
Continuity mistake: James Bond does his bungee jump down a dam that looks like it's in the beginning of spring, but when he emerges from the factory, it is dead winter with no dam in sight, since they are on a mountain top. (00:01:00)

Revealing mistake: During the draining of the water in the dish, some shots show the water moving backwards. For instance, at a particular moment, masses of water jump up, arc toward the opening, and fall in it. The most likely reason is that, during the filming, the special effects people took a shot of a replica of the dish filling with water, then edited it the other way to show that the water was emptied from the dish. (01:42:00)

Continuity mistake: At the end, all the marines reveal themselves, to the surprise of Bond and the woman (fair enough). But at the same time, three helicopters come in from the top of the screen, which apparently no one had heard or seen until that second. Odd, especially since they only start making any noise when they're in shot... (02:05:23)

Goldeneye mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Natalia eject from the helicopter, you can clearly see two white parachutes. But when the capsule lands, in two scenes you see the parachutes being red and white. (01:12:20)

Goldeneye mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the tank chase scene, when Orumov's car goes down the alley, the headlight and corner of the car are smashed. However, when the car emerges from the alley, the corner is intact. (01:21:08)

Continuity mistake: After the American agent "delivers" the Cessna to James Bond and Natalia, they make several passes over the lake in Cuba. Then, the plane is hit by a rocket. Right before they crash the plane, it becomes a different plane. The original one is white and maroon. The one that crashes is white and red. It happened too fast to check the N-Number or registration, but the second plane was an earlier model as well. (01:37:45)

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Natalya fly over the artificial lake, a missile is fired from within the lake. Where did this missile come from? Once the lake has been drained and the dish emerges, there is no submarine stranded there, nor can you see a missile battery. (01:37:00)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film, when Bond is cutting through the access hatch with the laser, you can clearly see that the laser is constantly shaking about, yet the cutting is in a perfect line. (00:02:23)

Goldeneye mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie where Bond is fighting the man on the runaway plane, Bond jumps out of the plane with the pilot (they hit the motorcycle). In mid-air, Bond has no gloves on, and when he gets back on the motorcycle, he has black leather gloves on. (00:09:08)

Continuity mistake: Opening sequence when Bond bungees off the dam, you see him lay down the bungee cord he uses; it appears to be no more than a couple of meters of cord. Seconds later, there is a shot of the dam itself, panning upwards from the bottom. The dam appears to be several hundred meters high. Not a chance that tiny cord is enough. (00:01:20)

Timothy Conard

Continuity mistake: During the pursuit scene in St-Petersburg, two military trucks breaks a fence and fall in the water. The first one contains 2 passengers, but 3 are ejected from it and the second one contains 3 passengers and 2 are ejected from it. More strange, the one with 2 passenger was behind the one with 3 passengers some shots before. I don't see why they would chase between them. (01:18:40)

Dr Wilson

Visible crew/equipment: When Bond is just about to dive of the dam, the camera has a view from over his shoulder. You can just about make out over on the far left a car park with film crew vans and trucks. There is also much further down the dam a crane with a camera on. (00:01:35)

Continuity mistake: When Bond exits the chemical factory, his hair is noticeably shorter than it was when he was inside. Apparently, the conveyor belt tunnel had a barber. (00:08:15)

Continuity mistake: When Alec confronts Bond in the storeroom at the beginning of the film, he's seen pointing a suppressed Browning BDA at him; however in the other scenes the gun switches to an anachronistic Browning BDM (as this sequence is set in 1986). The BDM is what Trevelyan uses during the climax. (00:03:30)


Goldeneye mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene when 007 is in Monaco, he takes a photo of the admiral and his female company. When he is calibrating the camera its to one eye. In the other shot he has the camera to the other eye. (00:21:55)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bond in the tank has caught up with the train [hard as that is to believe] they show Bond firing a shot at the train. After the shot is fired they show Bond jump out of the tank and run off screen. Approximately 4-10 seconds later they show Bond hiding by the sides of the tracks as the train crashes into the tank, but he appears to be roughly 200 yards or so down the track. I had no idea that Bond could run that fast. Bond also did not seem winded as he entered the cabin of the engine. (01:27:55)

Factual error: When Bond fights with Xenia in the sauna, she wraps her legs around his torso. He tries and fails to get them released, but he does create enough space between her legs which would, realistically, release the pressure on his body. (01:03:00)

Goldeneye mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the beginning just before the radar station is destroyed you can see over Natalya's shoulder on the large map, that the Goldeneye is somewhere over northern Russia, the very next frame shows the map with the Goldeneye marker flashing because it is over its target in west Russia. (00:39:25)

Continuity mistake: In the middle of the tank chase, you see that part of one tank's front left flap (or whatever you call the thing hanging in the very front of the tank between its tracks) went missing - an obvious result of ramming through buildings, etc. In all subsequent tank shots, though, you see the flap in perfect condition again. (01:19:45)

Goldeneye mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond is flying the plane (after freefalling from the motorcycle) over the chemical plant at the beginning of the film, the people who have been chasing him down the runway have vanished. (00:10:17)

More quotes from Goldeneye

Trivia: The "dish" in "Cuba" isn't some prop designed for the film, nor is it in Cuba. It's actually the Arecibo Observatory, an antenna in Puerto Rico designed to look into space for radio waves and other signs of intelligent life.

More trivia for Goldeneye

Question: If the opening scene was staged to get 007 to surrender, then it seems it was a terrible plan. Look how many Russians got killed by Bond and 006. It seems very awkward that the whole thing was staged. Why did Bond need to surrender? Why couldn't 006 just shoot him (besides the usual reason that 007 must be executed through an overly involved and escape-riddled plan) What would they do with him once he was captured? Too many questions and a weird scenario.

Answer: The plan was not to capture 007, it was to stage 006's death. Trevelyan's long-term goal was to steal money from the Bank of England and cover it up using the GoldenEye satellite - he presumably did not have time to run the Janus Syndicate and implement this very elaborate plan whilst serving as a full-time MI6 officer. In fact, it was probably the intention that Bond should escape and tell the British government that 006 had died a hero's death.


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