Doctor Who

Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: When Rose is hanging onto the lever and beginning to lose her grip, in close-ups of her face her body is facing the other wall of the room, perpendicular to the floor. In shots showing her and her hands on the lever, her body and head are facing the floor. (00:35:55)

Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Audio problem: Mickey asks Rose why the Daleks are keeping them alive. When she responds, "They might need me," her mouth movements are not in sync with the words. (00:09:25)

Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: After Pete tells the Doctor that Mickey went ahead because he wanted to find Rose, the Doctor asks him if he knows that Rose is his daughter from a parallel universe. The problem is that in Pete's last scene in "The Age of Steel", the Doctor saw Rose call Pete "Dad", leading to Pete departing in a hurry. (00:15:05)

Army of Ghosts (1) - S2-E15

Continuity mistake: When Jackie enters the TARDIS and closes the door, it shuts completely - despite the fact that there's a cable running out the door to the device the Doctor set up to catch one of the ghosts. (00:12:45)

Fear Her - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: After the scribble creature has been analyzed and found to be made of graphite, the Doctor takes out a pencil and erases some of it to confirm this. The next time the graphite ball is seen, the erased area is gone. (00:14:35)

Doctor Who mistake picture

Fear Her - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor takes a swipe out of a jar of jam in Trish's kitchen and sticks his finger in his mouth, he only has his index finger in his mouth. The scene cuts to Rose giving him a "WTF" look, and when it cuts back to the Doctor he suddenly has two fingers in his mouth. (00:21:15)

Fear Her - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: When Rose grabs the drawing of the Doctor and the TARDIS from Chloe, the upper right corner is bent over rather sharply. In the close-up of the picture as Rose tells the Doctor she'll find a way to get him out of there, the paper is now only slightly wrinkled. (00:30:15)

Fear Her - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: When the Isolus leaves Chloe, in the shot facing Chloe where it says goodbye, Chloe's hand is raised to the wall, where the two were drawing a picture of the Earth. In the wide shot where the Isolus leaves Chloe's mouth, her arm is lowered. In the next close-up of Chloe, when she says "Mum?", her arm is raised again. (00:36:05)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Impossible Planet (1) - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: In shots of the base's Ood habitation area from above, the Ood are shown in four rows from left to right, with the Ood in the third row standing with their backs against the room's middle partition and the other rows sitting on benches. However, in a shot from inside the lower area when the Doctor and Rose first go to Ood habitation, the third row is shown sitting as well. Not until later in the episode, when Danny is ordering the Ood to remain in the room, is the third row shown standing again. (00:25:15)

The Impossible Planet (1) - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When the underground cavern is first shown, the descent pod is at the bottom of a pile of rubble up against the wall at the bottom of the drilled shaft. However, in the shot of the cavern shown when Ida says "My god, that's beautiful," the pod and pile of rubble is further away from the wall. (00:37:00)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Age of Steel (2) - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When Jake turns on the light in the cabinet with the Cyberman on the zeppelin's bridge, he's holding his handgun in his left hand. The scene cuts away to Mickey briefly, and when it cuts back to Jake his gun has jumped to his right hand. (00:24:30)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Girl in the Fireplace - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: For most of the scene where he's probing Reinette's mind to find out what the clockwork droids want with her, placing his hands on her temples, the Doctor's left hand is positioned with two fingers on either side of her ear. When he realises that she's seeing some of his memories, his ring finger has jumped to being in front of her ear, without him taking his hands from her head. (00:20:50)

The Pyramid at the End of the World - S10-E8

Continuity mistake: When Erica's eyeglasses get smashed, they're seen in a closeup inside her bag and the lens frame is cracked, but when she takes it out of her bag both lens frames are intact around the broken lenses. Also, when Erica takes the eyeglasses out of her bag she holds the eyeglasses' right temple in the closeup, but in the next shot it's the left temple being held up. (00:06:15)

Super Grover

School Reunion - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: During the Doctor and Sarah Jane's conversation in the café, when Sarah says that she missed him and he responds that she was getting on with her life, in a shot facing Sarah, the Doctor's hands are not visible repairing K9. In the next shot, facing him, his left hand is suddenly on the robot, in a position where it should have been visible in the preceding shot. (00:17:45)

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More trivia for Doctor Who

Season 1 generally

Question: 1. Why was Rose not allowed to touch her past self without creating a paradox and causing those creatures to appear and eat everyone, but Amy was allowed to touch her younger self without any repercussions? 2. Why was Rose able to have the time vortex in her head for a few minutes and it only knocked her unconscious whereas the Doctor had it inside him for about 30 seconds and it basically killed him and caused his regeneration?


Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.

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