
The Burning - S9-E16

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode, when Puddy is farewelling Elaine on the street, he is standing on the sidewalk and leaning through the driver's window. The following shot when she pulls out quickly, you can see through the windows of the car that Puddy is nowhere to be seen.


Seinfeld mistake picture

The Slicer - S9-E7

Continuity mistake: When Elaine is woken up by her neighbor's alarm she looks at her own bedside alarm clock and it shows 3.30 AM. In the next shot when she buries her face in her pillow and screams, that clock shows 3.29 AM. (00:00:50)

The Library - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: When Bookman is lecturing Jerry in his apartment, he picks up a navy book with gold lettering and places it on the bookshelf in front of a pink book. For the rest of the shots, the navy book disappears and the pink book is back in front.


The Note - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the show, when Jerry is having a massage, his hands are in front of him, under his chin. The position of his fingers change considerably after The Masseuse says, "I don't know" but then return to the original position in the next shot.

The Calzone - S7-E20

Continuity mistake: This mistake is in The Calzone episode. Towards the end when George walks in and his boss is looking around for the smell of calzones, George is holding a bag in his hand. In the next shot that shows the back of the boss's head the bag is now on top of a box that George is carrying. When it goes back to a close up the bag is in his hand again.

The Heart Attack - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: When Jerry's sitting with George in the hospital talking about George's jacket, as Jerry says "no, I tried it on, it fits good", he's gesturing with his left hand, which he then puts in his lap. From the reverse angle though, his left hand's still raised, then he lowers it again.

Jon Sandys

Season 1 generally

Continuity mistake: Jerry's apartment in the first episode was on the fourth floor. Then in the next bunch of episodes it was 3A. It then changes to 5A for the remainder of the series.

The Susie - S8-E15

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the episode, it transitions between the Yankee ball at night and "Susie's" wake which is during the day.

The Pitch - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: In this episode, George asks Russell if his last name contains a "y" and Russel answers that it doesn't. However, Russel is credited in this and subsequent episodes as "Russell Dalrymple."

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Suggested correction: He was being curt with George and said "no" on purpose to drop the subject of how is last name is spelt. When George spelled his name, he was pretty close to spelling it correctly and Russell said"not even close", which we know isn't true.


The Hot Tub - S7-E5

Plot hole: When Elaine is searching for Jean Paul in the streets, one of her verbal flashbacks is of Jean Paul saying, "I trust Elaine, she is my friend." However, Jean Paul made this remark to Jerry, and Elaine was not there to hear it. How could she have a flashback of it?

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The Jimmy - S6-E19

Jimmy: Oh yeah, Jimmy's ready. Check Jimmy out. Jimmy's got some new moves. [Slips and falls from the water.] Jimmy's down.


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The Suicide - S3-E15

Question: When George and Elaine go to see the psychic, the psychic tells George that she sees a Pauline. George gasps and says that his brother once impregnated a woman named Pauline. Since when does George have a brother? Was this brother shown or mentioned in any other episode?

Dandude776 1

Chosen answer: George does mention his brother in the episode "The Parking Space". They actually really never mention anything that contradicts the fact he had a brother though, it just isn't mentioned.

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