Men in Black
Men in Black mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before the diner scene, where the two aliens are discussing the galaxy, we see the outside of the Russian restaurant. The neon sign says "haroshaya" meaning "good" all the way across the window, in the next shot inside the restaurant, the "ha", which looks like the English letters "xo", is gone and the sign is centered. (00:41:00)

Men in Black trivia picture

Trivia: At the end of the credits, instead of the usual "no animals were harmed in the making of this movie", the words "no aliens were harmed in the making of this movie" appear. (01:37:20)


Men in Black mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the truck gets smashed at the start, the tree beside the truck is well alight, but when the man comes out of the house, it is only a little alight. (00:12:40)


Men in Black mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Beatrice turns the sugar bowl over to dump the sugar into the glass, a barcode label and handwritten prop inventory number with the name 'Sony' can be seen on the bottom of the bowl. The film was made at Sony Pictures Studios. (00:15:15)

Men in Black mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Tommy Lee Jones shakes the dog asking him about the galaxy, right before they exit the car, you can see the cameraman's reflection in the shiny black door frame. (01:06:30)

Men in Black mistake picture

Factual error: When Tommy Lee Jones is looking at his wife on the computer, he had typed in Truro (in Cape Cod, Mass.), but when he zoomed in, it was on the lower cape; Truro is located on the upper cape near the tip. (00:58:40)

Men in Black mistake picture

Revealing mistake: There is a scene where Agent J is standing on a car and shoots the "Noisy Cricket" at the fleeing Edgar. The camera shot is from inside the car and just before Agent J crashes through the windshield, you see a precut area in the glass. (01:01:25)

Men in Black mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the cat in on the table in the diner, the word "ORION" on the cat's collar is in normal capitalized block lettering. But when the cat is on the table in the morgue, the word "ORION" is in calligraphy. Also, the colour of the cat's collar seems to change between these two points. (00:42:40 - 01:08:15)

Men in Black mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Will Smith and the other recruits are taking their written tests, the white table first appears to be situated between the second and third men from the left. When Smith goes to the table to pull it across the room, it is much further to the right of the scene. (00:24:25 - 00:26:35)

Men in Black mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: Before Kay erases the memories of the border patrol cops, he holds the neuralizer with his left hand while adjusting its knobs with his right hand. In the next shot, he's holding the neuralizer with his right hand.

Men in Black mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When J is going to use the neuralyzer on K, on J's lenses you can notice that K has been replaced with a white screen used for lighting.


Men in Black mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: The Bug pulls his new "Edgar Suit" skin back tight over his face and the wife faints. In the wide shot, he is still holding it back, but the head is completely normal. (00:15:30)

Movie Nut

Men in Black mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the jewelry store, when J chases the farmer, the boots behind him swap from standing to fallen between frames. (01:03:35)


Revealing mistake: When Will Smith throws a rock at the escaping Edgar alien, if you watch the rock after it hits the alien, it disappears after hitting the ground. (01:23:20)

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Large cop: If you were half the man I am... [Jay looks pointedly at policeman's stomach] I am half the man you are!

More quotes from Men in Black

Trivia: After reading the script with his wife, Barry Sonnenfeld (the director) turned to his wife and said "Tommy Lee Jones". She turned to him and said "Will Smith", and that is how they were cast. This is confirmed by Barry Sonnenfeld on the DVD commentary.


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Question: When we first see MIB headquarters, K says that the little destructive energy ball thing is "a little practical joke by the Great Attractor." As far as I can tell, the Great Attractor is just a gravitational anomaly, so how could it play practical jokes?

Answer: Yes, "the Great Attractor" can refer to a specific anomaly in the Centaurus Supercluster, but that is a far cry from saying that the term can only refer to that specific anomaly. It is completely possible for a high-tech prankster and/or performer to use the name "the Great Attractor." It's like saying "the Boss" when referring to Springsteen. The term means a manager over a group of people in a place of work, but he can still use it as a stage name.


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