
Continuity mistake: When Frost has the head pure-blood vampire on the beach, after he pulls out his first vampire tooth you see blood all over his mouth, but when it shows the close up of him pulling out the other tooth, there is no blood. (01:04:22)

Continuity mistake: When Blade gets his serum, Whistler holds his hand, then they see the girl run. In one shot, Whistler goes right, leaving the suffering Blade. In the next shot (close up on Blade), you can see that Whistler is still holding Blade's hand. (00:26:57)

Continuity mistake: In the big fight scene in the end between Blade and Frost, the blood smear on Frost's face changes sides a few times. (01:43:55)

Continuity mistake: When Blade is leaving the shop towards the end he fills up 6 phials of EDHD, but he uses 9 phials total. 2 on the 2 people in the hall when he first gets to the building and then 7 more on Deacon at the end.

Continuity mistake: The bloody makeup on Whistler's face and neck changes constantly throughout the scene when he gives his last words. (01:17:10)

Continuity mistake: In the House of Erebus, right before Blade jumps off the ledge to fight Frost, you see that Karen is standing on the ledge above everything and Mercury is standing down below on the platform. But when Karen's shooting at her, Mercury is coming down the stairs from above.

Continuity mistake: In the shot where Blade knocks the serum down from the wall, he throws one at Frost, then throws five more at him and finally throws the last one in his head. That's seven shots of serum, but when he catches it behind his back there are only six in the pack. (01:51:20)

Continuity mistake: When Karen is telling Blade about the EDTA and the reaction to vampire blood being energetic, in the first shot Karen is putting the bottle of EDTA down on the table, but in the following wider shot she is still holding the bottle. (01:03:45)


Blade mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Blade gets captured and stabbed in the room where the "Vampire Bible" is, he is not wearing an ear piece. In the next shot, he is. (00:51:45)

Continuity mistake: When Karen tells Blade to take her blood and he does, he eventually releases her and there is just some blood on his bottom jaw. In the next scene, there is blood on his teeth at the top and the bottom.

Bonita Kilpatrick

Continuity mistake: When Blade gets back from the park after meeting with Frost and getting serum, he discovers Frost's men have been there, and sees Whistler. When Blade moves the tape, which is in a metal rotating stand, the stand rotates on its swivel, but in another shot it has only moved a little bit and hasn't rotated either. The tape would've been facing the other direction because the stand swivelled, but instead it remains in the same position. (01:12:30)


Continuity mistake: When Blade, Whistler and Karen are talking in Blade's hideout about vampire legends such as stakes and crosses, Whistler takes out the UV torch and is holding it in his right hand, next shot it is in his left hand, then back to his right hand. (00:27:15)


Continuity mistake: When Blade Quinn and Karen are in the subway train scene, Karen falls by the train, and Blade offers her his right hand, but in the following shot, it is his left hand he offered to pull her up. (00:53:45)


Continuity mistake: When Blade drops Karen off, she walks to her apartment and as she approaches the elevator a blonde woman walks up to its doors and stops, but in the following shot the blonde woman is now just coming into view and then stands behind the black woman instead of at the elevator doors. (00:32:15)


Continuity mistake: In the subway scene Blade chops off Quinn's hand again and Quinn runs off, yet when Blade picks Karen up, Quinn can be seen quite close to Blade in the background. (00:54:25)


Continuity mistake: When Karen frees Blade, she opens the chamber he was in. But in a later shot, when lightning strikes, the chamber is closed. (01:39:49)

Continuity mistake: Frost says near the end of the film that the spirits of the twelve will awaken the Blood God. Fair enough, but when the prophecy is first translated, you hear twenty beeps as pictures of people pop up around the circle, implying that there are twenty people standing around it.

Continuity mistake: Close to the beginning when Dragonetti is talking to the Council he is looking at photos, then he puts them down, yet in the following shot he is holding them again. (00:19:05)


Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie when Frost leaves the meeting, as he leaves the sound from his shoes is delayed.

Continuity mistake: When Blade and Quinn are fighting in the subway Blade holds his face against the moving subway train. If you put it on slow motion you can see that before he gets his hand chopped off there is no blood or mark on his face. (00:56:33)

Continuity mistake: In the big fight scene in the end between Blade and Frost, the blood smear on Frost's face changes sides a few times. (01:43:55)

More mistakes in Blade

Security Guard in Hospital: Freeze!
[Shoots at Wesley Snipes.]
Blade: Motherfucker, are you out of your damn mind?

More quotes from Blade

Trivia: In the Marvel Comic series where the characters originate from, Deacon Frost was actually an elder man, and an alchemist who dabbled in vampirism and - via one of his experiments - turned himself into a unique vampire who could create doppelgangers of his victims.

More trivia for Blade

Question: When Blade is getting ready to leave the morgue and Karen is lying on the ground after being attacked by Quinn, Blade is about to walk by and leave her there. However, a flashback of his mom reaching out for help appears twice, triggering Blade to save her. This represents his mom, which I understand. But his mom's death occurred in the opening scene or at the beginning of the movie, and Blade was only a baby. How could he possibly have a memory of that as an adult from being a baby? (00:14:35 - 00:15:03)

Answer: I don't think it's so much a memory as it is Blade just equating Karen with his mother in that moment. The only way to convey his thought process to the audience, though, is to show his mother onscreen.


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