
Revealing mistake: At dinner, Chris said he is thinking of trying to escape. There is another table of diners behind him and a window can be seen in the background. The corner of the room can also be seen near the far right of the screen. JP and others turned to look at the window then the window was shown. But it could not have been the window that was behind Chris (there're no obstructions) and the kids' eyes would have been gazing toward the corner of the room. (00:31:19)


Revealing mistake: The owl that JP saw was obviously "fake" (stuffed or CGI). Its nose was crooked and its puffy cheeks made it look like it had cheek filler injections; owls have flat faces. (00:32:50)


3rd Oct 2022

Send It (2021)

Revealing mistake: When Billy went outside onto the front porch (mostly not visible), there were tall plants in front of him and the porch's steps seemed to run parallel to the house, not perpendicular. After Billy got to his Jeep, there were no plants in front of the porch/steps and the porch's steps were perpendicular to the house. (00:07:40)


3rd Oct 2022

Send It (2021)

Revealing mistake: After the coach [Michael Jai White] told Billy that the group of people present all chipped in to pay his entry fee, there was loud cheering ("Yeah!) but it wasn't obvious from where the cheering was coming - except when there was a close-up of a particular person. Otherwise, the people in the crowd - especially those closest to him - did not appear to be cheering. The cheering, as well as the people in the background (green screen), must have been added. (00:04:08)


1st Oct 2022

The Good Liar (2019)

Revealing mistake: There is a large "Inglorious Basterds" poster on the wall of the building (to the left of the screen) when Roy and Betty stop at the bench along the sidewalk. The poster should still be visible when they resume walking, but there is a window in its place. (00:10:57)


29th Sep 2022

Imaginary Heroes (2004)

Revealing mistake: Tim parts his hair on the left side, but during dinner it was parted on the right side. After dinner, when Tim was coming down the steps with his sister, his part was on the left side as usual. It was the same evening because he was going to the party. (00:18:15 - 00:20:09)


28th Sep 2022

Last Seen Alive (2022)

Revealing mistake: The blinds on the window near the TV are closed when Will first enters Knuckles' trailer. During their fight, the blinds appear to be either pulled up more than halfway or the center slats are overlapping. When Will goes back into the trailer after the fight outside, the blinds are halfway up. Although the fight in the trailer is fast, and they move around a lot, the objects in the room frequently vary, indicating use of a green screen. (00:42:06 - 00:44:37)


28th Sep 2022

Last Seen Alive (2022)

Revealing mistake: The objects outside of Knuckles' trailer when Will throws him out the front door change. Knuckles landed next to boards (box springs?) and a mattress, but when Will got behind Knuckles, there was a box and a garbage bag where the mattress was then the box and garbage bag disappear. (00:43:43)


28th Sep 2022

Last Seen Alive (2022)

Revealing mistake: When Will got to Knuckles' and was walking past the driver's side window of his car after getting a crowbar out of his trunk, the instrument panel had one circle to represent the speedometer (similar to a clock) but no dial. (00:40:00)


28th Sep 2022

Level 3 (2020)

Revealing mistake: Near the beginning of the movie, there does not appear to be a curtain (or window) on the left side of the screen (e.g, when Samantha is sitting on the couch), but there is near the end when Chloe enters the now-empty room. The use of a green screen seemed apparent throughout the movie. (00:04:19 - 01:23:04)


23rd Sep 2022

Paradise Cove (2021)

Revealing mistake: When Knox pulls up behind the parked BMW, the BMW's red tail light reflectors are not real (and maybe the car isn't, either). The reflector on the right side, in particular, is not fully connected to the car. (00:03:55)


22nd Sep 2022

The Black Phone (2021)

Revealing mistake: When Finney is looking for the bike lock's combination written on the wall, the distance between the mattress and that wall (several feet) can be seen. However, the next time Finney wakes up on the mattress, the mattress is against or almost touching the corner, but the mattress was not that close to the adjacent wall. Furthermore, when the Black Phone rings, the mattress is the same distance from the phone as it originally was (which would be several feet away from the wall). (01:04:59 - 01:10:53)


22nd Sep 2022

The Black Phone (2021)

Revealing mistake: The angles of the adjacent walls are not always accurate given the relative position of the mattress on the floor. The mattress is perpendicular to the wall where the Black Phone is attached and at least a few feet away from the adjacent wall. However, when there's a side view of Finney with a front view of the Grabber (about to get up), the wall behind them should be parallel to the mattress but is at an angle. [The position of the mattress in relation to the walls can be seen later.]. (00:29:10 - 00:30:28)


Revealing mistake: When the (imposter) female security guard was lying on the floor with her head slightly raised and shot herself, the gun was about parallel to the floor; the blood splatter should not end up primarily mid-way up the wall like it did. The floor-level view of the dead guard shows a reduced-size wall so that the blood splatter looks much closer to the floor than it was. Also, at least some blood should be visible on the guard's temple but none was. (00:35:40)


Revealing mistake: When the (imposter) security guard threw the barbell and smashed the mirror, the mirror appeared to shatter just before impact. (00:28:05)


Revealing mistake: After the kids take their seats at the game, the people behind them change, indicating the use of a green screen. (00:13:00)


Revealing mistake: Before the Jeep roll-over, the four people inside were looking upward through some type of 2"x2" fencing (?) as the roof to see the bugs on fire in the sky. The Jeep had a luggage rack and luggage on top, so the "fence" as part of the roof did not make any sense (other than for filming purposes). (01:43:55)


21st Sep 2022

White Elephant (2022)

1st Sep 2022

On the Rocks (2020)

Revealing mistake: It looked like Theo's gold and white checked shoes were a few sizes too big and wide to make it easier and quicker for Laura to put them on her, but Laura still had some difficulty slipping on Theo's oversized shoes. The material even folded down around the ankle when Laura was putting on Theo's right shoe. (00:03:42)


26th Aug 2022

Shedding (2019)

Revealing mistake: Of the different cats playing "Panda", one that did not get along with the black cat was chosen for the fight - and the black cat was actually attacking Panda, who was hissing while in a defensive position (on its back, using front and rear claws to try to protect itself and get the black cat to stop). The safety of the two cats fighting was "sacrificed" for purposes of making the movie (a no-no!). A different cat was most likely used for the more playful pawing between Panda and the black cat. (00:04:33 - 00:05:28)


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