
Revealing mistake: A close-up of the Janitor's (Cage's) left cheek shows no moles or obvious blemishes. When the duct tape was shown being put over the cut on the Janitor's cheek, the person's face was not Nicolas Cage's - the "stand in" had moles and other blemishes (age spots?) where Cage does not. (00:04:09 - 00:23:15)


14th Jun 2021

Don't Tell a Soul (2020)

Revealing mistake: From above, the hole did not look very large (maybe 3' in diameter); it was about 20' deep. It was obvious various modifications had to be made to film in a way that would enable Hamby to be visible. Sometimes, the "sides" looked flat, not like a tunnel or long tube. In front views of Hamby, the diameter was increased, giving him more room to move. When Joey was talking to Hamby, a shot from Hamby's perspective just showed Joey's face as though it were setting directly on the edge (or grass).


13th Jun 2021

Don't Tell a Soul (2020)

Revealing mistake: Initially, the gallon plastic water bottle Joey was bringing to Hamby looked almost full. However, the ease at which he raised it into the air (by his head), "hollow" sound made when Matt took it from him, and the way it tilted to the side when being dropped down the hole are indications that the water (and its weight) had been removed for most of the scene. When Joey dropped a plastic bag containing a bologna sandwich, chips, and a soda pop down the hole, it went straight down without tilting.


Revealing mistake: A "green screen" was obviously used at the restaurant (all-you-can-eat buffet). For example, the people supposedly seated in the booth behind Greg's mom were sometimes literally back-to-back with her - there was no back of the booth between them! They were also larger (closer).


5th Jun 2021

Rising Fear (2016)

Revealing mistake: Set in Pittsburgh, PA, scenes were obviously filmed out of sequence. Many scenes were "out of sync" with the snowfall, whether in progress or amount (if any) already accumulated. For example, there was no snow downtown, but views from the helicopter showed snow-cover around the nearby parkway (Route 376). In another scene, it was snowing when Ryan turned his Jeep into a downtown road that was covered with at least one inch of snow; switching to a "live" newscast, the sun was shining outside.


Revealing mistake: It was pouring when Adam, Hannah, and Megan got out of their SUV to talk to the Man and try to get help with the flat tire. As they stood there, no "rain" was hitting them and it became obvious that their partially wet-looking clothes were "pre-wet" - they returned to the SUV with the same amount of "wetness." Also, the rain was coming down in straight streams, all parallel. (The water flow appeared to be slightly angled to make the artificial "rain" look more natural).


4th Jun 2021

Synchronic (2019)

Revealing mistake: The fire Steve made when he "traveled in time" back to the Ice Age was obviously fake (computer-generated). The logs were arranged like a teepee and the "fire" was contained to the inner sides - flames did not spread toward the outer edges. Moreover, the fire was built on top of snow/ice but there was no melting under or around the fire.


Revealing mistake: Throughout the movie, there are mixtures of real snowfall and artificial flakes. When John is at Paul Carnury's house, in particular, the "fake" snow is quite apparent. John could be standing outside in the snowstorm yet little or no snow hit his jacket. (At one point, a few flakes land on top of his head.) When John breaks through the front door, a gush of "flakes" come inside and the ones on the back of his jacket fly and/or roll over his body. "Snow" even bounces upwards off his jacket. (01:13:34)


Revealing mistake: Margaret's car and the way it was situated relative to already-parked cars in the courthouse lot was awkward. When she was sitting in the car, the driver's side-view mirror was angled outward yet gave a clear reflection of her face. The car in the row behind her was too close and at an angle, which would have likely blocked her approach. The car to her left was angled like a "V" to her car. These suggest/ indicate a green screen was used. Margaret's car appeared to be parked in the through lane. (00:53:58 - 00:56:52)


24th Feb 2021

Lean on Pete (2017)

Revealing mistake: At the Laramie Public Library, the bookshelves behind Charley and his Aunt Margy are obviously fake. The rows are diagonal but not parallel plus the end caps are almost vertical (not angled like the shelves are made to appear). Also, the middle and right side rows are too close together for anyone to be able to walk between and browse. (01:50:17)


19th Feb 2021

Spontaneous (2020)

