
Visible crew/equipment: Near the start when the vampire that's been burnt gets taken into hospital, watch the big glass cabinet as he gets wheeled in by 2 doctors - the crew and the boom mic are reflected in the glass. (00:10:59)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene near the end of the film when Blade regenerates then kicks vampire butt you can see a man who looks somewhat out of place bouncing up and down in the background. (01:44:55)

Paul Jeffery

Visible crew/equipment: When Blade takes Karen to the hideout, Whistler injects her and tells Blade, "I give her 50/50 if she makes it through the night." In the shot where he says this, look directly behind Blade (near the ground, next to the drawers), and you can see a piece of equipment (it looks like extra lighting, but it's hard to tell) being moved out of shot by an out-of-sight crew member. (00:18:29)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: In the shot where Blade and Karen are running across the rooftop from the police firing at them from the hospital/morgue window, you can see the arms of a man holding a paintball gun on the right side of the screen. Paintball guns were used to fire projectiles that mimic the spark and smoke effects of bullet strikes. (00:15:35)

Continuity mistake: When Blade gets his serum, Whistler holds his hand, then they see the girl run. In one shot, Whistler goes right, leaving the suffering Blade. In the next shot (close up on Blade), you can see that Whistler is still holding Blade's hand. (00:26:57)

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Karen: Wait a minute. You used me as bait?
Blade: Get use to it.
[Blade takes Officer Kriegers' wallet and watch.]
Karen: Oh, great. Now you're robbing him. You gonna rob me too?
Blade: How do you think we fund this little organization? We're not exactly the March of Dimes.

More quotes from Blade

Trivia: The original Marvel Comics' Blade was a member of a band of vampire hunters, who mainly fought Dracula (who also was a regular at Marvel). The others included Quincy Harker and Rachel van Helsing (both descendents of Dracula's enemies from Bram Stoker's novel), and Hannibal King (a vampire detective, and a victim of the original Deacon Frost).

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Question: When Blade is getting ready to leave the morgue and Karen is lying on the ground after being attacked by Quinn, Blade is about to walk by and leave her there. However, a flashback of his mom reaching out for help appears twice, triggering Blade to save her. This represents his mom, which I understand. But his mom's death occurred in the opening scene or at the beginning of the movie, and Blade was only a baby. How could he possibly have a memory of that as an adult from being a baby? (00:14:35 - 00:15:03)

Answer: I don't think it's so much a memory as it is Blade just equating Karen with his mother in that moment. The only way to convey his thought process to the audience, though, is to show his mother onscreen.


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