Blade mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Blade gets captured and stabbed in the room where the "Vampire Bible" is, he is not wearing an ear piece. In the next shot, he is. (00:51:45)

Continuity mistake: In the big fight scene in the end between Blade and Frost, the blood smear on Frost's face changes sides a few times. (01:43:55)

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Karen: Wait a minute. You used me as bait?
Blade: Get use to it.
[Blade takes Officer Kriegers' wallet and watch.]
Karen: Oh, great. Now you're robbing him. You gonna rob me too?
Blade: How do you think we fund this little organization? We're not exactly the March of Dimes.

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Trivia: In the Marvel Comic series where the characters originate from, Deacon Frost was actually an elder man, and an alchemist who dabbled in vampirism and - via one of his experiments - turned himself into a unique vampire who could create doppelgangers of his victims.

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Question: Why wouldn't the vampire elders just kill Deacon Frost if he's such a problem for them? It's not like they have a code of ethics to follow, plus it would send a message to any other rebellious vampires.


Chosen answer: It would seem Deacon has gathered a lot of strength around himself, in followers of "young" vampires like himself. After he kills Gitano he just abducts all the vampire elders, showing his followers are a lot stronger than the elders are. So they probably couldn't have killed him even if they wanted to, not unless they want to unleash a war. They thought his pursuit of the vampire god was totally pointless, so they let him waste his time and were probably trying to find a way to get rid of him.


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