
20th Jul 2022

The Hunt (2020)

Revealing mistake: After "Yoga Pants" unlocks a man's mouth gag, the man starts to unlock hers. Yoga Pants bends her head down and the metal rods in the mouth gag expand and slide out of her mouth before it's unlocked. She pushes her mouth gag back in place until the man removes it for her. (00:12:37)


20th Jul 2022

The Lodge (2019)

Revealing mistake: The structure/set-up of Richard's house (front view) doesn't make sense and can't be real. The half of the house to the right of the screen is at an awkward angle and has no windows. What little of the roof that can be seen is flat - not conducive to snowy Massachusetts. The bottom of the door to the right of the garage door is inches above the driveway pavement (elevated with no step). The deck wall to the right of the yellow door is higher than the door but the front rails only reach halfway. (00:03:25)


20th Jul 2022

Michael (1996)

Revealing mistake: Although Michael is pouring cereal out of a box labeled Kellogg's "Frosted Flakes", the flakes do not have a white coating, indicating they are regular corn flakes. (00:20:37)


19th Jul 2022

The Gardener (2021)

Revealing mistake: When the injured gardener Peter is in the backseat of the car, his mustache is loose and falling off. The right side runs diagonally past the corner of his mouth with the top too close to his nose and the bottom raised with hairs sticking out. The left side runs horizontally across his lip. (01:25:20)


19th Jul 2022

Licorice Pizza (2021)

Revealing mistake: When Alana is walking toward the students, the hedges are mostly dark green, sheared level across the top, and reach to her elbows. Later (after Gary tells Alana he will take a mirror), the hedges turn mostly yellow and flower-like across the top, are quite uneven, and are as high as her shoulders in spots. (Use of a green screen is apparent). (00:00:40 - 00:01:26)


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Suggested correction: One look at the scene make it apparent this entry is totally incorrect. The bushes look natural. The yellowness is just colour grading. There is no sign of green screen usage whatsoever. It would make no sense for this film, especially if you realise that director PT Anderson is known to be very much against the use of any sort of VFX or green screening.

Revealing mistake: The hubcap on the road that the "Black Saints" boy tramped on was a prop. He stomped on one side of the hubcap in his sock (his shoe had fallen off while running) and the other half that was not under his foot rose into the air. Also, when Harold picked up the hubcap, it was flexible (rubbery) and curved. (00:05:38)


18th Jul 2022

Cry Macho (2021)

Revealing mistake: The picture on the wall of a younger Mike on a horse shows his groin against the horse's neck right below its ears - obviously photo-edited/photoshopped. (00:04:29)


Revealing mistake: Although it appears that Edgar (and later Norman) put his eye up to the hole in the wall to look into the opposite room, the eye is obviously fake. Too much of the sclera (white part of the eye) is showing and the upper eyelid is too far above it; the upper eyelid typically reaches or partially covers the top of the iris (colored part of the eye). Also, the eyelashes go downward instead of being curved upward. (00:18:05 - 00:19:49)


Revealing mistake: Jon is part of Shane's pack/tribe, but his face/image is visible in his rear view mirror when it should not have been. (00:57:00)


14th Jul 2022

Snatchers (2019)

14th Jul 2022

The Fanatic (2019)

Revealing mistake: The five dollar bill that was tossed toward Todd's bucket but landed on the rim and hung over the side was obviously fake (not legal tender). (00:18:20)


12th Jul 2022

American Hangman (2019)

Revealing mistake: Although the background scenery in the basement (behind the judge and Ron) changes with camera views, what is shown rarely (if ever) corresponds to the correct size and angle/location that would be expected. For example, the file cabinet in the corner behind Judge Straight shows up in different places, some very close to him and others at a distance; its size is not proportionate. Sometimes, the brick wall is directly behind the judge but to the right (of the screen) at other times. (00:03:28 - 00:11:29)


28th Jun 2022

The Gardener (2021)

Revealing mistake: It was "raining" when Francesca was driving toward the house, but her vehicle "moved out of the rain" before coming to a stop. Furthermore, when the camera returned to Francesca walking toward the house, it was not raining and the driveway did not look wet. (00:48:53)


27th Jun 2022

Dog (2022)

Revealing mistake: A dog would not be able to jump through a vehicle's window and land on shattered glass covering the rear seat without getting its paw pads cut. The shattered "glass" that Lulu was standing and sliding on appeared to be ice. (01:07:29)


24th Jun 2022

Phil (2019)

Revealing mistake: When Phil approaches Michael's grave, water ("rain") has already accumulated only in front of the grave. When Phil is kneeling by the grave, streams of "rain" fall behind him and in front of him, but not directly on him. (00:25:03)


20th Jun 2022

King Richard (2021)

Revealing mistake: The blue framed window the girls walk in front of after exiting the VW bus parked along the curb is presented as part of an extension of the house, but not when there's a front view of the entire house. The windows are actually aligned with the front door. (00:11:44 - 00:15:00)


20th May 2022

Dune (2021)

Revealing mistake: When Paul and his father Leto are walking through the field between storage bins/sheds, the sheds are largely situated perpendicular to their path. After they stop walking, the angle of the shed behind them shifts to being roughly horizontal to their path. A front shot of Paul still shows a shed on the opposite side as being perpendicular. The background also changes to blurred, still images of dried grass (with no light breeze). (00:14:09 - 00:14:43)


16th May 2022

The Card Counter (2021)

Revealing mistake: Lower-third shots of the aquarium in the background at the Delaware Raceway's sports lounge were often blurred and did not look like they matched full views of the aquarium. (00:36:05 - 00:36:34)


16th May 2022

Blacklight (2022)

Revealing mistake: When Travis was talking to his daughter Amanda at his granddaughter's birthday party, the background scenery was inconsistent (indicating use of a green screen). Some objects (e.g, brown hanging lampshade? And balloons) should have been visible when they were not and/or were in different locations. Balloons that were to the left of the screen near Amanda "disappeared" in wide front shots. (00:13:05)


16th May 2022

Blacklight (2022)

Revealing mistake: When Travis arose from the couch, "Little Man" - sleeping right next to him - did not move at all or even open his eyes, which would be extremely unlikely for a "real" dog; the dog, though appearing to be "breathing", was fake. (01:17:30)


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