The Fifth Element

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Continuity mistake: When the police confront Leeloo on the side of the building, she raises her hands and we can see that they're covered in soot. She jumps off and lands in Korben's cab. When she comes to, she presses her hand against the glass, and her hand is magically clean. (00:32:35 - 00:33:20)

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Korben Dallas: Finger, I was just on my way over to see you, when this big fare fell in my lap. You know, one of these really big fares that you just can't resist?
Finger: Ah. How big?
Korben Dallas: 5"9', blue eyes, long legs, great skin. You know, perfect.
Finger: Uh-hu, I see. And this perfect fare, she got a name?
Korben Dallas: Yeah. Leeloo.

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Trivia: When composer Éric Serra showed Inva Mula, the Albanian soprano who was going to sing the Diva Dance, the sheet music for that part, apparently she laughed and said that it was impossible for the human voice to switch from high to low notes that quickly. She got her way: The part that ended up in the film is not a single piece of audio, rather it's several pieces stitched meticulously together.


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Answer: Jill Mullan.

Donald Jenkins

Answer: Haviland Morris.

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