The Simpsons

Treehouse of Horror XXI - S22-E4

Continuity mistake: In the second segment, as Roger is telling them about what happened to him, as he finishes the story of Marge and Homer saving him, in his recount Marge is wearing a shirt and bikini bottoms (the shirt is covering the bikini bra). But when they saved her, she was just wearing a bikini.


A Midsummer's Nice Dream - S22-E16

Continuity mistake: The seating arrangements during the Cheech and Chong show keep changing between shots. Smithers is first seen sitting between Patty and Luigi, then he is between Louie and Legs, and then he is between Patty and Luigi again, then finally, he is sitting next to Mr Burns. And Miss Hoover is at first two rows in front of the Simpsons, then she is a row behind them when Homer is going to the stage.

The Fool Monty - S22-E6

Continuity mistake: Mr. Burns attempts to plan revenge on Springfield by placing The Town in a dome. However when Lenny tells Burns it has already been done, Mr. Burns tells the helicopters to stop placing the dome. In this shot, both Burns' helicopter and the helicopters placing the dome are the same height off the ground. But in the following shot, the helicopters are now 50 feet above Burns' helicopter. (00:18:55)

Casual Person

MoneyBART - S22-E3

Other mistake: After Lisa has made Bart leave the baseball team, Lisa and the rest of the baseball team are having pepperoni pizza at Luigi's. Lisa is also eating the pepperoni pizza. However, Lisa is a vegetarian, so why would she eat pizza with meat on it?

Casual Person

Tree House of Horror X - S11-E4

[The Simpsons are driving down a road as fast as possible.]
Homer: Dear God, it's Homer. If you really love me you'll save my life now.
[The gas needle immediately drops to empty and the car stops.]
Homer: D'oh.

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Trivia: The only voice artists who regularly perform as only one character are Yeardley Smith as Lisa and Marcia Wallace as Edna Krabappel. Yeardley has also voiced different versions of Lisa (Lisa Jr. and Lisabella) in at least two other episodes.

He's My Brother

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Tree House of Horror V - S6-E6

Question: Homer travels back in time and causes changes by what he does in the past, like stepping on a bug. I once saw a movie with the same basic plot: some people travel back in time and are told to be careful not to disturb anything, but when they return to their time everything has changed. In the end they discover it was because they stepped on a butterfly. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: I'm not sure if this is the one you're thinking of, but an episode of "Ray Bradbury Theatre," called "A Sound of Thunder," dealt with a similar matter: a group of hunters travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs, only to find things have changed when they get back because someone stepped on a butterfly.


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