Correction: You can clearly see a gap between monitor and main computer unit, indicating that they are separate units. Also the colors are different, further indicating they were made separately.


Right, but then why would Sheldon take the monitor with him, when it's isn't attached, is nothing to do with Woz, and is very impractical?


Corrected entry: When the analyst guy is being carried through the computer by Benjy, the physics at work make no sense. He is presumably repelled by the magnet to be held aloft, but that would mean he would stay in place as the magnet moved away, before falling to the ground. He'd only stay in place relative to it if he was being attracted to it, but then he wouldn't be hovering above it.

Correction: The robot is NOT just a magnet. It scanned the ground ahead of it to calculate the amount of magnetism required to keep Brandt (the analyst guy) in a steady horizontal position. The robot and suit is probably made up of billions of micro magnets, adjusting the power at the front and rear to propel him forward, much like a maglev train.


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film, the female assassin fires three shots into the MI agent, but the back of his leather jacket shows four holes.

Correction: There are only three bullet holes in the back. What looks like a fourth is just a fold in his jacket.


7th Jun 2012

Battleship (2012)

Corrected entry: The alien ships could not be seen by RADAR when in the ocean. However they were able to be tracked when in space coming towards Earth.

Correction: When they are in space they can be tracked visually by telescopes. Their size, shape, speeds and distance can easily be calculated without radar.


26th Apr 2012

Armageddon (1998)

Correction: Gruber is killed during the 'asteroid storm' shortly after the disarming of the bomb.


Correction: Gruber's death from the "asteroid storm" is cut from many networks based on time. This event may have lead to why the nuclear bomb would have to be remotely detonated.

19th Apr 2012

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Corrected entry: When Venom kidnaps Mary Jane in the taxi cab, trapping it mid-air in the black web. She was and continues to be on the back seat all the while, wobbling left to right. The moment Spider man makes an appearance to the scene, he lands on the bonnet of the car to face Mary Jane seated in the front seat just behind the steering wheel. This was done deliberately for the moment and remains so for the part of the taxi cab action sequence.

Correction: Or she moved to the front seat between those scenes to balance out the vehicle that was not only wobbling left/right but leaning backward/forwards.


The Adhesive Duck Deficiency - S3-E8

Corrected entry: When Penny and Sheldon get into the car to drive to the hospital, she makes the remark, "You do have a learner's permit, right?" He answers yes and explains he has logged several simulation hours which ended badly. She already knows he has a learner's permit and about the simulations, since in season 2, "The Euclid Alternative," she was with him at the DMV when he got the permit and stood beside him during the simulation, actually hitting him in the face with a pillow to mimic an airbag when he crashed.


Correction: Actually, after Sheldon said that it was the first time driving an actual vehicle, she said "you do have 'your' learners permit, right?" It was an indirect reference to the fact that (approx) a year had passed (a season for us viewers) and he had not stepped into an actual vehicle. Penny has been known to be sarcastic from time to time.


The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary - S3-E5

Corrected entry: Wil Wheaton tells Sheldon that he missed the convention because his grandmother died. When Wheaton later refers to a living grandmother, Sheldon realizes he has been tricked. He shouldn't - presumably Wheaton, like everyone else, has two grandmothers (mother's and father's side) and thus Wheaton announcing he has a living grandmother in no way contradicts what he said before. This alone shouldn't tip Sheldon off that Wheaton was lying.


Correction: In context of how the scenes played out, it is directly implied (and very obvious) that Wheaton is talking about the same grandmother.


Corrected entry: After the Ark crashes into the moon, the NASA bureaucrat who receives the news in his office is sitting in front of models of several rockets that would not yet have been designed in 1961, most notably the Saturn V (the big one on the far right), development of which didn't even start until 1962.


Correction: Many things, including rockets, are designed years (maybe decades) before they are developed. Not surprising that a NASA staff member had models of rockets well before they were developed.


2nd Jan 2012

Terra Nova (2011)

Genesis - Part 1 - S1-E1

Corrected entry: Jim Shannon is up on the fence surrounding Terra Nova, cutting vines with a machete in his left hand. A mega-millipede is approaching from the right: Jim is startled and falls off the fence. But surprise, there's no sign of any machete anywhere around him. Safety first.

Correction: The fence constructed at an angle (i.e. slanting away from inside the compound). Knowing that he is about to fall Jim pushed himself away from the fence to fall clear of the fence, dropping the machete at the same time. It must have fallen through the fence. Like you said, safety came into Jim's mind knowing to fall clear of the machete and the fence.


