Question: How did all the characters trapped in the compartments managed to be freed from the flood control barriers? The footage of that happening is never shown.
Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When Lee is fighting all the henchmen on the scaffolds at the beginning of the movie, when he ties one of them up using laundry that was hanging. He apologized to the man and his wife, what did the man say back?
The Santa in the Slush - S3-E9
Question: So from my understanding the Santa that died caught and confronted the Santa that is the pick pocket? They fought and the nice Santa does but then, how does the money from the pick pocket end up in dead Santa's apartment?
Question: Where were the cans for fuel for the automobiles?
Question: I know Evan wanted to take responsibility for lying about being friends with Connor, but wouldn't everyone hating him and giving him nasty looks make him more suicidal?
Question: Why did the CIA want Lark to break Lane out?
Question: What sweatshirt is Maggie Peyton wearing while she's rescuing Herbie?
Question: In Robocop 2, Robocop electrocutes himself to remove all the ridiculous directives he was given. When he came back online, even his original prime directives were gone. In this movie he was given his first three prime directives back but, why would the fourth prime directive be reinstalled?
Question: Kevin is wearing a T-shirt that says "Long Island" with some sort of mascot on it. At first I thought it was Dumbo with the big ears, but it looks like a mouse with a hat on (I'm assuming those are whiskers and not 6 legs of an insect.) What is this animal suppose to be? A character or mascot from some show, team, restaurant, etc? Or just a silly shirt with a random silly animal? Has anyone seen it sold anywhere?
Question: What phone was used by Nicolas Cage while in the car towards the end? (01:47:10 - 01:49:31)
Question: Right after ET's death scene we see the people in the suits taking some weird cone things out of the house. What was it they were taking out in the cones?
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