
Corrected entry: When the Tangu warriors drop in on the Rangers, one of them is flying sideways. (00:38:00)

Correction: No they aren't.


Correction: Yes, after Tommy and Kimberly duck from the first one, the next shot shows the Tangus swooping down towards the group of rangers and the one on the far right is definitely coming in sideways.

Corrected entry: In the shot where the morphed white ranger fights the ooze men, he kicks one of them in the air with the line "Nice flight", right after the ooze-man jumps down one floor. One/two shots before this kick you can see this ooze-man take a quick peek around the corner (upper left part of the screen, he is one floor higher) to see if he is about to go on stage. (00:23:50)

Correction: Watching this scene, the ooze men are running all over the place and he is by a set of steps. It is easy to assume he was checking on the ranger's position and finding the best way to approach him.


Corrected entry: When the Power Rangers first morph, their Power Coins jump off their Morphers onto the screen. However, Kimberly holds her Morpher too low and while the Power Coin jumps out onto the screen you can still see it in the Morpher.

Correction: The coin coming out the morpher is just a visual effect to show they are morphing. No different than in the TV series where they use a plain background with coloured static.


26th Sep 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: Just after Harvey Dent starts his press conference, there's a shot of the audience shown while Harvey is speaking. On the left side of the screen, an audience member appears to be shouting, yet no sound is heard from him - you only hear Harvey speaking. (01:00:05)

Correction: The man simply mouthing to himself. There is nothing to indicate "shouting".


28th Sep 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: When Batman is crashing through the glass in Hong Kong to kidnap Lau, he's been flying around the skyline using his cape, but when he swings into the building we can see a wire attached to Batman that enables him to swing in. (00:34:30)

Correction: At no point is a wire visible connected to Batman. There is a structure behind the building that due to its placement makes it look like a wire is attached.


17th Aug 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Joker is doing the "magic trick" with the pencil, he first stabs the pencil through the table, and we can see that he stabbed it because it is leaning to the side and the metal band is at the top. After he slams the guy's head down onto the pencil, there is no hole in the table.

Correction: If you look closely, it appears as though he uses some kind of blu-tak like substance to hold the pencil steady.


26th Jul 2009

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: During the bank robbery, the camera operator's shadow is visible on the vault door as he/she passes it. (00:04:10)

Jack Vaughan

Correction: This is too vague. There is more than one instance where the vault door is seen during the heist.


A time code is given so one can confirm or dispute the mistake.


13th Oct 2014

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: During the opening heist, when one of the robbers is suddenly hit by the bus that smashes through the front of the bank, watch closely. The bus comes nowhere close to actually hitting the man. (00:05:50)

Correction: The bus doesn't, no. However all the debris from the wall does, and sends him flying.


7th Jan 2003

Resident Evil (2002)

Corrected entry: When the man in the suit lifts the blue test tube at the start of the film, he lifts them vertically, but in the next shot, they're at 45 degrees. (00:02:00)

Correction: The man in the suit has the ability to move the mechanical arms, there is enough time time off screen to move the arms to show the vial at 45°. Also, the grip by the black pincers is the same when he lifts the tube up, and when we see it at 45°, indicating that the arms have been moved to position the vial at that angle.


26th Oct 2004

Goldeneye (1995)

Corrected entry: When Bond is sitting on the beach, Natalya approaches from the side and he looks up at her at least once. Yet when she reaches him, suddenly she's in front of him, and he reacts as though he was completely unaware of her presence. (01:34:00)

Correction: In no way does Bond ever "react as though he was completely unaware of her presence." We see him look across at her several times regardless of her position.


2nd May 2004

Goldeneye (1995)

Corrected entry: During the pursuit scene in St. Petersburg, a military truck breaks a fence and falls in the water, but the soldiers inside it fall outside before the impact. (01:18:30)

Dr Wilson

Correction: They jumped out.


13th Feb 2014

Goldeneye (1995)

Corrected entry: When the three MiGs overfly the Severnaya facility, just before the Goldeneye weapon is fired, one of the pilots is talking. His voice is conspicuously devoid of a Russian accent, instead he is talking British English. (00:39:00 - 00:41:00)


Correction: The mask hides the Russian accent. But it is there.


22nd Apr 2004

Goldeneye (1995)

Corrected entry: When Boris goes for a cigarette outside the satellite station, you can see the fake snow inside his mouth. If the snow were real, it would melt in his mouth. (00:29:30)

Correction: You only see snow in his mouth for a tiny fraction of a second. Less time than it would take for the snow to fully melt.


No Retreat - S4-E5

Corrected entry: At Carrie's office retreat when Doug is pretending to be on the phone, the guy in the blue shirt at the buffet keeps repeating the same movements and changing position between shots. (00:07:10)

The Minister

Correction: If you look closely he is examining all the forks on the table. Thus it appears he is making the same motions.


Show generally

Corrected entry: Deacon and Kelly rent a small apartment, however their bedroom is much larger than the Heffernan's. The master bedroom in their apartment would not be that big.

The Minister

Correction: Their bedroom could easily be as big or bigger than Doug's. Not all apartments/houses are the same.


8th Mar 2016

Furious 7 (2015)

Corrected entry: When Brian jumps from the back of the bus, Letty pulls up at speed to save him. Just before the bus flips over she was right next to it, so she should have been right behind the bus, but she pulls up as if she was way behind it.

Correction: The bus flips over and travels a long way down the road. Upon seeing the bus has flipped, Letty, a sensible and skilled driver, backs off to avoid debris. When the bus starts to go over the cliff, she speeds down the road to save Brian.


8th Mar 2016

Clockwise (1986)

Corrected entry: When the car enters the field, Stimpson says the road they want is 100 yards away, beyond the next hedge. How would he know this? He has no map - all he seemingly has is a pocket Atlas, which will not have field boundaries marked on it.

Correction: No, but people are known to say things such as that when trying to reassure other people.


Corrected entry: When Gregory is outlining the plan to rescue Terrance and Philip, he says that breaking into the USO show and getting them out will be dangerous so he's going to go himself. But later on when Christof, Kyle, Cartman and Stan are breaking into the USO show to get them out, Christof says that they need to switch off the power to the electric chairs while he tunnels under the stage to get T&P, and they need to also stall the show if necessary. There's no way Gregory could have done all those things by himself, even with the help of Christof.

Correction: When Gregory says that he will go himself, he had not spoken to Christof, therefore not knowing what was required. Therefore his plan would ultimately fail.


Soft Touch - S2-E22

Corrected entry: At the beginning of this episode Carrie parallel parks the car so close to the parking meter that Doug can't open the door enough to get out. However from the shot above the car, when Carrie stops you can see the parking meter is not in the same spot as from the inside shot when Doug can't open the door. (00:23:35)

The Minister

Correction: The parking meter is halfway along the door when Carrie parks the car. When Doug tries to open the door it is still halfway along the door.


Surprise Artie - S2-E19

Corrected entry: In this episode, Doug takes Arthur out to a favorite buffet. When switching shots between Doug and Arthur arguing about buying one or two meals, the coffee cup by Doug's right arm alternates as to whether it is there or not. (00:06:35)

Correction: The cup is always on the table it just swaps from by Doug to by Arthur as part of the plot.


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