Jacob La Cour

16th Jan 2008

Basic Instinct (1992)

Corrected entry: Where does the first cigarette Tremell smokes during the interrogation go? There is no ashtray and it's not on the floor - which you see quite a few minutes later.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Unless you can see the ENTIRE floor (which you can't in the scene) you can't say it's not there.

Corrected entry: Q asks Bond to whistle the first bars of Rule Britannia. The part he whistles matches the words 'Rule Britannia'. But the first words of that song are 'When Britain first at Heaven's command'.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Bond whistles the first bars of the chorus, as most people would. It's the well-known part, and clearly what Q intended, as it works.


13th Jan 2008

Live and Let Die (1973)

Corrected entry: Where did Bond get a full deck of 'The Lovers'? I've never seen a place where you could buy a full deck of the same card. And it is even the exact same type of cards as the ones Solitaire uses. Tarot cards comes in a lot of different types.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Yes, but most stores buy in bulk, and therefore have loads of exactly similar decks on the shelves. Bond could simply buy several decks of tarot cards at the same store, remove the Lovers card from each deck and put together a stack of identical cards. Expensive, but it's not like Bond could not afford it.


12th Jan 2008

Thunderball (1965)

Corrected entry: Two Vulcans left the airbase together. They would have flown together as well. Where did the other go? Why didn't it follow the other plane when it got in trouble - and reported where it had gone to?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: It's not odd to think the Vulcans separated at some waypoint in the flight for simulated bombing runs or as practice for some sort of decoy maneuver and were to return at different times.

Grumpy Scot

Spot on. The Vulcans were nuclear armed. There's no point having 2 aircraft drop a nuclear bomb on the same target.


Correction: No it was standard procedure to have multiple bombers, missile silos and subs go after the same target. That's so if the primary aircraft is shot down etc. another would take its place, it's called target redundancy.

Corrected entry: When McClane drives the truck into the computer control room, he smashes into the Thai goon with high speed, and then slams her into a wall. Her legs would have been crushed by that impact, but she's not hurt at all, and we see her moving her legs around with ease when she's trying to climb up the truck.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: If you look closely, she does not actually hit the wall. The truck slams into an elevator shaft, and the rear of the truch gets stuck and stops it just short of the front end slamming into the opposite wall.


Corrected entry: When Bond and Largo are playing Domination - in the round about the US - Bond is in pain even before he has lost. But the shock only came when a player lost.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: No, the pain comes gradually as the game goes on. The reason Bond lost the first game was because he wasn't expecting the shock and instinctively let go when he felt it (which cost him the game); the second time he loses, it was because he got nuked, and Largo clearly explained that's an automatic loss for the player. If you recall in the fourth and final game, Largo is also in pain before he loses, so it's obvious that the player doesn't feel pain only when they lose.

10th Sep 2007

Goldfinger (1964)

Corrected entry: After Goldfinger has lost the card game, Bond is looking at his face in the binocular. We see Goldfingers' hands when he snaps the pencil. How did Bond know to turn the binocular from Goldfinger's face to his hands in that exact second?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Artistic licence, not a mistake.


Corrected entry: McClane's daughter is caught in the lift of a high rise when the power turns off. When she is rescued she is - minutes later - at the main computer facility outside of Baltimore. How did she get there so fast? She lived in Jersey close to NYC.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The film doesn't at any point say that Lucy was in her home town, she could easily have happened to be near by, or near enough for her to be flown quickly by helicopter.


The goon who got her out of the elevator said he was with the FBI Jersey office.

18th Jun 2007

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Corrected entry: When McClane is about to attach the church he notes that the guard is walking over his own footsteps. But there are some cars between him and the church so he can't see the guard's feet.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: He is just pointing out that the guard is walking back and forth, like he is guarding something or on an outlook, not that the guard literally is walking over his own footsteps.


Corrected entry: When back in 1985 Marty's mom asks if this is the night for the big date, Marty answers "How can I go to the lake when the car is wrecked?" His family reacts by going out and checking George's BMW. Seconds later we see that Marty has his own truck - shouldn't they have been checking on that instead? And if it's because he talks about the car (i.e. the BMW) instead of the truck, they should have wondered why he was going to take his fathers BMW up to the lake instead of his truck.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They're probably used to hearing Marty refer to the truck as "the truck," whereas George's car is "the car." Once they heard Marty say the car was wrecked, they didn't have time to think logically and conclude, well, the car may be wrecked but you're taking the truck. More likely they were startled and wanted to go check on the car right away to find out what Marty was talking about.

K.C. Sierra

29th Jan 2007

Misery (1990)

Corrected entry: Annie's hearing must be extremely good and she must be extremely fast so that she can hear the sheriff's car so far away, grab the syringe and run to Sheldon's room before the car has reached the house.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Well, she lives out in the middle of nowhere. Cars don't come by all that often, I'm sure. You tend to notice things like that when they rarely happen. Having lived in the country, I know this for a fact.


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