Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the original 1980 version, in the first wideshot of Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, the light of a Star Destroyer can be seen on the right side just flying through space. This is fixed in the 2004 DVD release.

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When one of the stormtroopers unties Han Solo before he is put into the carbonite, watch his wardrobe - he has a disappearing / reappearing jacket on. This is fixed to an extent on the DVD - the jacket is now lightened to almost match his shirt, but it's still shiny like leather. (01:32:05)

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Suggested correction: It just looks like a jacket because it's a shadow.

That is incorrect. You can see the contrast between the jacket and the shirt, with the white collar of his shirt sticking out of the brown jacket.


The shadow isn't touching all of the shoulders, which gives the illusion that there is a jacket on him, but there isn't.

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Luke says to Yoda, "You want the impossible," Yoda's position jumps from the ground to a rocky boulder, where he then lifts Luke's X-Wing fighter from the swamp. (01:11:30 - 01:13:05)

Cubs Fan

Continuity mistake: After Boba Fett's ship, Slave 1, takes off, there's a close-up of Leia's face. In the background, Lando can be seen standing erect, putting his hands on his waist. In the next shot, he's crouching, with his hands in front of him. (01:39:25)

Continuity mistake: When Han, Leia and Lando are walking down the corridor to the room with 'refreshments' (aka Darth Vader), Han and Lando keep switching sides. (01:27:55)

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film, when the Millennium Falcon is trying to get away from Vader, there's the scene in which Vader asks the admiral if he disabled the hyperdrive on the Falcon. This scene is backwards, as you can tell by the insignia on the admiral's chest. Normally it should be on the left side of the chest, but in this scene, it is on the right side of his chest. This was fixed on the DVD re-release. (01:57:10)

Continuity mistake: When the AT-AT that Luke destroyed with a thermal detonator falls over, Luke is nowhere to be seen, even though he should be visible, judging from his position in the previous shot. (As noted in another mistake, the AT-AT is suddenly further away from him after he falls to the ground, but he is still to close to be out of shot when it falls over.). (00:31:45)

Continuity mistake: When Leia and Lando are holding off the stormtroopers while Chewbacca and the droids escape into the Millennium Falcon, a stormtrooper comes running through the doorway. You can see the burn mark on his armour before Lando shoots him. When the trooper is shot, another trooper comes running through the door, also with a burn mark on his armour. Then Leia shoots another (or perhaps the same) trooper, and the burn mark is once again there before the trooper is hit. (01:44:20)

Continuity mistake: After Luke crashes during the battle on Hoth , the AT-AT is far away from him and is moving rather slowly. A few shots later, the AT-AT stomps on his snowspeeder, but it was too far away from him in the previous shots to reach it that quickly. (00:29:55)

Continuity mistake: When Luke is doing a handstand and has the vision of Han and Leia, in the last close-up of him upside-down, his elbows are bent, but in the next shot, his arms are fully extended. (01:14:05)


Continuity mistake: When Vader and Luke are duelling on the catwalk over the chasm, Luke lies on his back after he falls. In the first shot, he is lying in front of the steps leading to the round part of the platform, but when he rolls sideways a few seconds later, he is lying on that part of the platform. (01:50:05)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Han first walks into the command center on Hoth, there's a shot of Leia looking at him. The shot has been flipped. This can be seen, for example, from that the men on either side of her have switched sides. (00:04:50)

Continuity mistake: After Vader cuts through the poles at the end of the duel, the burn marks keep changing size and appearance between shots. (01:50:25)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie when the Millennium Falcon is escaping from the TIE fighters we see some going after the Falcon then we see a shot of Vader looking at it - there are now no TIE fighters. They had no time to escape away. (01:57:45)


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Suggested correction: Actually, the TIE fighters are still there. They're just too small to see.

