Jacob La Cour

Corrected entry: When Stromberg's secretary is eaten by the shark, the video picture shown on Stromberg's screen is very close to her, however she is in the middle of the pool. Where is that automatic underwater camera placed?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Zoom lens.


17th Jun 2007

Grindhouse (2007)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of Death Proof when the three girls are driving in the car and talking, when cutting from one angle to another the background changes so much that it is obvious the car is not on the same stretch of road. At one time the view from one side of the car shows that the car is on a bridge, while on the other sides there are parked cars in drive ways.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: This was done intentionally as an homage to the drive in movies of the 70's, which were often very low budget, and had things like this happening all the time. As you said, it is so obvious it is not the same stretch of road, not only does the bridge come and go, but the buildings go from urban, to suburban, residential to commercial districts repeatedly. Since it was done intentionally, it can't be considered a mistake. The grainy film, jumps and skips during dialogue, and a whole scene cut out was also done intentionally for the same reason.

13th Jul 2008

Dr. No (1962)

Corrected entry: When crawling in the pipes at Dr. No's, why is Bond's T-shirt torn? He was beaten up by the guards, but a T-shirt doesn't get torn sleeves from a guy getting beaten up.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: He could have torn it any number of ways, including while crawling in the pipes.


27th Jan 2007

Misery (1990)

Corrected entry: A shotgun does not tear a large hole right through the body of a man - like when Annies shoots the sheriff. Not even at close range.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The wound doesn't go through his whole body; they only show the wound when he falls foward and when they do show it, it's on his back.

It does go through, blows a hole out of the front of his leather coat, then he falls forward, showing the entry wound on his back.

Corrected entry: When Indy whips the red hot poker out of the Nazi's hand, it is glowing brightly. But when it lands next to the curtain, the color is much darker.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: A red hot poker will cool quickly when exposed to cold air, and darken in colour.

28th Dec 2006

Rocky Balboa (2006)

Corrected entry: In the first round of the boxing match it is obvious that Tarver does not hit Stallone, but only gets close and then a sound effect signifies the punch. The sound is the same every time, and Stallone doesn't move like he would have if he'd been hit. Later in the fight the punches look more realistic.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Most if not all of the punches thrown are real. Sly stated this in the commentary and also you see it in the "making of" video. He wanted to make it as real as possible.

Corrected entry: Why is there a sea of petroleum below Venice - and how can it be below the water line? (The basement is deeper than the distance from the surface of the ground to the surface of the water in the next scene).

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Petroleum has seeped into the sewer/catacomb system and is just floating on the surface of the water. It being below the water line is a simple matter of the basement being sealed off from the surrounding water.


Corrected entry: How can the transparent course map showing the tracking of the Ranger, which (apparently) has been sent by Stromberg's secretary, have exactly the same proportions as the secret course computer on the British naval base? It couldn't have been stolen from that computer - at the base - since Stromberg only had a submarine tracking system - not a hacking satellite.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: It could be a coincidence that the two course maps are approximately the same size, or, more likely, the Ministry or Defense received the course plot and enlarged it to fit the screen in the Naval Control Room.

Corrected entry: When walking towards the temple in the opening scene, Indy finds an arrow in a tree. His helper tastes the poison and says, 'Poison's still fresh. Three days.' The other guy says, 'They are following us'. Well, if they were following them, how could they be ahead of them? And if Indy arrived by plane - and has a pilot sitting and waiting - how could a three day old arrow be a sign that the Indians were following them?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: It's just been three days since that arrow was made, meaning it hasn't been sitting in the tree for fifteen years and finding it was mere coincidence. If the poison was fresh to the day then it would likely come from natives who just happened to be in the area hunting. Since it's three days old, that tells us someone had to do some hunting while traveling a great distance with a ready-made supply of ammunition. Why else, and in that particular area at that particular time, but to keep track of our hero?


Corrected entry: When Indy leaves the temple with the gold idol, his 'helper' is found killed by spears. But he is on the same side of the room as the spears. How could they have come out of the wall - penetrating him - and still be on that side of the room. He would have had to have been walking very close to the wall - and the spears would have had to come with an immense force to penetrate him while standing.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They did come out with an immense force... just as they did with Forrestal.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: The commandos going to blow up the bridge are covered in black tar (or paint) when they are finished setting the charges. But in the morning they are almost clean.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: You don't think they would make cleaning their night camouflage off their faces an urgent priority, to stop the Japanese guards identifying them? They have hours to wash their faces.