10th Dec 2011

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: After Ian Malcolm is attacked by the T-Rex and thrown into the debris of the destroyed bathroom, he has blood on his face. When Sattler and Muldoon find him, the blood is gone, not a trace left! And it had stopped raining at this point, note Malcolm's dry clothes and the blood still on his leg, there's no way it could've been rinsed away.


Correction: Plenty of time had passed between these two events. A big storm had come and gone. I recall that Nedry got absolutely soaked. Besides Malcolm had time to put his belt around the wound on his leg. He had plenty of time to wipe the blood off by himself.


Corrected entry: Near the end, you see Col. Stryker and he is walking as the woman said. You assume that he has been walking around for days due to ripped, dirty clothes. However, his facial hair has not grown in any way.

Correction: The length, coverage and rate of growth varies between every man. His facial hair obviously does not grow very fast.


23rd Aug 2011

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Daniel Craig and a bearded man are attempting to throw explosives into the ship's hangar, the bearded man drops all the matches over the ledge. However, in the shot where the matches fall toward the camera, you can see one of the matches still sticking out on the ledge. This would invalidate the brief problem of not having any matches.

Correction: They still needed a surface to ignite the matches on. Even if late 1800's matches could be ignited on "any surface", Jake saw a easy solution, making the need for matches moot.


16th Nov 2011

Fast Five (2011)

Corrected entry: In the scene in which they are being chased with the vault attached, the length of cable between each car and the vault is the same. Coming out of the police station, both cars can't fit between the exit next to each other, so one car pulls in front of the other. This realistically would not be possible because a) one car alone is not strong enough to pull the vault, and because one car backed off to give the other car room to pull out in front they would stop moving, and b) if they were both pulling on the vault, the towing cable on the car that went in front of the other car would have realistically crossed paths with the car behind and either gone right through it or crashed it. Yet neither happens. (01:41:45)

Correction: Momentum. When you drag something along a path you create motion. If you stop dragging it, it will not stop moving straight away. So they maneuvered the cars to fit between exit and then moved into position to continue to drag the vault.


Corrected entry: During the first movie, Goldblum says that he has three children. In this one, the girl is his only child.


Correction: I cannot remember any time during the movie where he states that she is his only child. Can you provide a timecode? He said in JP1 that he had been married many times. Maybe this was his only child with that mother.


9th Oct 2011

Green Lantern (2011)

Corrected entry: When Hal is getting beat up by the three guys who lost their jobs, it's consistently shown that three men are fighting him. When he hits them with the Green Lantern "fist", four men are shown crashing into various objects.


Correction: Actually they show the same guy hitting the front of the pick-up truck and bouncing off it (from one angle) then into the rear of the truck (from a different angle).


16th Sep 2011

Rush Hour 3 (2007)

Corrected entry: When Carter and Lee meet Kenji in the sewer scene and discuss that Lee and Kenji are brothers, when they start speaking to each other, instead of both speaking Chinese, Lee is speaking Chinese, and Kenji is speaking Japanese.


Correction: Just like in many movies where one character speaks one language and the other speaks another. They both understand each other but refuse to speak the other person's language. No mistake.


Correction: They're both speaking Japanese.

5th Sep 2011

Fast Five (2011)

Corrected entry: When the 4x4 crashes into the train and is lifted from the tracks, there are no rails.

Correction: The rails can be seen in every shot except one (angle). From this angle the rails are most likely obscured by the dust created by the impact.


Little Minnesota - S4-E11

Corrected entry: There are two problems with the scene in which Heather enters the store with the briefcase. One is debatable, but one is not. All stores, for safety reasons (most notably, if a fire were to break out) should have doors that open outwards, away from the store. It's a law in most areas of the US. The other thing is that Ted says, "That's a "push," not a "pull."" That means that she attempted to pull it, but if it were a "push" door, there would be no handle to pull, meaning there is nothing there for anyone to pull on.


Correction: No they are both debatable. There is nothing wrong with having handles on both sides of the door. No mistake here. As for the 'safety' concern. You said 'most areas' of the USA have this rule. Can you tell me that every store in NYC abides by this rule? I would imagine there would be a lot of stores that don't, this store for example. No mistake here.


Corrected entry: After Sentinel Prime is revived, even though no one has had time to tell him what's going on, much less what humans are, he does recognize humans.

Correction: That's easy. He had prior knowledge of humans. Maybe from the 50,000 odd years that the Transformers have been visiting Earth.


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