
Blade (1998)

Ending / spoiler

(11 votes)

Blade's mother is still alive, and Deacon Frost is the one that bit her. Frost turns into a Blood God. Blade kills his mother and regains his strength by sucking blood from Karen and uses the blue serum to destroy Frost. The film ends with Blade in Russia.

Space Moose

Continuity mistake: When Blade gets his serum, Whistler holds his hand, then they see the girl run. In one shot, Whistler goes right, leaving the suffering Blade. In the next shot (close up on Blade), you can see that Whistler is still holding Blade's hand. (00:26:57)

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Security Guard in Hospital: Freeze!
[Shoots at Wesley Snipes.]
Blade: Motherfucker, are you out of your damn mind?

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Trivia: In the Marvel Comic series where the characters originate from, Deacon Frost was actually an elder man, and an alchemist who dabbled in vampirism and - via one of his experiments - turned himself into a unique vampire who could create doppelgangers of his victims.

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Question: When Blade is getting ready to leave the morgue and Karen is lying on the ground after being attacked by Quinn, Blade is about to walk by and leave her there. However, a flashback of his mom reaching out for help appears twice, triggering Blade to save her. This represents his mom, which I understand. But his mom's death occurred in the opening scene or at the beginning of the movie, and Blade was only a baby. How could he possibly have a memory of that as an adult from being a baby? (00:14:35 - 00:15:03)

Answer: I don't think it's so much a memory as it is Blade just equating Karen with his mother in that moment. The only way to convey his thought process to the audience, though, is to show his mother onscreen.


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