
Plot hole: Q said that three clicks with the grenade pen arms it and another THREE clicks disarms it. But the first time Boris clicks the pen three times therefore arming it but only clicks it once thereafter so it wasn't actually disarmed. It should have exploded.


Plot hole: In Cuba, Bond and Natalia are in a plane flying over a lake, attempting to find the Goldeneye control station. The station is hidden, and the Janus Group inside obviously does not want the operation discovered until it's time to go with their plan. They are hidden so well, Bond and Natalia are about to give up. Yet, the enemy fires a rocket at the plane to shoot it down, and sends Xenia in pursuit to finish them off. This does not logically make sense, as the rocket would be a dead giveaway that the base is actually there and lets Bond know it. That, and the rocket would be seen by the US government, letting them know that Janus is there. So even if the rocket succeeds in killing Bond, it would give the US government a precise target and would undermine Janus' entire operation. The logical thing to have done would let Bond leave empty handed. (01:37:00)

Quantom X

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Suggested correction: Even if Janus believes he's shooting at Bond and thus alerting the US government, he doesn't believe the US government can act fast enough to stop him. Janus is fully convinced that the only way his plan can fail is through Bond, so giving away his location as a trade for Bond's head still isn't too far off. Also, Janus knows Bond well enough to believe that Bond would never leave empty-handed under any circumstances, so he'd better take the clear shot now than allow Bond to enter his base.

Plot hole: When Alec reveals himself to be Janus and that he was alive all that time Alec scolds Bond for re-setting the timer at three minutes instead of six. The problem is if Alec had realised Bond reset the timer on the explosive then he should have had plenty of time to leave the building after Bond escaped, so he shouldn't have been injured.


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Suggested correction: At the time he DIDN'T know Bond had reset the timer...maybe Bond had agreed to do this off-screen at some point but it's never alluded to.

Revealing mistake: During the draining of the water in the dish, some shots show the water moving backwards. For instance, at a particular moment, masses of water jump up, arc toward the opening, and fall in it. The most likely reason is that, during the filming, the special effects people took a shot of a replica of the dish filling with water, then edited it the other way to show that the water was emptied from the dish. (01:42:00)

More mistakes in Goldeneye

[Bond puts his gun against Valentin Zukovsky's head.]
Valentin Zukovsky: Walther PPK. Seven point six five millimeter. Only three men I know use such a gun. I believe I've killed two of them.

More quotes from Goldeneye

Trivia: The "dish" in "Cuba" isn't some prop designed for the film, nor is it in Cuba. It's actually the Arecibo Observatory, an antenna in Puerto Rico designed to look into space for radio waves and other signs of intelligent life.

More trivia for Goldeneye

Question: How did Alec survive being shot at the start only to return later in the film. It's something that I can't figure out, as James saw him get shot.


Chosen answer: The real answer, which I believe was explained better in the game or in special features. Regardless, I did hear, is that Ourumov wasn't aiming directly at Alec's head, but to the side and shot the ground behind him. But made it look like he shot him in the head. Alec would have felt the bullet whiz by him.

Quantom X

That makes more sense.


It has been a while since I watched the movie, and my copy is a VHS... but I believe if you watch very closely you can actually see the bullet hit the ground behind him with a tile breaking. I don't remember for sure if you can, but I seem to remember they did add that little effect.

Quantom X

Answer: But what about the Russian soldier who was nervous and fired at the gas tanks, only to be shot by Ourumov? Did he fake his death too?

That's a valid point. Ourumov never reloaded.


Answer: He was shot with a blank cartridge. What that means is that the casing in the gun chamber didn't contain a live bullet; instead of killing him, the gun simply gave off a realistic flash that tricked Bond into thinking Alec had been shot. As explained later in the film, Alec's death was staged between himself and Ourumov.

Cubs Fan

Wouldn't James know it was a blank round? Lack of blood for example?


Ourumov shot Alec and the Russian soldier with the same gun but, only the soldier was actually killed.

But that doesn't work, because even blanks can be deadly at close range.


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