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Continuity mistake: As Mr. Fletcher is riding up on horseback to greet Lady Ashley, you can see him riding up next to a parked, red truck, that has the front end pointed away from the house. Keep an eye on that truck, because it will have the front end pointing towards the house, as Fletcher gets closer to Lady Ashley. (00:27:50)


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Visible crew/equipment: A boom mic operator wearing a white shirt is seen reflected in the door that the female scientist opens, when the Umbrella personnel pick her up, as part of their extraction procedure. He is visible as the door is opening and very faintly when it is closed. (00:04:00)

More Resident Evil: Apocalypse mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Stuckey hits Vivian she rips his watch off. You can see it fly off to the left. When she bites him it's back on his wrist. Then when Edward pulls him off Vivian it's gone again. (01:00:20)

More Pretty Woman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Max sneaks up on the raider who's sitting at the wrecked dune buggy with the dying woman and man, look at the crossbow on the ground. At first it's unloaded. Then when the raider sees Max, he reaches for it and it's suddenly loaded and ready to fire.


More Mad Max 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the first scene, when Nicholson is driving to the Overlook, the shadow of a helicopter can be seen at the bottom right. This is only visible in the un-matted VHS print and fullscreen DVD. (00:01:05)

More The Shining mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: During Batman's interrogation of the Joker, when he picks him up and slams him against the wall, for a very brief moment you can see the camera and the cameraman in the reflection of the mirror on the right. (01:29:10)

More The Dark Knight mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At Tia Dalma's, when Jack says, "Look, an undead monkey," and shoots the monkey, the flame of the candle above the monkey is extinguished from the gunfire. However, in the next shot that candle is burning brightly. (00:49:30)

Super Grover

More Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When they are looking at prospective husbands, Princess Mia and Lilly are eating popcorn and Lilly asks if it tastes like pears. Princess Mia answers its a "Genovian specialty," and the popcorn disappears immediately afterwards. (00:25:45)

Sheri Hartman

More The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: On the skyscraper, when Neo and Trinity kill all of the soldiers, Agent Brown comes to the roof. Neo immediately draws his guns and fires until both of his clips are empty. After that, Neo drops his guns, just as Agent Brown aims at him. During Bullet-Time there are no guns on the floor. When he hits the ground, then the guns are left and right of his legs. (01:41:50)

More The Matrix mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After escaping interrogation Bourne switches SIM cards and throws the phone back down with it facing down. When we see the American awake the phone is now facing upwards. (00:30:10)

More The Bourne Supremacy mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Émilien is chasing after the Ninjas on foot, they jump from a bridge onto the top of an orange lorry. The orange crash mats that the 'Ninjas' land on are visible in the overhead shots. (00:47:35)

Oliver Hunter

More Taxi 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During their sightseeing in Italy, Sarah and Tom pose for an artist who sketches the two of them. In the first shot, their portrait is tacked on the left of the easel with two other portraits. In the next close-up, their portrait is tacked on the right of the easel. (00:55:30)

Super Grover

More Just Married mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the dry cleaning arrives and Holly lays it out on the table, right behind her is the large flip-over wall hanging, with a picture of balloons. When she pulls the leather jacket out of the plastic, the wall hanging is flipped open to a picture of a bird. (00:53:10)

Super Grover

More P.S. I Love You mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bruce is confronting the gang that beat him up earlier, he has the monkey come out of the guy, who falls to the ground in pain. After the other guys run away, there is a shot of Bruce taunting them, but the injured guy is not on the ground behind him, even though he should be visible. A second later, he reappears when Bruce turns to face him. (00:38:35)

More Bruce Almighty mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the Grinch is building the sled as he is putting the tin sheets on it there is an overview shot where you can see the shadow of the camera. (01:01:01)

More How the Grinch Stole Christmas mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When we see Dark Helmets' hoverjeep in the desert, watch the front end: you can clearly make out the edge of the mirrored box they used for the "hover" effect.

More Spaceballs mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Ashley is brought back wounded from the raid where Scarlett's husband Mr Kennedy was killed, Melanie grabs an oil lamp to follow the man carrying Ashley to the bedroom and you can see an electrical cord hanging down from it. (00:50:45)

More Gone with the Wind mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Cici is killed, just before the killer throws her off the balcony there is a visible member of crew/stunt's head (this has been edited out in newer versions, but remains visible in others). (00:33:50)

More Scream 2 mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Just after Lockdown stabs Optimus in the chest with his own sword, Cade runs closer and shoots at Lockdown. He then hides behind some bricks. In that shot, the bricks are a broken wall that is two separate pieces. Then it cuts to a different shot as Lockdown returns fire at Cade, and now the wall is one piece. Not only this, but some random guy suddenly appears in the shot next to the wall and right where the explosion happens where Lockdown shot the wall. He is wearing the same color clothes as the wall and only visible for a moment. There was no other guy present until that moment and he just suddenly appears behind Cade and gets hit. It's presumably a special effects member setting off the charge in the wall by the looks of it and it detonated before he got out of the shot. (02:30:55)

Quantom X

More Transformers: Age of Extinction mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When John says, "You offend reason sir," Peter floats up. The large light fixture is hanging from the ceiling. However, in the next shot facing Peter when he says, "Just think happy thoughts," where is the light fixture? It's gone so Peter can fly around the ceiling, but it's back again in later shots. (00:21:15)

Super Grover

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