Dr. No

Stupidity: What purpose is served by having Bond and Honey's coffee drugged and knocking them out just for them to wake up later in the same room? They can't escape, so all the film needed was a time jump to when they were getting dressed for the meeting with Dr. No without being drugged.


Stupidity: Bond has been shot at and hunted down by armed men and dogs. He must conclude his life is in danger, and yet after Bond despatches the armed man in the creek who is carrying a British Sten submachine gun, he fails to pickup the weapon which has far superior firepower to his small calibre hand gun. Had he done, so he may well have saved Quarrel and avoided capture.

Revealing mistake: When James Bond has a spider on his arm, one can see he's under a glass plate, and the spider on top of the plate. (00:41:55)

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Trivia: Sean Connery started going bald when he was 21. In 'Dr. No' (he was 32 then) and any subsequent movies in which he has hair, he was actually wearing a hairpiece.

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Suggested correction: Contrary to popular belief, Sir Sean Connery was not wearing a hairpiece in his first two outings as James Bond. Although he was already balding by the time Dr. No was in production, he still had a decent amount of hair and the filmmakers used varying techniques to make the most of what was left. By the time of Goldfinger (1964), Connery's hair was too thin and so various toupees were used for his last Bond outings.

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Question: When James Bond goes to see Professor Dent at his office, it's morning. After he leaves, Dent goes out to Dr. No's island and picks up the caged tarantula. The next time we see Bond, he's returning to his hotel, and it's night, probably late, as he goes to sleep soon after. Where did Bond go between seeing Dent in the morning and returning to his hotel that night?

Answer: It's obvious what he does between those times. In "Goldfinger," Felix Leiter sees him just moseying off between an event and the climax of the movie and says to his pal "Ten'll get you one it's a drink or a dame." No doubt Bond's using his time...productively.

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