For Your Eyes Only

Factual error: One submission stated that when the Cuban hitman is killed with the arrow from Melina's crossbow, it goes in his back when it should have gone in his side. The corrector stated that we have no idea what angle she was firing from. Well, it is clear that she was standing at the left side of the pool (since we get a point of view shot from her) when he's about to dive in, and she shoots from there. She couldn't have got behind him that fast. So there is no way she could have got him squarely in the back.

Gavin Jackson

Deliberate mistake: After Bond has killed the guard on the cliff, his final carabiner is shown sliding away. But the gravel it dislodges is falling noticeably faster than gravity would take it, indicating that the clip has been sped up for dramatic reasons.

Factual error: When Bond kills the guard who is trying to dislodge his pitons, the length that he fell would've left nothing but a big bloody mess. All he has is what looks like a few cuts and bruises.

Revealing mistake: When Bond attacks the ice hockey player in yellow with his stick during the fight at the hockey rink, you can see the player reacts to being hit just before the stick makes contact.

Factual error: The machine gun set up on the motorbike wouldn't work. The bullets wouldn't be able to be fired out of the indicator lights as the lights are too small and there is no firing mechanism fitted to them.

Character mistake: In the ice-hockey scene Bibi says: "They say that he is a defector from East Germany." That fits very poorly with the statement during the biathlon scene, where he is referred to as "The East German Champion".

Jacob La Cour

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Suggested correction: Bibi doesn't say "He's a defector from East Germany", she says "They say he's going to defect from East Germany." In other words, she's talking about rumours regarding an event that hasn't happened yet, and may not even happen.


Revealing mistake: When Locque kills Countess Lisl by running her over in his dune buggy, look in the cockpit and you can see that the driver is not Michael Gothard but his stunt double.

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Bond shoots Locque's car window and the car is hanging over the edge of the cliff, Locque puts his hand on the door when the car starts to fall, but in the next shot when Bond kicks the car over the cliff, his hand is no longer on the door.

Factual error: After Bond and Melina's car flies over an olive field, the Spanish villagers cry out in Italian. This is due because it was shot in the Greek island of Corfu, which has strong Italian bonds and culture.


Continuity mistake: When Bond is fighting the diver over the ATAC, Bond is holding onto it with his left hand. The diver then sends Bond crashing through a glass window, and when it cuts to the next shot, Bond is now holding onto the ATAC with his right hand.

Continuity mistake: As Columbo is chasing Kristatos up to the helicopter at the end of the film, he grabs his foot twice as they fall up the stairs in continuing shots.


Revealing mistake: Kristatos wants to run over Bond and Melina by boat, after he took the Atac. Bond and the girl swim to the sea floor, waiting till Kristatos is gone. You can see the (shadow of) the anchor hanging on the left side of the ship. But in the previous scene, you will notice the anchor is in the middle, on deck! And second: these kind of (speed)boats do not have an anchor attached below the water line, because it will reduce the speed. Conclusion: the underwater scene is fake.

Vince van Riet

Audio problem: When Colombo pulls out Bond's gun it makes a noise like the top is pulled back. But he takes it out with one hand, and the hammer has not been pulled back. Even if he pulled back the hammer with a finger (which he doesn't) it wouldn't make that sound.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Bond is climbing up to the mountaintop fortress, he hammers in pitons as he goes up. But when he falls down, the three pitons are all level.

Continuity mistake: In the identification room Bond and Q both have their jackets on, but when Sharon comes in with the tea they both have their jackets off.

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Suggested correction: This is a way of showing that time has passed and they have been in there for a while.

Continuity mistake: In the final scene the parrot takes Bonds watch and drops it, and it falls into the water. That would require that the parrot sat on the ship's railing.

Jacob La Cour

James Bond: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Q: That's putting it mildly, 007.

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Trivia: Because of Carole Bouquet's sinus problems, the close-up underwater shots of Bond and Melina were shot in an entirely dry studio and not underwater. They were shot at a higher frame rate with wind machines. Derek Meddings, the special effects man, added the bubbles in afterwards.

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Question: Is this the only Bond film that features any references to Tracy Bond (other than the given "On Her Majesty's...")?

Answer: It's mentioned he was married in The Spy Who Loved Me and Licence to Kill.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: It is also vaguely alluded to in The World is Not Enough. When Electra asks Bond, "tell me, Mr. Bond, ha- have you ever lost a loved one." And it's written all over his face, so to speak.

Alan Keddie

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