I want you to know to what happened to me... Look in the music room! Check the music room!
Cindy Campbell: Where are you?
Ghost Voice: Check the fucking music room!

Scary Movie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Tori Spelling is lying in bed and the ghost pulls the sheet back and sees her ugly feet she doesn't have any socks on. As the ghost starts to have sex with her she has socks on. (00:30:30)

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Trivia: In the beginning when they did the spoof of The Exorcist the tongue they used for the girl was the tongue they used for Linda Blair for The Exorcist. They borrowed it, and after filming the scene returned it.


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Answer: There is no Child's Play reference in this movie, the closest one was the living clown doll, which is a spoof of "Poltergeist"

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