Continuity mistake: After Luke's hand gets cut off, in the wide shot where he first comes to a stop after going down the tunnel, you can see his hand. (01:47:55)

Continuity mistake: When Leia is briefing the Rebel pilots, some of the men behind her change position between shots. (00:24:00)

Continuity mistake: When Ben appears to the injured Luke (on Hoth), Luke is reaching out with his left hand calling, "Ben. Ben." As Han appears, Luke is found with his right arm reaching out. (00:13:35)

Lynette Carrington

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Han is frozen in carbonite, the outline of his shirt indicates that he is wearing a different shirt from when he was frozen. It isn't the shirt he's wearing after being unfrozen in "Return of the Jedi", it looks more like the shirt he was wearing in "Star Wars". (01:36:00 - 01:37:10)

Continuity mistake: Widescreen version: When Leia, Han, Chewbacca and C-3PO are first walking through Cloud City, as Han says to Lando, "You sound like a businessman", Chewbacca is walking behind Leia. In the next shot, he is ahead of her, and then seems to walk to the side to wait for her. In the following shot, he is behind her again. (01:18:45)

Continuity mistake: In the wideshot where Luke lets himself fall down the pit in Cloud City, Vader lowers his outstretched hand. In the following close-up, he lowers it again. (01:52:10)

Visible crew/equipment: When C-3PO is on the conveyor belt, if you look in the reflection in his head you can see the camera crew. (01:26:40)

More mistakes in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Yoda: Told you, I did. Reckless is he. Now, matters are worse.
Obi-Wan: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No. There is another.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Trivia: This was the only movie in the Star Wars series until Episode VII in 2015 without a scene on the planet Tattooine.


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Answer: The short, short answer to this is "Yes... from a certain point of view." The long answer is complicated and depends completely on what timeframe you mean by "always." If you're going back all the way to the early rough drafts of the early-mid 70s (which actually resemble Episode I more than they do the Star Wars of 1977), you'll find there's a cyborg father figure protagonist that makes a heroic sacrifice, and then another character that is a "black knight" villain that eventually turns to the side of good near the end. Just to make things more complicated, there is yet another character, a villain by the name of "Darth Vader" that is a human Imperial officer like Grand Moff Tarkin. It may be a stretch to count all that as "Darth Vader was always the father" but the pieces were all there, at least.


(1) Now the earliest explicit mention on any documented material that Darth Vader is Luke's father comes from notes Lucas made outlining the general story of the trilogy and its place in the larger Star Wars saga. These were found in the archives for The Empire Strikes Back, but they are undated and we don't know if they were written before Star Wars (1977) and carried forward, or if they were written afterward. These were found fairly recently (made public in 2010) and as far as I know Lucas has never commented publicly about them.


(3) One thing we know, at least, is that Lucas had come up with the idea of Darth Vader the father before starting work on The Empire Strikes Back. Something incredibly odd, though, is that the first draft written by Leigh Brackett does not feature the twist (and in fact introduces Anakin himself as a ghost); for a long time many fans took this as proof that Lucas hadn't thought of the idea at all by then, but after the series outline was discovered it was made apparent that Lucas simply hadn't told Brackett for some reason. Perhaps he wasn't sure yet that he wanted to go through with it, or maybe at that point he was thinking of revealing it in the third film. Either way, Lucas would write the second draft himself, and that's where the twist first appears in script form.


(2) Something that must be understood about Star Wars (1977) is that it was an ALTERNATIVE to his original plans of a saga. By then he didn't think it was realistic that he would be able to make a long series of many movies, so he came up with a "Plan B": he crammed the general story of the trilogy into one movie. So we know that when Star Wars (1977) was filming, Darth Vader was NOT Luke's father, because this one movie was IT, that was the whole story. But what we DON'T know, is whether that means Lucas had abandoned the idea of Vader being the father in order to simplify the story, or if Lucas simply hadn't thought of that at all just yet.


(2, cont.) On a side note, you can tell by watching Star Wars (1977) how it has condensed the story of the trilogy. The middle portion has the characters trying to escape capture from the Empire while one of them loses a duel with Darth Vader (like The Empire Strikes Back) and the third act is a final battle against the Death Star above a forest moon (like Return of the Jedi). The first act features a member of royalty on the run while a couple of protagonists find the main hero on a desert planet, resembling the original drafts and by extension Star Wars: Episode I. Because of this we've arguably never actually had a "pure" first chapter to the original trilogy, even though Lucas eventually had the film serve this purpose anyway.


Answer: Yes, however, he didn't want anyone to KNOW about it. In fact, the original script said "'Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.' 'He told me enough... he told me YOU killed him!' 'No, Obi-Wan killed your father'" Even Hamill was only told the real line just before shooting, so his reaction is somewhat natural.


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