Dr. No

Revealing mistake: When James Bond has a spider on his arm, one can see he's under a glass plate, and the spider on top of the plate. (00:41:55)

Revealing mistake: When Dr. No crushes the Buddha in his powerful deformed hand, watch when he first touches it. It is made out of rubber. (01:29:00)


Revealing mistake: James Bond and his two friends are hiding underwater while Dr. No's thugs search the river with dogs. Bond had very quickly cut three hollow bamboo stalks to use to breathe underwater through the stalks. However, you can see the sections in the bamboo, so the closed stalk sections, separated by the natural divider, would not allow air to pass through. Bond hadn't cleared through the sections with a thin pole, so these would not have been usable as breathing tubes without more work. (01:10:00 - 01:12:00)


Revealing mistake: In the scene where Bond is crawling through the pipes and then descending carefully to a lower level, a strange sound is heard and he begins to slip. As soon as the shot changes before this sound, we can see that it is a stuntman and not Sean Connery. (01:36:00)

Dr. No mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond and Honey are made to take showers to clean them of any remaining radioactivity, they are meant to be naked. When Honey gets out of the shower a man holds a towel up for her, but if you look closely you can see that she is wearing a flesh-colored swim suit. (01:16:45)

Matty W

Dr. No mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Honey wakes up and walks to grab a dress in the closet, she's supposed to be naked, but one can see a strapless bra covering her right breast.


Revealing mistake: When Honey is telling Bond how much money the shells are worth there is someone bobbing up and down just under Honey, possibly a film crew member holding an unseen microphone.


Revealing mistake: Every time a shot of the hallway outside of Bond and Honey's room in Dr. No's lair is shown there are several doors on the same side of the hallway that lead too nowhere. Notice when Bond enters the room looking for Honey near the end we don't see the reverse of the doors from the inside of his room.


Dr. No mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond fights Quarrel and Pussfeller at the back of restaurant we can see that Pussfeller is replaced by a stunt double. (00:28:50)

Revealing mistake: After Bond attaches the silencer to his gun, the next shot is of Professor Dent approaching the house at nighttime. However, this shot is the same shot from earlier of Bond approaching the house during the day. It has simply been mirrored and darkened to hide this.

Revealing mistake: Bond, Quarrel, and Honey are supposed to be walking through a saltwater river and yet none of them seem to react when coming out of the water with their eyes open so obviously it's fresh water used in the river. (01:15:10)


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Suggested correction: Freshwater... river.

Revealing mistake: The second car chase is made with the help from a greenscreen. The car's movements as seen on the background doesn't always correspond with Bond's steering and the following car is sometimes too close to the screen. (00:48:10)

Revealing mistake: Bond, Honey and Quarrel are hiding under the water when the guards arrive. They are not noticed, but one guard comes later than the others. Bond stabs him in the back and leaves him in the water, but there is no blood. (01:08:45)

Matty W

Audio problem: When Bond is involved in a high-speed chase on the way to Miss Taro's house, his wheels are squealing like crazy, but he's on a dirt road. (00:48:10)

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More trivia for Dr. No

Question: Bond is very picky about having a martinti, shaken not stirred. If he drank a martini that was stirred, not shaken, would he be able to tell the difference?

Answer: Actually, yes, he would. The key to a vodka martini, Bond's preferred tipple, is that it should be served ice-cold. By shaking the drink, the ice cubes have a better chance to swish around the whole drink than they would if it was only stirred. It apparently also has the effect of dispersing the ingredients better, giving a different taste to the drink. In the spirit of scientific experimentation, some friends and I tried the drink both ways in a blind taste test a while back - it makes a surprising difference.


If you shake it, it turns cloudy.

Answer: Shaking also causes more melting of the ice resulting in a milder, if watered down, taste suited to Bond's sophisticated palate.

Answer: We tried that as well on several times and on many various evenings. There is a serious difference.

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