27th Jun 2009

Independence Day (1996)

Corrected entry: During the nuclear attack on the saucer, the B-2 Spirit bombers are not shown with fighter escorts. Since what they are attacking isn't human, and would most likely detect them regardless of the B-2's stealth ability and send fighters after them, the bombers would be destroyed. Given the nature of the mission and the need for it to succeed, one would think slow moving nuclear bombers warrant escorts. (01:31:30)


Correction: From the aliens' point of view, they are fully aware that their shields can withstand any weaponry and therefore would not be concerned with whatever aircraft is approaching it or whatever weaponry it has on board. Therefore would not need to protect itself from a distant aircraft. From the human point of view, they believe that the aliens would not be aware of the significance of the 'nukes' and believe the 'stealth' features of their bomber would give them protection. Why make their position known with escort fighters?


Also, with the U.S. Military being down to 7% and the ineffectiveness of the fighters previously, it's feasible not to send fighters.

Corrected entry: When Wright, Reese and Star are being chased by a Skynet flying probe, it scans Reese visually. On the HUD you see it identify him as Reese, Kyle. How? At what point that early in the movie did Skynet know/have in a database what Reese looked like?

Correction: The fact that we learn that Kyle Reece is on top of their 'Most Wanted' list seems to indicate that Skynet has come across him before. Obviously Kyle has done a good job of hiding from Skynet. Skynet would not exactly put someone as no. 1 if it did not know that he/she exists and have an idea of what he/she looked like. Perhaps a captured Resistance fighter had evidence such as a photo or sketch.


Corrected entry: After of one of the Decepticons has cut off the top of the Khafre pyramid (the one with the remaining original outer stone layer at the top), you can see it complete later in a scene with the S7 agent.

Correction: Another 'mistake' entry has made reference to the Khafre pyramid being shown in the background. However in the movie, it is portrayed as a different pyramid. The pyramid that Devastator rips apart remains in that state for the entire sequence.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Mikaela smashes Alice into the lamp post, a large chunk of stone falls on the hood of the car. In the next shot, it's gone.


Correction: To be exact, a big piece of outer covering of the lamp post falls onto the car. The piece is notably thin and lightweight. An unknown amount of time has passed until the next time we see the front of the car. It has enough time to slide off the windshield. The issue of the piece is a thin piece of the lamp post is a totally different matter and could also be a mistake in itself but not in reference to this mistake.


Corrected entry: When Mikeila and Leo were running away from Megatron, they didn't bring the box with the Decepticon. Then when they were with Agent Simmons, the box was on the Camaro.

Correction: A significant time has passed between the two scenes mentioned. Once the Autobots save Sam, they separate and head in different directions. After the 'fight sequence' there is plenty of time for Mikeila (and anyone for that matter) to go retrieve 'Wheels' inside the box.


Corrected entry: When Sam Witwicky touches the Allspark with his bare hands, it has consequences. He touched the Allspark with his bare hands in the first movie without any problems.

Correction: It is made clear during the movie that when the Allspark transferred its 'knowledge' to Sam because it was no longer 'whole'. In the first movie, Sam held the Cube when it was whole and complete. When he touched the device in this movie, the Cube transferred its knowledge then. The logistics behind this are not relevant. The Allspark was a powerful and unknown device.


16th Jun 2009

Last Action Hero (1993)

Corrected entry: When a car is blown up on a street, not only do you see the explosion, but also the black roll-over cannon that was used to give the car its lift off.


Correction: You mean during the movie with Jack Slater? Yes, it is a spoof of all action movies with typical Hollywood action movie cliches, including all kinds of 'rigged' explosions. Note the references of "how things happen in the real world" towards the end of the movie.


Correction: Not sure how this can be considered as a "movie mistake". Perhaps the man is following her and keeping her under surveillance. The video (or even photo) is proof of the target/subject. Otherwise, as strange as it sounds, this can happen in real life. I have friends who like to take videos with their camera.


Corrected entry: When Zero has his first fight shown, he is using un-silenced weapons, yet the sounds of his gun shots are silenced.

Correction: Assuming that the scene in question is when the team attacks the compound early in the movie. During the entire sequence, whenever Zero uses his weapons "big bangs" can be heard loud and clear indicated that the guns are not silenced and never shown or heard to be.


Corrected entry: During the fight on top of the cooling tower, near the end of the film, there is one sequence when Weapon XI rushes at Wolverine and Sabretooth, who are standing back to back, and jumps over them. The overhead shot shows him jump over Sabretooth first, yet he lands in front of Sabretooth.


