Scream 2
Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Hallie takes the remote control off the top of the TV to turn it on. But later when they return in front of the TV to watch the news report, the remote is back on the top of the set. Also, the position of the video console which is also on top of the TV has changed, the position of the clothing on the chair next to the television has repositioned and lastly, the items on the window sill behind the TV set have completely changed. (00:12:20 - 00:13:40)


Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the last stabbing of Maureen Evans, the killer puts his right arm around her and stabs her with his left; but from the back view, his left arm is around her, and he is stabbing her with his right. (00:10:20)

Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sidney wakes up and answers the phone, the position of the watch on the desk, beside the caller ID, changes between shots. (00:11:50)


Scream 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Cici is killed, just before the killer throws her off the balcony there is a visible member of crew/stunt's head (this has been edited out in newer versions, but remains visible in others). (00:33:50)

Scream 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the killer attacks Sid's bodyguards, the younger one has blood on his throat before the killer slashes it.

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Suggested correction: That's because Ghostface smashed the window before slashing the cop's throat; it's obvious the cop got cut by some of the broken glass.


Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sidney is about to get in the car with the policemen, she has a rather large noticeable spot on her chin. In the following scenes, it is gone.

Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chief Hartley writes "Cici Cooper" on the chalkboard, between the closeup and wideshot of him writing, the handwriting and location of his writing dramatically changes, and the words "Maureen Evans" and "Phil Stevens" above, also change too. (00:41:20)


Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sidney leaves her dorm room to head for the shower and Hallie follows, you can see the open wardrobe by the dorm door, and there is a jumper visible hanging from the wardrobe door. But when they walk back into the room to look at the news on TV, the jumper has moved and now there is a bag visible in front of it as well. (00:13:05 - 00:13:50)


Scream 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Hallie takes the remote control off the top of the TV to turn it on. But later when they return in front of the TV to watch the news report, the remote is back on the top of the set. Also, the position of the video console which is also on top of the TV has changed, the position of the clothing on the chair next to the television has repositioned and lastly, the items on the window sill behind the TV set have completely changed. (00:12:20 - 00:13:40)


More mistakes in Scream 2

Mickey: Oh come on Randy, with all due respect, the killer obvious patterned himself after two serial killers who were immortalized on film.
Guy 2: Thank you!
Film Teacher: So, you're saying that someone is trying to make a real life sequel?
Randy: Stab 2? Why would anyone want to do that? Sequels suck!

More quotes from Scream 2

Trivia: There have been rumors ever since the release of "Scream 2" that filmmaker Robert Rodriguez actually directed the scenes from the movie-within-the-movie "Stab." (This would explain why "Scream 4" states that Rodriguez directed "Stab.") However, there are also conflicting reports that director Wes Craven filmed the scenes for "Stab," and even some theories that both directors worked on the "Stab" scenes. To this day, the truth is unclear.

More trivia for Scream 2

Question: In the movie "Stab" it shows what is supposed to be reenacting Drew Barrymore's death and looks as if it is just like the one in the first film. But how could it be almost perfect if no one was there to see it?


Chosen answer: In real life, they'd have known there was a phone call involved. They would have known her boyfriend was killed. They could have easily pieced together that the killers played a cat and mouse game with the Drew Barrymore character. But that doesn't account for all the details. Anything else would be speculation. My speculation: Maybe Billy Loomis kept a diary.

K.C. Sierra

And rumor has it that Stu didn't die that he may still be alive.

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