Question: Why does the governor think that nobody cares about lesbians? Am I missing a joke?
Question: The kids save a whale and actually send it to the moon. The last scene and the end credits are shown in silence. What is the point of this?
Question: Is it true that the episode about scientology was made at Penn Jillette's insistence?
Answer: I'm guessing you're referring to the episode "Trapped in the Closet" (ep. 9-12). While it is true that Jillette had a part in the decision to make the episode, Matt Stone and Trey Parker had parodied scientology before, and had been thinking of doing a full episode for some time. Jillette only convinced them to stand up for what they believed in, which is poking fun at anything and anyone.
Answer: The boys had thought they had done this magnificent thing for the whale when it really just killed the whale. The last shot just showed there was no happy ending. As for the silence it might be to keep the audience in anticipation. In the shot we see the whale lifeless and with no sound around. One could think that it might make a miraculous recovery as nothing is happening.
Lummie ★