Dr. No
Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Honey are looking at the fish for the first time, the position of the fish changes between instant cuts. (01:24:30)


Factual error: When Major Boothroyd gives Bond his new gun, he says that it is a Walther PPK but it actually is a Walther PP. It becomes a PPK in From Russia With Love (1963), the Bond film after this one. (00:13:10)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr No, Bond, and Honey are eating dinner, Bond picks up and flexes a table knife. Then there is a wide shot where his hands are under the table. The next tight shot shows him again flexing the knife, then once again goes to the wide angle showing his hands under the table. (01:27:00)

Other mistake: At the beginning of the film when the lady who is calling London on the radio is shot through the glass there is a jump cut. This shows that two scenes were spliced together. Perhaps the prop gun didn't work the first time. The framing of the shot noticeably jumps when the gun shot happens. (00:04:50)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mary, Strangway's P.A. is shot, her blood is on a differently patterned carpet than when Bond later on analyses the house. (00:05:00 - 00:22:30)

Other mistake: At the end, James and Honey jump into a small boat, and after James has dealt with the two men in the boat, Honey deals with the front tender, but no-one deals with the rear tender - we can see it rising out of the water, but somehow it is no longer attached to the boat. (01:43:50)


Continuity mistake: When Bond goes to see a fisherman, to ask him about a man's death, the fisherman walks away, saying he knows nothing, and walks into a bar on the beach. He is talking to the barman and the bar has nothing on it, until a second later, when, suddenly, there is an open bottle of beer, a glass half-filled with beer and an ashtray. (00:28:00)


Continuity mistake: In the scene at Strangways', an older woman is talking on the radio. Then a shot shows a younger woman's unblemished hand operating the radio controls. (00:04:40)

Alparslan Torun

Continuity mistake: When professor Dent throws the gun down it lands on the edge of the bed cover - almost on the floor, but in the next clip it is in the middle of the bed cover. (00:55:40)

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: At the airport, Leiter gets into a 1961 Chevrolet Impala pillared sedan which changes to a a 4-door pillarless sedan during the ensuing car chase. (00:18:00)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie Bond and Honey are in a small boat when Felix Leiter comes in a bigger boat and gives them a tow. When Bond sits next to Honey he sits on her right hand side. In the next shot he is on her left and in the next shot he is on her right, and back again, etc. (01:44:10)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond turns on the lights after Professor Dent has arrived, his cards on the table have been messed up - compared to when he put the cards down five seconds earlier. (00:55:10)

Jacob La Cour

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond enters his room and spots Sylvia Trench playing golf. As they talk, she raises the golf club. When the angle changes, she holds it down and raises it again. (00:15:10)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the famous casino scene in the beginning of the film Bond smokes a cigarette, but in the cuts between him and Sylvia Trench he sometimes holds it in his hand and sometimes in his mouth. (00:07:55)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Bond is crawling through the pipes and then descending carefully to a lower level, a strange sound is heard and he begins to slip. As soon as the shot changes before this sound, we can see that it is a stuntman and not Sean Connery. (01:36:00)

Other mistake: At the end of the film when Bond and Honey are rescued in the small boat, Felix walks to greet them. What is strange though, is that there is no mention about where Quarrel is, even though Quarrel and Felix were good friends. (01:43:50)

Matty W

Audio problem: When Bond goes in to see M, you can see Bond speaking just after he sits down. His lips move quite a lot, but there is no sound. (00:10:45)

Factual error: When Bond and Honey are machine-gunned from the boat it is a Bren gun, but the magazine appears to be the wrong way round and faces backwards.

Plot hole: When the receptionist is showing Bond and Honey their rooms she opens the closet with clothes for Honey and says they just got their sizes the night before. How? Dr. No's people didn't know about Honey at all until she showed up with Bond, and they weren't even seen together until they were found in the swamp just several minutes before. (01:19:50)


Audio problem: When the radio controller in London says "Hello, W6N. Report my signals", his lips don't move. (00:05:10)

James Bond: Tell me Miss Trench, do you play any other games?

More quotes from Dr. No

Trivia: Because Dr No's lair is underwater, you can see fish swimming through the windows. However, an error was made when using footage of fish, so they look larger than they should. In order to get around this, they added in dialogue where Dr No explains how the window works like a magnifying glass.

More trivia for Dr. No

Question: Bond is very picky about having a martinti, shaken not stirred. If he drank a martini that was stirred, not shaken, would he be able to tell the difference?

Answer: Actually, yes, he would. The key to a vodka martini, Bond's preferred tipple, is that it should be served ice-cold. By shaking the drink, the ice cubes have a better chance to swish around the whole drink than they would if it was only stirred. It apparently also has the effect of dispersing the ingredients better, giving a different taste to the drink. In the spirit of scientific experimentation, some friends and I tried the drink both ways in a blind taste test a while back - it makes a surprising difference.


If you shake it, it turns cloudy.

Answer: Shaking also causes more melting of the ice resulting in a milder, if watered down, taste suited to Bond's sophisticated palate.

Answer: We tried that as well on several times and on many various evenings. There is a serious difference.

More questions & answers from Dr. No

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