
Revealing mistake: When Curtis or Catherine are driving while it is snowing (e.g, on their way to the Christmas party), there is relatively heavy snow going horizontally past the side windows but there is no indication that "snow" is falling on the windshield. Wipers can't be heard (like one would expect driving in these conditions) and there is no dimming of light inside to suggest the heavy snow is blocking some light. Also, the way the snow is accumulating around the side windows is not typical. (00:33:04)


26th Oct 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Revealing mistake: The paddle used by Thor in the frat house is a prop. When it is slammed over a frat guy's back, it breaks into two halves with one half showing a connector peg. (00:51:10)


26th Oct 2020

Boyhood (2014)

Revealing mistake: It is obvious that the actor, Ellar Coltrane, is watching and waiting for the cue for "Mason" to start drinking from his can of beer at the pool hall. (02:03:44)


Revealing mistake: During the sax player's solo (final concert), his fingers don't match the notes, and he stops moving his fingers before the solo is over. Also, the sax player in the blue jacket behind Buddy's right side often lags behind the sax player to his right. At times, it looked like the sax player was watching the sax player next to him to know when to play. Sometimes, he would put the reed in his mouth for a fraction of a section and just pretend to be playing. Near the end, both sax players seem lost and even laughing at themselves. (01:47:17)


16th Oct 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Revealing mistake: A stunt double was used for Lucas flying off his bike and into the side of a delivery truck. The legs are obviously thinner; Lucas isn't that "thin." Even though movie goers could assume that a stunt double would be used in this situation, the director / producers apparently did not even try to make the stunt double pass as Lucas - and all they needed to do was make the stunt double wear bigger pants (Lucas' size) and add padding. (00:36:58)


13th Oct 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Revealing mistake: The use of a green screen (or other color) during most of the cafeteria scene is obvious if you watch the people in the background instead of the main characters and is flawed in a few ways (e.g, varying angles, greater distance, continuity of a person, etc). For example there is a man wearing a blue shirt/tan pants and carrying a briefcase walking down the aisle toward the Good Boys' table. When the man is walking along the wall that is behind the Good Boys, he is further ahead than he is when he is picked up again. Also, this man shows up in front of Max when Max is walking to Soren's table. The man also appears walking along the back wall with a woman. Watching the wall behind Thor and Lucas, it is sometimes at an angle and other times looks more distant. Some of the people would essentially be walking "out of the wall" in order to appear where they do (e.g, the boy with a backpack).


20th Sep 2020

Common mistakes

Revealing mistake: Vehicles that are about to be involved in a crash have their windows cracked, shattered or blown out immediately before (a fraction of a second to 1-2 seconds). Conversely, some vehicles suffer no glass shattering when they roll over. The Good Son can serve as an example of both "mistakes." in chapter #9: "Mr. Highway", the first bus that turns on its side has no window breakage; the car that smashes into the bus has a crack in the driver's side windshield; at least two other cars get their windows blown out before ramming into the wrecked cars ahead of them.


11th Sep 2020

Common mistakes

Revealing mistake: "Snowflakes" will stay on a person's coat/shoulders and top of head plus will not melt when the person goes indoors; it might "roll off."


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