Doctor Who

School Reunion - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When Mickey pulls the blanket off K9 and turns him on to ask if he has anything to get them inside the locked school, K9's right side panel is missing, exposing the wires and circuitry inside him. When he turns up in the cafeteria to help the others escape the Krillitanes, the missing panel has suddenly appeared. (00:34:10)

School Reunion - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When Sarah Jane breaks into the school, she has her purse with her. However, after she runs out of the hall with the headmaster's office after hearing some unsettling noises, it disappears, as she no longer has it when she finds the TARDIS hidden in a storage room off the gym.

New Earth - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Cassandra, after possessing Rose, is checking out her new body in a mirror, when she starts jiggling up and down, her right hand changes position between shots of her and shots of her reflection. (00:13:40)

New Earth - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Cassandra, possessing Rose, answers her phone, as Chip is telling her that Rose's accent is "Old Earth Cockney", she puts the phone to her ear twice. (00:14:55)

New Earth - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Cassandra reveals her presence to the Doctor, she starts off by turning him to face her, then pulling his tie out of his jacket with her right hand and tightening the knot with her left hand, in a shot facing him. In the next shot, facing her, she has her right hand holding the knot of the tie. Finally, just before Cassandra reveals her identity to the Doctor, shortly later, which hand is holding the tie changes again. (00:23:20)

New Earth - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Cassandra, possessing Rose, confronts the Doctor after he wakes up in one of the clone pods and tells him how she intends to kill him, her hand changes position between the shot from inside the pod, when she rests her hand on the front, and the next shot from outside the pod. (00:24:20)

The Christmas Invasion - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When the TARDIS crash-lands at the beginning, it comes to a halt in a corner of the Powell Estate's courtyard, by the garbage containers. Later, when Rose is watching through the window as blood-controlled people walk through the courtyard, the TARDIS has moved further out into the plaza. (00:23:05)

The Christmas Invasion - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of Rose and Jackie's conversation in the kitchen about the Doctor, Rose takes a piece of food out of the fridge. Moments later, when she rests her hand on the light switch by the door, it has vanished. At no point in the intervening time did she come anywhere near a spot where she could have put it down, and she didn't eat it either. (00:04:10)

The Christmas Invasion - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Mickey is explaining what pilotfish are, after looking it up on his computer, in most of the shots he's gesturing with his left hand, but there's one shot where he's using his right hand. (00:14:10)

The Christmas Invasion - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Daniel Llewellyn meets Harriet Jones, she pulls out her ID card when she introduces herself. The scene cuts to a shot of Llewellyn saying that he knows who she is, and when it cuts back to Harriet, the ID card has vanished without her making any movement to put it away. (00:16:10)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Parting of the Ways (2) - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the scene where Rose, Jackie and Mickey are in the restaurant, in the wide shot, Rose moves her left hand to the side of her head, while looking down with her head facing towards the other side of the table, which her elbow is resting on. In a close-up immediately afterwards, she's looking out the window with her hand to her face and her elbow resting on the windowsill. (00:18:50)

Doctor Who mistake picture

Bad Wolf (1) - S1-E12

Revealing mistake: When the Gamestation's transmissions are cut off by solar flares, there is a close-up of a screen going over to static. In the upper right corner, a box with "Play" written in it is visible, revealing the image on the screen as a video. (00:34:50)

Bad Wolf (1) - S1-E12

Other mistake: After Jack uses Davitch's information to complete the Controller's coordinates, the Doctor uses a remote to project a holographic, transparent screen of the location in question. The image shows Orion's Horsehead and Flame Nebulae. In a shot immediately afterwards, looking through the holo-screen back at the Doctor and company as he explains what's going on, the image of the nebulae is not mirror-reversed as it should be, but is the same orientation as in the previous shot. The kicker is that the image of the nebulae has been altered, as well: it's already been mirror-reversed - in the actual sky, the Flame is left of the Horsehead. (00:38:40)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Doctor Dances (2) - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor is looking at Rose's hands, turning them over repeatedly, while she's describing how she was hanging from a barrage balloon, there's one moment where her hands are turned palm-up in a shot facing her, but back-up in a shot facing him. (00:18:25)

The Empty Child (1) - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor meets Nancy, when she warns him not to answer the TARDIS' ringing (fake) door phone, in a shot facing her he's holding his jacket away from his chest, but in the next shot facing him that hand is empty. (00:06:55)

The Empty Child (1) - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: During the Doctor and Nancy's conversation at her hideout, in shots facing her there is a bright circle of light cast on the wall to her left, which her shadow partially overlaps. In shots facing the Doctor where both him and Nancy are visible, the circle is gone, and Nancy's hideout is noticeably more dimly lit. (00:23:15)

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Chosen answer: The Master knows that deep down, he deserves death for the crimes that he's committed throughout his life, and since he regards The Doctor as his arch-foe, he expects it to be at his hands. The fact that The Doctor is still willing to forgive him for all of his crimes hurts him more deeply than death would.

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