
Other mistake: Jason's reaction when he sees Bruce Lee walk back into the light is just silly. He perfectly sees him walk away, but he looks left and right and springing on his toes as if he were trying to look past an obstacle. Not investigate a doorway. (01:04:25)


Other mistake: Jason's dad is still limping heavily and barely makes it to the pool table to bring the beer. 20 seconds later he's dragging an angry and non-cooperative guy bigger than he is all across the beer joint, and even tosses him out of the door as he lands with a nice graceful flip like of course any drunk dudes would. (01:03:15)


Other mistake: Special shots can always be executed also as corners. All good, but their animations more often than not involve long runs across the field, obviously inappropriate for the circumstance.


Other mistake: In a quite extraordinary time compression, Jason receives the form, barely scribbles something on the first line, and the 'sensei' arrives and asks him "Finished?" And he says yes, without having written basically anything and surely not signed. (00:26:30)


Other mistake: In the world championship tournament shown on TV from the MGM Grand Hotel in Reno, the actual shots with the ring show a much smaller and poorly lit location that does not match the other footage. (00:24:20)


Other mistake: In the shot with the Stillwaters' car pulling in front of their new home in Seattle, on top of the luggage rack you can spot a little red item that falls off as the car stops. Coincidence or not, a minute later Jason opens the U-haul cart and grabs a box with a red cup on top. Same object or not, surely they did not travel from LA to Seattle with something precariously on top of a bag. (00:08:40 - 00:09:30)


Other mistake: As the trio of bad guys enter the dojo to challenge Jason's dad, they go past a few students, who apparently prefer getting out in the street in their karate gi and bare feet rather than take a minute to at least put their shoes on - we even see one with sneakers and belt in hand, makes you wonder if he's just gonna drop his pants in downtown L.A. That one is not the door for the locker rooms. (00:03:30)


No Retreat, No Surrender mistake picture

Other mistake: Van Damme in the opening credits is presented quite literally as "Ivan, the Russian." During the movie they call him Ivan and is last name in the tournament is mentioned by the announcer as "Krasinki." So naturally in the end credits roll Van Damme is billed as... Karl Brezdin. Close.


Other mistake: When the Turtles start their time travel, it's night in Japan. Almost 60 hours pass, and it's again nighttime in Japan.


Other mistake: Apparently, Whit is the only prisoner in Lord Norinaga's dungeon who wants to be set free; everyone else does not react to the fight, ask to be released or struggle in any way. (00:33:00)


Other mistake: Not finding his scepter anymore, Norinaga speaks in English to the guards. It's rather stupid of him to do so since it's counterproductive to show vulnerability to his 'ally' he wanted dead at the beginning, but let's forget that. The problem is that his envoy addresses the Turtles outside the gate in English as well. He thinks they are the honor guards, fellow countrymen, there's no reason why he'd use English. (00:28:00)


Other mistake: When April O'Neil arrives bringing gifts, she leaves the manhole cover completely open - there's also an awful lot of light coming from there, as if the abandoned subway station were built inches away from the surface. (00:05:20)


Other mistake: The Italian version of the movie keeps the "All the good ones end in -O!" joke that singles Raphael out, making him angry and causing his punishment...but the Italian names of the Turtles ALL end in O, "Raffaello" included. (00:31:05)


Other mistake: During their computer hijinks, Leo asks Don "Can you bring up the file?", which the Italian dub mistranslates in a nonsensical "Can you block the file." (00:25:30)


Other mistake: In the TGRI building, the whole computer scene is the kind of nonsense you can expect from something really 90s and childish. Forgetting the fact that Donatello's big fingers are obviously too big to push the keys, the database screen scrolls independently from his movement, and when he tries to "decode" the database, whatever it means, he just types back the serial number. It's all just waving hands around to make it look like you're doing something. (00:25:05)


Other mistake: During the infiltration in the carrier, Ice Cube steals an M2 Bradley and drives it around damaged for an extended period of time; the flames keep burning with different intensity always at the same spots; one wonders what makes the same point of the armor and the very bottom corner of the back ramp for so long, without spreading at all. (00:56:00)


Other mistake: The establishing shot of the General's house shows still Charlie's car outside in the driveway when Ice Cube gets out of the shower, but for obvious reason it can't still be there - the police convoy is arriving. And of course Ice Cube never hears her drive off or the complex murder setup happening. At the same time, the police IS incredibly quick to arrive. How long did that rugged army man spend in the shower, oblivious to everything? (00:42:45)


Other mistake: Ice Cube just got 'home' after the umpteenth inexplicable escape from the police (he was surrounded by the police with 10 miles radius of roadblocks and they found out about his escape almost instantaneously). The same newscast that reports Pettibone's death reports also that his troops are en route for the funeral. That means that the funeral has been already booked quite literally when his body is still warm. (00:47:50)


Other mistake: In the Super Nes version (the Genesis version fixes this), the dialogue once defeating the first mini-boss says "You're nothing but Darksied's pawn, Despero", misspelling the name of DC comics uber-villain and final boss of the game Darkseid.


Other mistake: Gibbons and Stone have been been together in the same car for over 15 hours at least, from Kansas to Washington DC, and at Lo's they still talk as if they haven't exchanged a single word. (00:19:15)


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