Peter Pan
Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At Skull Rock, after the crocodile has nipped off a good bit of Hook's clothing, sock and shoe, when Hook rushes toward Smee in the boat the crocodile opens his mouth, and just as he swallows Hook he's nearly fully clothed and wearing both socks and both shoes.

Super Grover

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the duel at Skull Rock, after Peter leads Captain Hook onto thin air, Hook drops his sword and scrambles to grab hold of the cliff again. But when we see Hook's reaction to the approaching crocodile, you can see his sword back in its sheath. (00:51:50)

Continuity mistake: When Peter and the Darling children land on the minute hand of Big Ben's clockface, in the first shot it's 8:15, note the hour hand is at the eight directly opposite the number two, but a few shots later when they fly off towards the sky note the hour hand is directly opposite the number one, which means it's 7:15. (00:19:40)

Super Grover

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At Skull Rock, when Captain Hook is swallowed by the crocodile Smee conks him on the head, and while Hook is underwater note that he has a left hand and his hook is at his right side, but it should be the opposite way. (00:45:00)

Super Grover

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before Smee gives Hook a shave they hear Tick-Tock Croc approaching, and when Hook nervously spins around to look at the water, note that he has a left hand and his hook is at his right, but it should be the opposite way. (00:24:20)

Super Grover

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the mermaids splash Wendy with a ton of water, her hair is wet and you can tell because it is sort of hanging down and drooping. Then they cut away, then when they cut back to Wendy, her hair is perfectly dry. (00:37:55)

Continuity mistake: As Peter Pan flies up to get his hat back from Captain hook in Skull Rock, he stops in midair and has a shadow, and then the picture changes to Wendy, who then says, 'whew' and then it changes back to Peter and he doesn't have a shadow.

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the mermaid scene, Wendy lands on a rock barely large enough to stand on. A few moments later, when she's being splashed by the mermaids, the rock has expanded to about four times its original size, and a seashell has appeared on it.

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the song "You Can Fly", Michael picks up Tinker Bell because he wants to make Nana fly. When he does so, she is right side up with her head by Michael's thumb. However, in the next shot when he shakes Tinker Bell over Nana, she is upside down with her legs by Michael's thumb.

Movie_Freak 1

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when John and Michael are fighting, John has a red bandana tied around his head. When they all rush over to Nana the bandana is gone. Right after that, when he is in bed the bandana is back on him and his mother takes it off.

Continuity mistake: When Tinker Bell is about to ruin Wendy's reflection, she doesn't have one. Later, when the fish is snapping at her she doesn't have one either, but even later in the movie, she has one.

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter Pan and Hook are fighting on Skull Rock, Peter puts his knife in his mouth. However one shot later it is safely in his sheath. (00:43:30)

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the lost boys are going into their hiding place, Hangman's Tree, the trapdoor is opened by one of them pulling on a noose. However, when Hook and his minions show up later, the noose has vanished.

rabid anarchist

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Wendy is singing 'Your mother and mine' she lays Michael down. As she is laying him down, her nightgown turns white. The next time you see her, her nightgown is blue again, also her bow changes colour too.

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Darling knocks over the building blocks that Nana just put together, you can see that there are many blocks scattered all over. In the next close-up shot of Nana (when she knocks over the remaining blocks), some blocks have disappeared.

Movie_Freak 1

Continuity mistake: About two shots after Peter Pan says "Second to the right and straight on 'till morning", you can see that Wendy's face is gone. As she flies nearer to the "camera", her face slowly develops an eye, but that's all. (00:19:50)

Movie_Freak 1

Continuity mistake: In the beginning scene where Mr. Darling is upset about his chalk-covered shirt, there is a tall gray design in the center, but in the next shot it's of a lake.

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wendy reminds Peter about Tiger Lily, as he rescues her from the water Tiger Lily is wearing low brown moccasins, but as they're flying out of the cave at Skull Rock, she's wearing green boots. Also, Peter's sheathed dagger is now at his left. (00:45:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Skull Rock, after Captain Hook skewers his own feathered hat, when Peter draws his dagger the scabbard promptly vanishes from his right hip and shortly reappears. Then it vanishes again, and reappears when Peter calls Hook a codfish on a hook. (00:43:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Peter and the Darling children land on the minute hand of Big Ben's clockface, in the first shot it's 8:15, note the hour hand is at the eight directly opposite the number two, but a few shots later when they fly off towards the sky note the hour hand is directly opposite the number one, which means it's 7:15. (00:19:40)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Peter Pan

Peter Pan: Don't you understand, Tink? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world.

More quotes from Peter Pan

Trivia: Many people believe that Tinker Bell's curvaceous body was based on Marilyn Monroe, but it was actually based on actress Margaret Kerry who auditioned for the part.

More trivia for Peter Pan

Question: What kind of medicine was Nana bringing into the nursery to give to the children?

Answer: They never officially confirmed; but it was likely castor oil or morphine. Both were used around this time period as a common "medicine" for children.

Cocaine, heroin, and alcohol-based elixirs were also commonplace at that time and considered "safe and effective" for children.


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