Revealing mistake: In the car (and while it was raining), Jenna put on her sunglasses a little before Joe "exploded", suggesting she was preparing for the blood splattering. [Interestingly, Jenna put on the windshield wipers because she couldn't see out to drive, but the wipers were useless in that the blood was on the INSIDE of the windows!]. (00:31:45)


27th Jan 2021

Unhinged (2020)

Revealing mistake: Tom drives at least two differently equipped Ford 4x4 Supercrew trucks. In particular, there are two different grille guards, with one being smaller and less protruding than the other, as well as less-menacing looking. Although inconsistently used, the switch to a grille guard that can cause less damage is used at the gas station when Tom runs into the guy who tried to help Rachel get away from him and when ramming the rear-end of Rachel's Volvo. One truck has fog (or running) lights below the grille guard, making the two differently-equipped trucks more noticeable/discernable.


Revealing mistake: The boards around the window on the house that got hit with a falling tree fell off separately - individual boards were not connected enough to stay attached. As each board fell, the "wall" around the window could be seen and it was so thin (no thick frame) that it was obvious the house (or that section of the house) was a prop. The roof also seemed far too damaged to be "real" - there was a huge hole in the roof but the falling tree did not have long enough branches to cause that large of a hole. (01:17:20)


Revealing mistake: Grandpa holds the can of soda/ pop at about a 45° angle when he is going to pull the tab. Robert De Niro, playing Grandpa, is placing the can in the position needed for the carbonated contents to spray all over his face. (01:13:05)


22nd Jan 2021

Echo Boomers (2020)

Revealing mistake: When the door is kicked in, it does not sound very loud or like a typical door smashing. An interior view shows the door is about half the width of a standard door and a 3-4' board can be seen falling vertically along the door frame/ wall (then disappears). Instead of hearing someone kicking open a door, the sound more accurately matches what happened: a thin door breaking through a board holding it closed! The "breaking in" scene also has some "stupidities." Stewart (without first trying to see if the door was not locked) uses a cordless drill on the door's lock and a second man then uses his right leg to kick it in (without first seeing if the drill unlocked the door). A third man brought a crowbar, which could have easily eliminated the need for someone to bring a drill or for one of the men to risk a foot/ leg injury by kicking open a door. (00:02:11)


18th Jan 2021

Lena and Snowball (2021)

Revealing mistake: When "Snowball" is sleeping on Lena's bed, it is obviously a "stuffed double" (stand-in). Snowball is usually partially hidden behind the dog (so breathing doesn't need to be shown/mimicked). The failure of Snowball to make even a slight movement is a giveaway (e.g, no ear movement when Lena starts talking), but even the stuffed lion, in itself, is not a very good replica - it simply looks fake. (00:33:44 - 00:48:20)


18th Jan 2021

Spontaneous (2020)

Revealing mistake: In the opening pre-calculus class, Mara bending over to the side of her desk is what enabled her to avoid being splattered when Kaitlyn - sitting in front of her - "exploded." It was also a cue that the "blobs of blood" were about to be strewn across the classroom. The boy seated at the last desk behind Mara moved his right hand up to his forehead (similar to how one would block sunlight) in anticipation of getting splashed with blood. After some of the "blood" landed on him, he quickly moved his hand away from his face. (00:00:35)


1st Dec 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Revealing mistake: In music class, the position of Max behind Lucas would not enable Max to see Lucas' face to know he was crying or ask "what's wrong?" In this part of the scene, Max appears to be green-screened and his eyes are focused too far left of the back of Lucas' head (not just face); he would be lucky to be able to see a part of Lucas' left ear. (00:09:58 - 00:10:32)


1st Dec 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Revealing mistake: Benji was talking to Hannah in the back yard near the swimming pool and many feet away from Hannah's house. Eventually, a large white beam or horizontal area appears behind Benji's head. Although this doesn't make sense, it apparently is meant to be the overhang of the house. Benji was too far away from the house to be "under the overhang" plus the overhang is not nearly that wide. (00:19:40)


Revealing mistake: The barbells rigged to go down the split rails/ramp to hit the thieves trying to break into the garage do not stay on the rails like they should yet still roll straight down. The weights on the left side of the screen get out of alignment (off-track and almost derail) right after reaching the top of the ramp. For a while, it looks like the weight is sliding on the side of the ramp and then isn't even touching the ramp. (00:59:45)


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