For Your Eyes Only

Other mistake: General Gogol's helicopter has Polish civilian markings, SP-(3 letters), repainted so they would resemble Soviet ones. However, Soviet markings were CCCP-(5 digits). When Gogol comes out of the helicopter, the manufacturer's logo (PZL-&346;widnik) is visible over his shoulder.

Continuity mistake: When Melina is going to see her killed parents, they don't have blood on them but the shot later, her father has blood everywhere.

Dr Wilson

For Your Eyes Only mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Bond kills the henchman on the cliff, when he falls off for a split second you can see the rigging and framework from the studio set showing that bit was done in the studio.

Revealing mistake: Bond kills Locque by pushing him over a cliff in the Mercedes. When the wrecked car finally comes to a halt upside down at the bottom of the cliff you can see that the running gear and engine of the Mercedes have been removed and the wheels are simply held on with 2 straight beams (it is a different car altogether, just a shell with wheels).

Continuity mistake: The damage to the yellow Citröen 2CV appears / disappears between shots, especially after exiting the village and rolling down a hill. For example both of the headlights get knocked out, then the reflector reappears shortly afterwards.


Factual error: There's no way Kristatos' thug in the diving hardsuit could have the maneuverability to get inside the wreck and move around in such close quarters. Diving hardsuits aren't made for shipwreck diving.


Continuity mistake: When Bond orders his meal at the table during the dinner scene with Kristatos at the Casino, he closes his menu after placing his order. In the next shot, the menu has suddenly re-opened.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, the scene at the monastery where Kristatos is about to leave, there is a shot of Bibi Dahl with braided hair. Later in the scene, her braid has disappeared.

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Melina are in the shipwreck, underwater, and the guy inside the robot attacks, look at the Atac(when the robot man grabs it from Bond) and the scuba gears - they are wet but not like being underwater.

Character mistake: At the boat where Bond talks with Colombo for the first time, Colombo has to convince Bond that Kristatos is the bad guy. Colombo takes two drinks and wants to toast with Bond. Bond will trust Colombo and says, 'Yassou' which means 'Hello' instead of what he should say, 'Jamas' which means 'Cheers'.

Vince van Riet

Continuity mistake: When James is being chased by Eric the skiing expert he gets a ski pole shot out of his hand. He escapes by getting in an elevator going to the top of the ski jump. As he is going down the jump a guy bumps into him - James is only able to stay up because he has both poles again.

Continuity mistake: After Bond destroys the computer the left lapel on Milos' coat swaps between raised or folded between shots.


Revealing mistake: When the camera is behind Claus while he is chasing Bond and Lisl on the beach in his buggy, it is not Charles Dance who is driving, but a stuntman wearing a blonde wig.

Audio problem: When Bond and Lisl are drinking champagne, Lisl says "Cheers" and Bond says, "Bottoms up", but his mouth does not move when he says it.

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Suggested correction: His mouth does move, just not animatedly. Need Blu-ray to see it properly.


Revealing mistake: When Bond is pursued by the two motorcyclists, he wedges his ski-pole between the two trees. If you look at the tree trunk on the left, you can see a small wooden shelf to hold the pole.

For Your Eyes Only mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The escape scene from Gonzalez's villa. Bond uses a sun umbrella as a parachute. The camera shows Bond jumping, under the opened umbrella. At that point, the umbrella canopy doesn't have any bullet holes in it. Bond reaches the ground, lets go of the umbrella and runs. The camera cuts to the guard on the ledge above about to fire at the umbrella. He hasn't yet fired any bullets, but in the next shot there are suddenly already bullet holes in the canopy before the guard actually begins firing.


Visible crew/equipment: During the car chase the black car rolls down the hill - at the bottom a guy is in the trees.

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Suggested correction: There are two crew members visible, one in a blue shirt behind the car, one about 10 feet further down the hill in a black shirt.

Continuity mistake: When Bibi is in bed in her hotel room, she pats the pillow next to her and she has one arm on the pillow and one arm on the bedsheet, but when we cut to a long shot, she has both arms behind her, and when Bond puts her clothes in front of her on the bed, Bibi now has both arms on the bedsheet.

Revealing mistake: When Bond hits the guard with the pole of the Parasol whilst trying to escape from Gonzales' villa, the guard reacts to being hit with the pole before it comes into contact with him.

James Bond: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Q: That's putting it mildly, 007.

More quotes from For Your Eyes Only

Trivia: British model Caroline Cossey, who appeared as one of the women in the film, was revealed after the film to be a transsexual. She was born a man.

More trivia for For Your Eyes Only

Question: Is this the only Bond film that features any references to Tracy Bond (other than the given "On Her Majesty's...")?

Answer: It's mentioned he was married in The Spy Who Loved Me and Licence to Kill.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: It is also vaguely alluded to in The World is Not Enough. When Electra asks Bond, "tell me, Mr. Bond, ha- have you ever lost a loved one." And it's written all over his face, so to speak.

Alan Keddie

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