South Park

South Park (1997)

20 questions in show generally

(12 votes)

Show generally

Question: Is there any particular reason the TV and radio stations on this show begin with a W, when they would geographically begin with a K? The creators of this show are from Colorado, so it seems unlikely that they wouldn't know that W-prefixes are for stations east of the Mississippi River.


Show generally

Question: Forgot the episode and the season, but does Mark, the kid that gets home schooled and ends up beating Kyle, ever show up in later episodes?

Answer: He appears in at least 5 other episodes, but usually just as a background character. He can be seen at Cartman's party in "Immaginationland". He was also one of the kids trying out to replace Butters in the "Professor Chaos" episode.


Show generally

Question: Can anyone tell me what Kenny actual sings during the opening credits? I know it changes through the series, but I don't know what he sings in any of the versions.

Answer: In Series 1 and 2: "I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginas." In Series 3-5: "I have got a ten inch penis, use your mouth if you want to clean it". Kenny doesn't appear in Series 6. From Series 7 onwards, he says, "Someday I'll be old enough to stick my dick in Britney's butt."


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Question: In a few episodes, notably "Jewpacabra" and "Le Petit Tourette", Kyle is literally saving Cartman's life, which, as shown in "Le Petit Tourette", Cartman thanks him enormously for. But if Kyle's done these things for him, then why does Cartman still rip on him for being a Jew? And why doesn't Kyle remind Cartman of the fact that he's saved him numerous times and he should be grateful instead of mean?

Answer: Simply put, Cartman will ultimately never stop being a selfish, spoiled brat no matter how anyone treats him or what they do for him.


Also, the boys go to the same school; they see each other around town, and their parents know each other. So, for the time being, it's easier for Kyle to grudgingly tolerate Cartman's behavior. As Mr. Garrison says in one episode, "Just because you have to tolerate something doesn't mean you have to approve of it."

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know the name of the episode where the teachers tell the students about sex, and the girls and the guys get all scared of each other, and I think they go to war or something?

Answer: Season 5, episode 7 - Proper Condom Use.


Show generally

Question: Throughout the series Cartman makes a lot of money (His double myrrh Christian album, the theme park he briefly owned, etc) Any idea where it all goes?

Answer: He always loses it in some way because he is a stupid jerk. His amusement park money was taken by the IRS for example.

Grumpy Scot

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Question: Whenever a character enters or calls City Wok, Tuong Lu Kim says "Can I take order, pree?" I get the show is playing with the stereotype of Asians mixing up their L's with R's, but why does he say "pree" instead of "prease?"


Chosen answer: City Wok is a real-world Chinese restaurant that happens to be a favorite of series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone; Mr. Kim's speech peculiarities are taken from his real-life counterpart, which is also why he says "Sh*tty Wok' rather than "City Wok" when he answers the phone.


Show generally

Question: I seem to remember a scene in which Cartman knocks on Kyle's bedroom window one night and wakes him up, just to laugh at him. Any idea what episode? Might have happened with Stan instead of Kyle.

Answer: It's from "The List" - Season 11, Episode 14. Cartman goes to mock Kyle because he is higher than Kyle on The List the girls made of who the most attractive boy is in their class.

Heather Benton

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Question: What's the episode where Barbrady rides with a cameraman from COPS? He talks of how people who assume small-town police have nothing to do are wrong.

Answer: It's Season 2, Episode 4 "Chickenlover".


Show generally

Question: Have Stan and Wendy gotten back together, since breaking up in the episode where Stan becomes Gothic/punk?

Answer: They get back together somewhere in the seasons because they spoke about just breaking up in season 18 episode 2, which was way after that episode which you are speaking of.

Show generally

Question: Across the whole show, how come whenever Cartman uses the word authority, he says it as if it was spelled authoritAY?

Answer: He's doing a mock impression of a southern USA sheriff.


Show generally

Question: In the new Cartoon Wars episodes, nothing is said and nothing happens when the boys are in the King Of The Hill part of the studio. Is there a joke behind this?

Answer: In King Of The Hill, Hank and his friends usually stand around at the front of his house, drinking beer and saying nothing. The joke is a reference to this.


Answer: Because Trey Parker and Matt Stone got bored with having to find new ways of killing Kenny each episode. Originally they wrote him out completely by killing him in "Kenny Dies" but they decided to bring him back but without having to kill him each episode.


Chosen answer: No, they're not. Homosexual jokes are generally pretty funny, and they usually stir up a lot of controversy, which is always good for ratings and box office returns.


Chosen answer: See


Show generally

Question: In the intro of some episodes, Timmy says "Livin' a lie." What is the lie that he is living?

Answer: It's a lyric from Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld's self-titled one hit.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: His father owns a coffee shop, and in the episode where the Starbucks ripoff is moving in, it shows that his parents give him coffee all the time. So it's just the effect of the caffeine.


Chosen answer: Trey Parker and Matt Stone have said that they're making fun of the media; Canadians are very similar to Americans, yet the US media often portrays them has being very different. Trey Parker apparently grew up around a lot of Mormons and, we can infer, organised religion didn't make a good impression on him.


Answer: For the Mormon thing, there's the fact that it's set in Colorado, which is next door to Utah, the center of Mormonism.

Show generally

Question: I've read that the shows creators are friends with Mike Judge, the creator of King Of The Hill. Is this one reason why, in the "Cartoon Wars" episode, the boys walk through the King Of The Hill studio without anything happening or any insults being made?

Answer: This is more likely because they mean to imply that nothing ever happens on that show.

It's a reference to all the scenes in which Hank Hill stands around with his friends, drinking beer and sometimes not saying much.

Show generally

Question: I have no idea what episode where this is from, but during one conversation all the boys have at the school lunch is talking about Terminator and Skeletor with Butters exclaiming "Skeletor is real?" I'm assuming that Terminator is Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver being Skeletor. I don't understand the joke or the conversation of Maria being Skeletor?


Answer: In S15 E04, "T.M.I, " at the start the joke is that Maria Shriver, prior to getting together with Arnold, was hot; and now she's all bony (time code 00:00:40).

Answer: I believe this is from s15e12 "1%." Many people, especially on the internet, say that Maria Shriver looks like Skeletor because of the bony features of her face. She has very high cheek bones and a broad, flat, square jaw that resembles Skeletor's jaw (the mandible). Sometimes she appears to have sunken in eyes too.


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Trivia: The creators of the show, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, based the Stan Marsh and Kyle Brosfloski characters after themselves (Stan being Parker and Kyle being Stone.) The Eric Cartman character was partly based on Archie Bunker.

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