
Audio problem: While Bond is wrestling with the pilot inside the small plane at the beginning, he leans out of the door and shoots a guard on a bike. However, the actual gunshot is heard before he even points his gun. (00:07:30)

Audio problem: Near the beginning, Bond is racing another woman on the mountain. The woman in the car with Bond says she enjoys a spirited ride but her mouth doesn't match what she is saying.


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Suggested correction: Checked, and the audio matches her lip movements just fine.


Audio problem: When Bond is walking from one side of the chemical factory to the other behind the cage of gas tanks, we hear his footsteps with a clack sound which sounds like normal shoes on a concrete floor, not boots with a thick rubber sole. Also, the noise is out of sync with his actual footsteps. (00:07:10)


Revealing mistake: During the draining of the water in the dish, some shots show the water moving backwards. For instance, at a particular moment, masses of water jump up, arc toward the opening, and fall in it. The most likely reason is that, during the filming, the special effects people took a shot of a replica of the dish filling with water, then edited it the other way to show that the water was emptied from the dish. (01:42:00)

More mistakes in Goldeneye

Natalya Simonova: How can you be so cold?
James Bond: It's what keeps me alive.
Natalya Simonova: No. It's what keeps you alone.

More quotes from Goldeneye
Goldeneye trivia picture

Trivia: This flub needs slow-mo to catch, but is worth listing as trivia. When Bond jumps off the dam, they do a shot following him along his descent down the ledge of the wall. In a shot only visible during three or four frames, but they catch a shot of the ledge before panning down in which you can see the film crew watching on top together with a van or two. (00:01:50)

More trivia for Goldeneye

Question: What is the translation of 006's words when he holds the gun to Bond's head in the dark toward the beginning of the movie?

Answer: "Don't even breathe. Where are the others?"

More questions & answers from Goldeneye

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