Corrected entry: The Joneses leave Berlin in the Zeppeliner. After supposedly no more than 1-2 hours flight they escape in a biplane and crash after a few minutes. Nevertheless they have reached the Mediterrenean. That would have taken a lot longer.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: We do not know how long the Zeppelin was under way when the Jones's escape with the biplane. It might actually have been four to five hours - there's no real indicator of the passed time.

Corrected entry: Indy is surprised by finding Jack's pet snake in the plane. But how could he not have noticed it on the flight into the forest?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The snake presumably wasn't in Indy's part of the plane when they flew in and has simply moved while the plane was stationary and waiting for Indy to return.


8th Jul 2006

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: At the briefing meeting where Nick tells that Godzilla is pregnant, some guy says "I think we should watch this" just when a news flash is starting - the one with the secret tape. How could he know that THIS news flash was so important?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Obviously he doesn't KNOW, but as it IS a "news flash", it just might be important. Hardly odd unless we see him ignore every 'news flash' before and after.


8th Jul 2006

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Godzilla arrives in NYC the fisherman has thrown out his little line. Apparantly Godzilla catches it. However when Godzilla starts to race towards the bridge, she is several hundreds of meters away. How could she get hold of the line?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: I had a similar thought when I saw the pole yank AWAY from the dock, then Godzilla swarm TOWARD the dock. The answer to both is that Godzilla was passing very near the dock and caught the hook as she turned away from the dock, pulling the pole away. Then she reversed direction and charged the dock. This scenario negates both mistakes.


25th Nov 2006

Casino Royale (2006)

Corrected entry: When Bond drinks the drugged Martini, he more or less bottoms-up the glass. But when he looks at the glass after feeling the drug it is at least half full.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: I've re-watched that scene, and Bond only takes a small sip.

Cubs Fan

Corrected entry: The President's book said that Borglum had been asked to cover the clues at the Black Hills - which lead to Mount Rushmore. But the sign in the Black Hills - the bird - had not been covered. Had Borglum cut the wrong rock - or what?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: It had been "covered" to the extent that a) the rock had to be wet to reveal the picture, and b) you had to know what it meant. Borglum had simply decided that people would be less than likely to venture into the hills while it was raining, and if they did, and saw the bird, no-one would know that it was a secret entrance to a treasure trove.


Corrected entry: The wheel of Bond's car is cutting no more than 4-5 cm into the ice. Nevertheless the ice cut is 15-20 cm deep. And it's not just broken off by the weight of the police car. It is a totally clean cut, so the ice was cut with a tool which reached deep into the ice.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Your conclusion is based on your knowledge of how the filmmakers produced the cut in the ice. The reality is that lake ice is treacherous and is strongest near the surface. Bond makes a cut on the surface of the ice, so the ice is weakened along this cut line. Add the weight of a car on top, and absolutely the ice might give, and cleanly at that.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: We see a lot of cars crashing into each other, among others a brand new Audi driving off a roof and falling both on its back and on its roof - but not ONE airbag is deployed.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Airbags are to deploy on a frontal impact, some newer cars with side curtain airbags can deploy if t-boned, but most are only for a frontal impact. I have seen airbags deploy when a person hit a curb at walking speed, I have also seen airbags NOT deploy when hit at an angle from the side. Most cars have the airbag sensor in the front bumper, and if not hit in that spot, they won't deploy. Also, some vehicles have an airbag defeat switch to deactivate if the owner wants. Rear end collisions usually DON'T deploy airbags, and I've even seen rollovers with no deployment. It's unlikely, but not impossible that the airbags didn't deploy.

31st Jan 2008

Die Another Day (2002)

Corrected entry: When Miranda turns against Bond he fires his gun twice - but it clicks. An automatic wouldn't click twice since the hammer is only jacked back by the recoil from the previous shot.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The Walther P99 that Bond uses is both a single action and a double action pistol. This means that the hammer does not have to be cocked before every trigger pull. In double action mode, each time the trigger is pulled the hammer is cocked and then fired. This is exactly what happens with Bond. He pulled the trigger and nothing happened. He then pulled the trigger again to confirm. I used to have a P99 and if there is no bullet chambered then it works exactly the way Bond used it.


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