
Trivia: No matter who the characters in Seinfeld call, they never have to look up the phone number in the phone book. They have the phone numbers to every restaurant, hotel, and business memorised.

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Suggested correction: This is a myth and not true. Even if you count seeing the Superman fridge magnet or Superman statue as a reference, they didn't appear until season 4 and 5.


Season one had a few and one of them is episode 15 The Stock Tip. To quote George: "I never heard him say anything really funny." Jerry: "It's common sense. He's got super strength, super-speed; I'm sure he's got super-humor." "Either you're born with a sense of humor or you're not. It's not going to change. Even if you go from the red sun of Krypton all the way to the yellow sun of the Earth."


That wasn't the point of my correction. The trivia is wrong because not EVERY episode has a reference. I didn't say no episode prior to season 4 or 5 had a Superman reference. I only said the magnet and statue didn't appear until season 4 and 5, so even if you want to count those objects as a Superman reference, it doesn't apply to season 1-3.


Trivia: Jason Alexander was always fitted with an outfit that was one size too small. This was done to make George look "uncool." On the flip side of the coin, Michael Richards was always fitted with an outfit that was one size too big, to make Kramer appear loose and lanky.

The Masseuse - S5-E9

Trivia: One of the subplots concerned Elaine's new boyfriend, "Joel Rifkin". Within the episode, Elaine wanted her boyfriend to change his name because he shared the same name as the serial killer named Joel Rifkin who had been arrested June '93. She has a conversation with her boyfriend, Joel, and suggests he change his name to the less scary Dion, Ned, Remy and then O.J. The show aired in November, 1993, seven months before football Hall of Famer O.J. Simpson would be tried for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

The Handicap Spot - S4-E22

Trivia: This is the episode where George's parents make their debut and when it originally aired, another actor played the part of George's father. When the role was recast with Jerry Stiller, all the scenes in this episode were re-shot.

Trivia: In 2001, NBC offered Jerry Seinfeld $5 million per episode for another season. Seinfeld declined.

The Sniffing Accountant - S5-E4

Trivia: The blue jumper in the episode that Jerry wears, and that Kramer also ends up wearing that made people sniff appears in a later Seinfeld episode where George is dating the daughter of a welfare officer. She can be seen wearing it when they are sitting in George's car at one point.

The Hot Tub - S7-E5

Plot hole: When Elaine is searching for Jean Paul in the streets, one of her verbal flashbacks is of Jean Paul saying, "I trust Elaine, she is my friend." However, Jean Paul made this remark to Jerry, and Elaine was not there to hear it. How could she have a flashback of it?

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Answer: Composer Jonathan Wolff used a synthesizer, although in seasons 7-9, a real bass is used in addition. Wolff also recorded himself making hundreds of mouth noises, pops, and slaps to add to the synthesized bass licks so that each episode has a different theme. The only real "back-story" is Jerry Seinfeld was having trouble coming up with a theme song and talked to a friend who happened to know Wolff. They wanted to avoid that cheesy late 80's sit-com theme song and Wolff came up with what we enjoy now. Jonathan Wolff has also talked about this further in interviews, recently Reed Dunela interviewed him, so for a fuller account of his story; check out "The Wolff of 116th street".


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