Correction: Not necessarily a mistake. At this point we already know that Weapon X1 can teleport. He is just using it to his advantage to confuse and disorientate his opponents during the fight.


Corrected entry: When Victor holds Wolverine's "resurrected" wife in one hand around her neck, you can see the wires that hold her up when he throws her to the ground. (01:22:45)

Correction: This mistake is not in the final version of the movie. Mistakes in the "workprint" version of the movie are not valid.


Correction: Actually we do hear the explosion. At the same moment McLean closes the truck door, we hear a muffled explosion which McLean reacts to as if the door made that noise.


Corrected entry: The cargo ship when shown at the dock is a model. When the cargo doors are open they swing out to the sides so T-rex can climb out on to the deck. When they show a real ship heading back to the island, you can see how the doors would open front to back so a dock mounted crane could un-load cargo from the side.

Correction: The cargo doors are made up of four sections with all doors hinged at the corners. As such, the doors can be opened individually, in pairs (left-right or front-back) or all at once. The design of the cargo doors do not change at all during the end of the movie, model or real.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Nick and Sarah goes to rescue the dinosaurs from the cages, they first encounter a large Stegosaurus in a cage shaped to fit the animal. The gate at the front of the cage is much smaller so how on Earth did they manage to get the dinosaur inside? And how is it supposed to escape through an opening much smaller than the dinosaur?

Correction: The cage is in fact shaped to suit the adult but is not a fixed shape. Reviewing the scene, the back portion of the cage appear to slide into place forming the shape of the roof and overall shape of of the whole cage. The characters would have been able to see this as we know the Stegosaurus does in fact escape its enclosure.


31st Mar 2009

Tropic Thunder (2008)

Corrected entry: In the opening scene after they botch the explosion, supposedly they weren't filming. Yet in the news report in the next scene, they have footage of the botch-up.

Correction: Although the filming crew were unable to get the shot, it is possible for other people (even the News crew) were likely to be on site and got a shot of the explosion.


15th Mar 2008

Independence Day (1996)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jasmine retreats from the attack in the maintenance room, she backs into a concrete wall. However, the whole "wall" shakes as she backs into it. (00:49:45)

Correction: It is quite feasible that the wall "shakes" due to the tunnel being destroyed by the blast, hence the light in the maintenance room blows out a moment later.


14th Mar 2009

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Corrected entry: When Lloyd first goes into the restroom at the gas station, he has to use a restroom key. However, when Harry enters the restroom later to douse his flaming pant leg, he enters the bathroom without the key.

Correction: Like many service station restrooms, the key is simply used to unlock the door. That is why Sea Bass is also able to enter the bathroom after Lloyd, as well as Harry, too, thereafter.


1st Dec 2007

Apollo 13 (1995)

Corrected entry: During the launch countdown, the voice-over says "7.6.ignition sequence starts.3.2.1." The sequence is supposed to be in real time, but "6" and 3" are only about a second apart.

Correction: The difference in the '6' and '3' is two seconds. Try saying "ignition sequence starts" in one second. It takes closer to two seconds to say it. 'About a second apart' suggests that its more than a second. Such a small discrepancy is negligible.


13th Jul 2007

Transformers (2007)

Corrected entry: When Sam's car is "stolen" in the morning he takes off after it on his moms bike. After chasing it for what seems maybe 20 minutes, he runs into Barricade, who attacks him. Bumblebee comes to his rescue and the transformers start fighting. By this time it is starting to get dark, and by the time they are done fighting it is completely dark. All this takes place in what would seem like no more than an hour.

Correction: Sam never "takes off" after his car on his Mom's bike. It is the other way around. Sam is stalked by Bumblebee when riding his Mom's bike. It is never stated when time of the day this, presumably in the afternoon. When attacked by Barricade it is still afternoon but soon starts to get dark. We never see the complete car chase and it is more than reasonable to assume that is takes place over a long time period. Long enough for the sun to set.


7th Nov 2007

Transformers (2007)

Corrected entry: When Megatron slams his flail down on the building that Sam is hanging off of with the Allspark causing him to fall, the roof explodes, yet Megatron's flail is not an explosive weapon, and concrete and other building materials don't normally catch fire and explode like that.

Correction: It never explained what kind of weapon his "flail" is nor is it explained how the Transformers are able to construct their weapons and have an unlimited supply of ammunition. Therefore it is more than reasonable to assume that Megatron's flail is in fact an explosive type weapon.


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