Doctor Who

The Girl Who Died - S9-E6

Deliberate mistake: In real life, Viking helmets didn't have horns on them, because it would be a liability in combat. The horns were actually for drinking. The Vikings in this episode were given horns anyway, because the writers didn't feel it was worth having to include an explanation of hornless helmets to a general audience.

Under the Lake - S9-E4

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor is listing questions about what exactly the ghosts are, he goes from gesturing with his left hand in the close-up to gesturing with his right in the wide shot. (00:17:17)

Under the Lake - S9-E4

Audio problem: Shortly after arriving at the Drum and taking shelter in the Faraday cage, when the Doctor is looking out the window in the door at the ghosts, he says "What are you?" His jaw doesn't move.

Death in Heaven - S8-E12

Continuity mistake: During the early scene with the Cybermen outside St Paul's, when Missy pulls out her phone/disintegrator weapon and shows the Doctor pictures of the Cybermen going viral all over the planet, and when she prepares to take a picture of the two of them, her grip on the device, as well as which hand she's holding it in, keeps changing between shots. (00:03:00)

Death in Heaven - S8-E12

Continuity mistake: When Missy orders her Cybermen to blow up the plane and kill some Belgians, her control bracelet is missing from her wrist in one shot. (00:33:54)

Flatline - S8-E9

Factual error: After PC Forrest is killed by the Boneless, her nervous system is flattened and displayed on the wall, appearing as a mural. However, there are far too many nerves around where her liver would have been and not nearly enough around her brain.

The Caretaker - S8-E6

Continuity mistake: When Courtney comes into The Caretaker's room in search of paper towels, there is a "keep out" sign (reading "Go Away Humans") hanging in the window of the inner door. When the Doctor is talking to her just before she leaves, the sign is missing. Over the course of the rest of the episode, the sign proceeds to appear and disappear a few more times. (00:15:50)

Doctor Who mistake picture

Time Heist - S8-E5

Continuity mistake: Near the end, when the Doctor and Clara are standing by the TARDIS on the planet they took the Teller and its mate to, Clara's hands go from touching the buttons on her jacket to loosely clasped lower down. In the third shot of her, they return to the first position. (00:44:28)

Death in Heaven - S8-E12

Revealing mistake: During the sequence where the Cyber-clouds covering Earth are burned away, there is a shot showing the clouds burning over the Sydney Opera House. The shot is, very obviously, a still image to which CGI of the burning sky has been added, with extremely unconvincing results. (00:47:37)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16

Continuity mistake: After Clara enters the Doctors' cell, and they're talking about how the door was unlocked, shots inside the cell show the door about halfway closed, while a shot from outside looking into the cell shows the door wide open. (00:45:25)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16

Continuity mistake: During the scene in the barn where the three Doctors have their hands on the button, when Eleven notices Clara crying and asks her what's wrong, the Doctors' hands go from stacked on top of each other on the button to only touching it with their fingers. (01:02:40)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Name of the Doctor - S7-E15

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor is talking to River just before entering his own timeline to rescue Clara, in the shots facing him, the glowing column representing his timeline is not visible, despite the fact that a wide shot reveals he's standing right in front of it. (00:39:25 - 00:40:04)

The Runaway Bride - S3-E14

Factual error: During the chase on the motorway, many deciduous trees sporting lush green leaves can be seen in the background, in sharp defiance of the fact that it's supposed to be Christmas Eve and their branches should be bare. In addition, despite having chosen to wear a sleeveless wedding dress, Donna is remarkably unbothered by the fact that it should be fairly brisk outside, probably somewhere around freezing.

The Crimson Horror - S7-E13

Other mistake: When Mr. Thursday goes to see Vastra, to hire her to investigate his brother's death, he doesn't see her face (she's a Silurian "lizard woman from the dawn of time") until she lifts her veil to take a closer look at a photograph he brought her, upon which he faints. However, Vastra's veil is quite see-through, enough that her non-human appearance is obvious to the audience even before she lifts it. The same thing happens when she goes to visit the coroner later - although he doesn't faint.

Doctor Who mistake picture

Hide - S7-E11

Continuity mistake: When Clara draws the Doctor's attention to the vision of a forest appearing in the archway, the candelabra she is holding has two candles in it, with the third hole empty. Moments later, after the apparition has disappeared, there are now three candles in it. (00:15:30)

The Satan Pit (2) - S2-E12

Doctor: So, that's the trap. Or the test or the final judgment, I don't know. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies, in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils, that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods - out of all that - out of that whole pantheon - if I believe in one thing... Just one thing... I believe in her.

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Midnight - S4-E10

Question: Is there any information on the entity shown in "Midnight?" It seems interesting enough to have some depth to it. It seemed to be bad in nature. It also seems to have been exactly what the woman that was possessed was afraid of.


Chosen answer: No, no information is avalible for the identity of the entity.


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