
Bond must team up with a Russian scientist to thwart a plan to activate the Goldeneye satelite that could destroy any city in the world.

Revealing mistake: During the draining of the water in the dish, some shots show the water moving backwards. For instance, at a particular moment, masses of water jump up, arc toward the opening, and fall in it. The most likely reason is that, during the filming, the special effects people took a shot of a replica of the dish filling with water, then edited it the other way to show that the water was emptied from the dish. (01:42:00)

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Natalya Simonova: How can you be so cold?
James Bond: It's what keeps me alive.
Natalya Simonova: No. It's what keeps you alone.

More quotes from Goldeneye

Trivia: When Bond is playing baccarat with Xenia, his last hand, and only winning hand against her, is two face cards (a king and a queen if I remember correctly) and a six. In baccarat, face cards and tens are worth 0, and cards under ten are worth their number. So, his cards are, in order, 0-0-6, the code number of his lost friend, Alec Trevelyan (006).

More trivia for Goldeneye

Question: What is the translation of 006's words when he holds the gun to Bond's head in the dark toward the beginning of the movie?

Answer: "Don't even breathe. Where are the others?"

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