The Simpsons

The Simpsons (1989)

29 mistakes in Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk

(21 votes)

Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk - S3-E11

Audio problem: When Horst is checking the power plant, he sees some radioactive liquid pouring out of the chimney, he says "That shouldn't be" but his mouth doesn't move when he says "be". When he spots the raccoons he speaks but his mouth does not move at all. And at the end when Mr Burns is mocking the German men, Horst says "Burns, stop it." but his mouth doesn't move. (00:15:30)


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Suggested correction: That's because Moe is wiping the corner by the wall. We don't see that corner again for a few minutes. Enough time for Moe to move the cloth especially since he's off camera.


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Suggested correction: He is simply out of shot due to the camera angles.


Lenny is against the counter in front of the donut boxes. The next angle we see Homer standing in front of the same part of the counter with the donuts. Lenny should be there.


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Suggested correction: No they don't they're still there.


Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: There are several errors in the plant's parking lot: 1, in the overhead shot of the plant, we see Homer drive in, and there are parking barriers on the road. These disappear in the next shot. 2, As he drives in, there are at least eleven parking spaces on the right side of him. Carl takes up one spot, and in the next shot there are about 3 parking spaces left. 3, When he parks, we see several cars behind him, but in the shot before that, no cars are visible, not even parking spaces, and 4, when both Homer and Carl drive in, we see orange lines on the road, which weren't visible in any other part of the scene. (00:07:00)


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Suggested correction: In none of the shots of Homer is he wearing a tie.


Homer's brain: It's simple, just use reverse psychology.
Homer: Reverse psychology? That sounds too complicated.
Homer's brain: Alright, don't use reverse psychology.
Homer: Alright, I will!

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The Simpsons trivia picture

Trivia: Maggie scans as $847.63 in the supermarket at the beginning (not NRA4EVER, as Troy Maclure asserts in 3F31 "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular), the price it costs to feed and care for the average American baby every month.

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Tree House of Horror V - S6-E6

Question: Homer travels back in time and causes changes by what he does in the past, like stepping on a bug. I once saw a movie with the same basic plot: some people travel back in time and are told to be careful not to disturb anything, but when they return to their time everything has changed. In the end they discover it was because they stepped on a butterfly. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: I'm not sure if this is the one you're thinking of, but an episode of "Ray Bradbury Theatre," called "A Sound of Thunder," dealt with a similar matter: a group of hunters travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs, only to find things have changed when they get back because someone stepped on a butterfly.


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