The Fifth Element
The Fifth Element mistake picture

Other mistake: In the scene in the beginning when you first see the fifth element, and the camera moves up so you see the wide open mouth, look to the shoulder on the left. In the years of undisturbed dust, there are a few finger prints. (00:09:35)

Other mistake: When the two police officers are searching for Korben's taxi, as one police officer asks "How do they expect us to find anything in this... ", both police officers have the same ID number on their helmets. (00:39:15)

Tony Martin

Other mistake: When Leeloo escapes onto the ledge and goes around the corner of the building, there are people walking across a small bridge. One of these people vanishes in the middle of the bridge when walking to the left. (00:31:20)

Other mistake: Leeloo jumps from the ledge and falls straight through the roof of Korben's cab like it was made of paper. But a few seconds later, the police open fire on the cab and the bullets don't penetrate.

Charles Austin Miller

Continuity mistake: When Zorg is first seen walking, and the screen only shows his legs, there is an audible clank as he steps with his RIGHT leg. After that, the clank is heard from his left foot. (00:47:10)

More mistakes in The Fifth Element

Zorg: I don't like warriors. Too narrow-minded, no subtlety. And worse, they fight for hopeless causes. Honor? Huh! Honor's killed millions of people, it hasn't saved a single one. Tell you what I do like though. A killer. A dyed-in-the-wool killer. Cold blooded, clean, methodical and thorough.

More quotes from The Fifth Element

Trivia: When the priest states that he has a theory on the advancing planet near the beginning of the film, the president tells him that he has '20 seconds.' Cornelius gives his theory - which takes exactly 20 seconds.

More trivia for The Fifth Element

Question: Has anyone recognized any of the pictures on the wall of the building on the left as Corben's taxi is being tailed by 4 police cars? They seem like they're significant, if not direct references.

Tony Martin

Answer: I looked it up and it is Jill Milan. If you do a search for her, it is in her credits as an actress.

More questions & answers from The Fifth Element

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