South Park
South Park mistake picture

Cartman Gets an Anal Probe - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: In the classroom scene where Kyle tries to be excused from class to find Ike, Cartman sets Pip on fire as he was sitting just behind him to the the left. However in the previous shots Pip had not been sitting there, some other kid was and wouldn't have had enough time between shots to move. (00:09:05)

Pink Eye - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When we see Kenny from the front, the hole in his head exposing his brain appears on his left side, but when we see the top of his head when he is biting people, the hole is in the back of his head.

Sol Parker

4th Grade - S4-E11

Continuity mistake: When the two geeks first fight about how many episodes there were for Star Trek the blonde guy says 72 and the other geek says 73, however later when the blonde geek is telling the boys about it, he says there are 73.


Weight Gain 4000 - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: After Mr Garrison announces Kathie-Lee will be presenting an award for Cartman, you see the next scene in the Mayors office. There we can see cleary the curtains are red, then she looks out the window and looking in the office from outside, they are pink, but it goes in the office again and now they are back to red.


Cat Orgy (1) - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: In the episode "Cat Orgy" when Sheily's boyfriend, Sklar, are playing the song for Sheily while Cartman is hanging on the coat rack you can see of what looks like a picture of Cartman's grandparents hanging on the wall. But when Sheily walks over and flings Cartman up into the ceiling for arguing with her, look at the wall, the picture is completely gone.


Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina - S9-E1

Continuity mistake: When Garisson tries getting his balls back from Kyle, a scene is shown in which a man in a suit is singing, prior to the basketball game Kyle is allowed to play, because of his negroplasty. In the background are all the basketball players, including Kyle, who should be black now. However the shot shows him in his previous white form, in his old jersey. (00:18:15)

Up the Down Steroid - S8-E2

Continuity mistake: When Eric comes running over to talk to the other 3 boys about the handicapped competition, their toy trucks are quite far apart from each other, but when it cuts from Cartman and then back to the boys, Kyle's truck has moved all the way in front of Stan's truck.


Volcano - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Ned, Jimbo and Kenny are out on the fishing boat they have a rocket attached to a rack. After firing the rocket the rack still remains, but in the next shot when they head for shore the rack is gone.


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Answer: Scottsdale is a well-liked destination for fun; resorts and spas, outdoor activities like hiking and rock climbing, golfing, cultural events, and a bouncy nightlife. It's generally considered an upbeat and convivial place, exactly the sort of environment the gloomy Goth kids would consider to be awful.


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