Dr. No

Audio problem: When Bond is involved in a high-speed chase on the way to Miss Taro's house, his wheels are squealing like crazy, but he's on a dirt road. (00:48:10)

Continuity mistake: After Bond gets picked up from the airport, evades a car, then fights with the driver, at one point, he pulls back his right arm, but then the angle changes and he hits him with his left one. (00:20:20)

Revealing mistake: When James Bond has a spider on his arm, one can see he's under a glass plate, and the spider on top of the plate. (00:41:55)

Audio problem: When Bond and Honey are on the beach, the hoods of Dr No come by boat. On the boat, there is a guy shouting through a megaphone. As they sail away again, the man waves the megaphone to his comrades and says, "Full speed ahead." Yet his voice sounds identical to when he was speaking through the megaphone, though he isn't holding it to his mouth anymore. (01:04:00)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond kills a patrolman on the island, his shirt is dry around his shoulders right after rising out of the water. (01:08:40)

Matty W

Continuity mistake: During the evening meeting in the bar, we can see the band and a singer, but the movement of his lips (despite the fact that they were trying to hide them behind a big microphone) doesn't match what is sung. (00:30:15)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The hearse that was involved in Strangways' death and later chases Bond is a 1937 or 1938 LaSalle, with the pod-style headlights mounted on stalks on either side of the radiator. The car that drives off the cliff and explodes is a later model car, with the headlights mounted flush into the fenders. It is very easy to spot while the burning car is rolling down the side of the cliff. (00:48:50)

Continuity mistake: When Bond gets directions to Miss Taro's house, her instructions to Bond conclude with "Follow the road up the hill, down the other side, and two miles further on, on the left Magenta Drive, 2391," but when Bond is in her house later on, while calling for a taxi, the house number changes and he gives it as "2171 Magenta Drive". Miss Taro even nods to confirm it. (00:47:30 - 00:51:20)

Paul Bessant

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond sits down by a table, puts some cards down and pulls his gun out. He's wearing a tie, but when we see a close-up of him screwing on the silencer, his tie disappears. (00:54:40)

Continuity mistake: During the car chase, on the way to Miss Taro's house, we can see the same shot of the cars at the turn three times. (00:48:15)

Continuity mistake: A car chase early on has a cutaway to the speedometer of the villain pursuing Bond, of a dashboard totally and obviously different to the actual one on the car. The director apparently knew it, but they were low budget and had no choice. (00:18:25)

Continuity mistake: When Quarrel gets cut by the broken flash bulb, he has a lot of blood on his face and the rag. The next scene he's fine with no blood. (00:32:45)

Revealing mistake: When Dr. No crushes the Buddha in his powerful deformed hand, watch when he first touches it. It is made out of rubber. (01:29:00)


Audio problem: When the powerboat shoots at the island, afterward, when the guy with the speakerphone tells them that he would be back later on, he then turns to the driver and tells him to move on, but when he says that, it sounds as though he's still talking in the microphone even thought the microphone is at his side. (01:04:20)

Factual error: When Professor Dent tries to shoot Bond at Miss Taro's and Bond is waiting for him in the darkened room, the 'Walther PPK' that Bond is busily screwing the silencer onto, at the beginning of the scene, does not have an external hammer, and is therefore not a Walther at all. It's a Browning 1910 .32 calibre. (00:55:10 - 00:56:35)

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Suggested correction: Correct to say it's not a PPK, but it's not a Browning either - in a close up one can see the Beretta logo on the grip.

First off, it is certainly not a Beretta. That's not the Beretta logo (3 arrows), but it's the Fabrique Nationale logo (stylized FN). Plus the Beretta has an external hammer and the gun in question does not. It is indeed a Browning 1910 (which is manufactured by Fabrique Nationale. Finally, it is not necessary to submit a correction for mistakes that are accurate but have one or two words wrong (not that this mistake had any words wrong).


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond enters the office of Universal Imports he throws his hat on the hat rack. After his meeting with M, he retrieves his hat from the hat rack, but it has moved to a different hook. (00:09:25 - 00:14:05)

Revealing mistake: James Bond and his two friends are hiding underwater while Dr. No's thugs search the river with dogs. Bond had very quickly cut three hollow bamboo stalks to use to breathe underwater through the stalks. However, you can see the sections in the bamboo, so the closed stalk sections, separated by the natural divider, would not allow air to pass through. Bond hadn't cleared through the sections with a thin pole, so these would not have been usable as breathing tubes without more work. (01:10:00 - 01:12:00)


Plot hole: When Bond is escaping through the metal ducts, presumably of Dr No's air-conditioning, he is deluged with torrents of water. He then leaves the pipe work through a metal grille into a passageway - why didn't the water leave the same way? (01:33:05)

Plot hole: It's assumed that Dr. No had Professor Dent slip the spider into Bond's hotel room that night but if it were that easy to do that then why not just hide an assassin in the room to begin with. Someone had to be in the room to tamper with Bond's briefcase, the closet, and possibly the bottle of liquor so just hide an assassin instead of waiting for the spider to kill Bond. (00:40:00)


Factual error: Bond is worried that Dr. No has picked up the sails of Honey's boat on his radar, as indeed the good doctor has (in the movie), but radar systems cannot detect cloth or a wooden mast. (01:01:40)


James Bond: Tell me Miss Trench, do you play any other games?

More quotes from Dr. No

Trivia: Because Dr No's lair is underwater, you can see fish swimming through the windows. However, an error was made when using footage of fish, so they look larger than they should. In order to get around this, they added in dialogue where Dr No explains how the window works like a magnifying glass.

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Question: When James Bond goes to see Professor Dent at his office, it's morning. After he leaves, Dent goes out to Dr. No's island and picks up the caged tarantula. The next time we see Bond, he's returning to his hotel, and it's night, probably late, as he goes to sleep soon after. Where did Bond go between seeing Dent in the morning and returning to his hotel that night?

Answer: It's obvious what he does between those times. In "Goldfinger," Felix Leiter sees him just moseying off between an event and the climax of the movie and says to his pal "Ten'll get you one it's a drink or a dame." No doubt Bond's using his time...productively.

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