The Springfield Files - S8-E10
Corrected entry: The mysterious figure in the background of the lie-detector scene is the Cigarette-Smoking Man, the arch-nemesis of the two FBI agents from The X-Files.
The Springfield Files - S8-E10
Corrected entry: Mulder and Scully refer to the alien as a UFO (meaning unidentified flying object) yet said alien never actually flies.
Correction: Character mistake, not a television show mistake.
The Springfield Files - S8-E10
Corrected entry: After Homer comes in contact with the alien and he's reporting the sighting to Police Chief Wiggum, he says "And the alien appears every friday night." How could he know that if he only saw the alien once?
Correction: Homer doesn't know this; he is just making a very rash assumption about the alien sightings.
The Springfield Files - S8-E10
Corrected entry: Homer is at a stall which is selling T-shirts. He discovers that they had sold out of 'Homer is a dope' T-shirts. After Marge promotes this shirt to Homer, with all it's good points, Homer turns to buy 10 of them - we see the man accepting the money - But they have sold out, remember.
Correction: Actually, the man selling the shirts doesn't accept any cash, as Homer didn't offer him any. Homer turns around and says "I'll buy 2", then it's a different shot. This is basically there to show off Homer's stupidity.
The Springfield Files - S8-E10
Corrected entry: How is Homer supposed to know that Santa's Little Helper's birthday is the same day as his, when he picked him up at the race track?
Correction: When someone adopts a pet, the dog's birthdate is given in the accompanying papers which also lists the shots, when they were given, and if the pet is spayed or neutered. Even though Homer picks up Santa's Little Helper at the race track, the owners have to know how old their dogs are in order to see how long they can race (over their lifespan), and when they need to administer shots and any other medications to the dogs.
Correction: Bit too obvious to be trivia.