
The Andrea Doria - S8-E10

Other mistake: The tenant board member tells George that Mr. Eldrige in apartment 8C has decided he wants the new apartment. However, the new apartment in question has a 3-digit number - 808 I believe. This indicates that the building would not have single digit numbers and letters (Such as 5E, 8C, etc.) as part of its numbering system.

Brittle Fingers

The Junk Mail - S9-E5

Other mistake: In the scene where Jerry, George, and Elaine are in the coffee shop and Kramer walks in with the dummy mailman with the bucket over his head, Kramer remarks how nobody entered the post office while he was outside protesting. Jerry remarks, "That is because it is Sunday." If that is true, how can the group be gathered at the coffee shop? There is a red sign by the entrance of the coffee shop showing the business hours, and the coffee shop is supposedly closed on Sunday.

The Race - S6-E10

Other mistake: When Mr. Bavalaqua is telling Jerry and Duncan the rules for the big race, there is a male extra right behind him who is mouthing Bavalaqua's lines as he's talking. (00:21:00 - 00:22:00)


The Stranded - S3-E10

Other mistake: When Jerry, George and Elaine go out to Long Island to the party, George sees his lady co worker friend who says "guess what property I just sold...129 West 81st". That is Jerry's own address, which wasn't sold to anyone.

The Calzone - S7-E20

Other mistake: When Kramer is at the restaurant, as a favor for George, he tells the employee that he wants "three calzones." Then the employee just starts cooking the calzones. He never asks what ingredients/filling Kramer wants in those, and Kramer never says.


The Cafe - S3-E7

Other mistake: While Jerry is looking out the window, to his right, there is a Yankees baseball cap on top of his mini basketball hoop, above his computer monitor. Jerry in real life is a Mets fan, and he alluded to being a Mets fan on the show as well (taping a Mets game, wearing or showing Mets paraphernalia). In no universe would a Mets fan have a Yankees cap on display and vice versa. This was before George got the job at the Yankees so that can't explain it. Was it just bad set design and props? (00:14:22 - 00:15:30)


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Suggested correction: There's a Yankee hat in many previous episodes. It's never mentioned where it came from, but it could be a gift or signed or hold significant value to Jerry as opposed to him buying himself a Yankees hat to put on display. And that's assuming Jerry in the show is such a Mets fan that he wouldn't like the Yankees as well.


The Baby Shower - S2-E10

Other mistake: The previous episode "The Deal", was supposed to be the season (and possibly series) finale, however it was aired out of order. Therefore in this episode and the next without explanation Jerry and Elaine are not romantically involved anymore, and Kramer pitches cable to Jerry as if he never had it before, mentioning "The naked channel" that was sorta the triggering factor of "The Deal" 's plot.


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Suggested correction: As you said, the episodes were aired out of order. That doesn't make it a mistake because if you watch the episode in the order they were produced, there would be no mistake.


The Baby Shower - S2-E10

Other mistake: When George is taking off his sweater revealing the chocolate-smeared shirt, a woman in the background hilariously stares, looks down at the shirt and then eyerolls. She is behind him, though, and can't possibly have seen the stain. The shirt looks fine from the other angles. (00:16:30)


The Hot Tub - S7-E5

Plot hole: When Elaine is searching for Jean Paul in the streets, one of her verbal flashbacks is of Jean Paul saying, "I trust Elaine, she is my friend." However, Jean Paul made this remark to Jerry, and Elaine was not there to hear it. How could she have a flashback of it?

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Question: During one episode, Jerry is dating a woman who's name he can't remember, but it rhymes with the name of a part of a woman's body. At the end he yells out the name to her down on the street. What is the name?


Answer: The name is Delores. He shouts that name at the end of the episode. Then in a later episode, "The Foundation", he runs into her. And he repeatedly calls her Delores.

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