Doctor Who

Hide - S7-E11

Continuity mistake: For most of the episode, there is a thunderstorm going on at Caliburn House. However, when the TARDIS is seen dematerializing and rematerializing when the Doctor and Clara go to take pictures of the ghost throughout time, it's dry in the grove where it was parked. The first time is especially noticeable, as moments later we are shown Professor Palmer and Emma looking through a rain-spattered window, commenting on the noise of the TARDIS' engines.

Deep Breath - S8-E1

Revealing mistake: After the clockwork droids shut down, when the ones in the restaurant basement start falling over, the extended blade of one of the toppling droids flops about like rubber. (01:08:15)

Deep Breath - S8-E1

Continuity mistake: Vastra hands the police inspector a bag of sonic lanterns, to be used to contain the T. Rex. In the next shot, looking at the TARDIS on the riverbank, he's not holding it. (00:02:15)

Doctor Who mistake picture

Into the Dalek - S8-E2

Continuity mistake: During Clara's first conversation with Danny, the folders in her hands are unmarked in close-ups, but have labels on them in wide shots. In addition, the folders and newspaper she's holding keep changing position between shots. (00:07:30 - 00:08:26)

Doctor Who mistake picture

Listen - S8-E4

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor shows Clara the "listen" written on one of his blackboards, the handwriting is different to when it was first shown. (00:07:07)

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Clara are sitting at their table on the balcony, talking, the level of Clara's mostly-finished milkshake changes several times, most noticeably when she and the Doctor are arguing over who is going to use her computer to hack the bad guys' systems. (00:31:00)

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Clara, while seated at their table on the balcony, are arguing over who has the better hacking skills while pulling her computer back and forth, in overhead shots their table is somewhere in the middle of the balcony. This contrasts with all other shots, which show their table right next to the railing. (00:31:16)

The Snowmen - S7-E7

Revealing mistake: When the Doctor and Vastra are on the TARDIS talking about Clara's injuries, and he says that he thinks for once the universe owes him one, he pulls some switches on the console. If you pay attention, you'll notice that the console wobbles slightly as he does so. (00:49:48)

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8

Revealing mistake: During the sequence where Clara sets foot on the TARDIS for the first time, and she and the Doctor then stop the plane from crashing, there are some shots which make it fairly obvious that the mug of tea she's carrying is empty. (00:25:35)

A Town Called Mercy - S7-E4

Continuity mistake: During the sequence involving Rory and Isaac leaving town with the latter disguised as Kahler-Jex in order to distract the Gunslinger so the Doctor can get back to the TARDIS, parked somewhere outside of Mercy, only to find Jex's ship instead, while Amy and Jex wait back at the sheriff's office, the Sun changes position several times, as do the shadows cast as a result. Most noticeably, when the Doctor finds the cable running from Jex's ship to town, the Sun is quite low, as if close to sunset - while appearing high, as if closer to midday, in the scenes of Rory and Isaac distracting the Gunslinger taking place at the same time. During the scenes of the Doctor finding Jex's ship and Amy and Jex in town, it is also earlier in the day. (00:10:50 - 00:17:17)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Snowmen - S7-E7

Continuity mistake: While confronting Dr. Simeon in an alleyway, when Vastra picks up some snow and remarks about how interesting it is, the fingers of the hand she's holding the snow with change from being extended to curled up and back again between shots. (00:08:58)

The Power of Three - S7-E5

Revealing mistake: When Brian is woken up by the cube he was watching suddenly moving, the cube is obviously not lying flat on the table surface, being slightly tilted up in order to make room for the device being used to make it spin. (00:16:41)

The Power of Three - S7-E5

Continuity mistake: When Rory finds his dad on the spaceship, Brian is lying on a gurney next to the two farthest slabs, which are empty. When Amy and the Doctor come through the portal to the spaceship, Brian's gurney is between the two closest slabs, with Rory lying on the closest one, which previously had a completely different person lying on it. (00:35:05)

A Town Called Mercy - S7-E4

Factual error: During the standoff after the Doctor forces Jex over the town's boundary line, Amy manages to make a revolver accidentally fire off twice in a row. Revolvers like that need to be cocked between each firing, which didn't happen the second time. (00:23:54)

Doctor Who mistake picture

A Town Called Mercy - S7-E4

Continuity mistake: When Amy's holding a revolver while arguing with the Doctor, just before she accidentally fires it a second time, she goes from holding it pointed to her right to holding it pointing to the ground in front of her between shots. (00:23:53)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Wedding of River Song - S6-E14

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor compares Amy's inaccurate drawing of Rory to the real deal and laughs, in a shot facing Rory the Doctor is shown lowering the picture, than in the next shot facing the Doctor he still has the picture raised. In addition, his grip on the paper changes from holding the bottom of the page to the side, and it also switches hands. (00:23:33)

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Midnight - S4-E10

Question: Is there any information on the entity shown in "Midnight?" It seems interesting enough to have some depth to it. It seemed to be bad in nature. It also seems to have been exactly what the woman that was possessed was afraid of.


Chosen answer: No, no information is avalible for the identity of the entity.


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