The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers park outside Mrs. Tarantino's house, the car's front wheels are almost level with the path to her front door. When they start the car to drive off a bit later, it is parked further back with its front bumper level with the path. (00:44:06)

Continuity mistake: In the first scene where we see Carrie Fisher, during the 'Peter Gunn' sequence, she pulls out a bazooka with four barrels and fires one missile at the Blues Brothers. Then in the next shot (looking down on her car), she fires another four missiles without reloading. (00:35:00)

Audio problem: Near the end, when the officers are getting out of the van, they are shouting "Hut! Hut! Hut!" but their lips aren't moving. (02:13:45)

Continuity mistake: During the highway car chase, when the police cars are shown going over the ledge and down the embankment, car number 73 goes over the ledge twice. (01:45:45)


Other mistake: When Elwood breaks the window of the ladies room (using his hat and fist) and they both climb in, it's not until he says "'Scuse us" that anyone starts screaming, even though some women are right near the window. (01:47:18)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Where Curtis is getting Elwood and Jake a drink of Jack Daniels, when he gets the bottle it's nearly full, but ten seconds later, after he has got some drinking glasses and starts to pour, it's almost empty. (00:15:45)

Factual error: The Palace Hotel that The Blues Brothers do their big show in is supposed to be 106 miles up north. That would put it in Wisconsin. The flags that fly outside the hall are the Ohio state flag. (01:44:15)

Continuity mistake: After we've heard why it's so great to be an Illinois Nazi, there's a wide shot of Jake and Elwood's car in a queue, and a policeman walks past the driver's door. In the next shot, the cop hasn't yet walked past the door, and instead of doing so, he stops when the Blues Brothers ask what's going on. (00:56:14)

Continuity mistake: In Chez Paul's restaurant, when Elwood and Jake first sit down, the waiter in the top right of the wide shot walks around a seated man in a dark suit; four seconds later, in a closer shot of them putting their napkins on, the waiter walks round the man again. (00:50:37)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before the Mystery Girl blows up the building in which Elwood resides, a police car with lights on its roof pulls up outside. When the building actually explodes just over a minute later, you see that the police car parked outside no longer has any lights. (00:39:54)

Continuity mistake: When Carrie Fisher first attacks the boys with rocket-propelled grenades at the hotel doorway, they dive for the sidewalk and are covered with debris. As they rise moments later and enter the hotel, their black suits and hats are covered in white cement dust. In the immediate next shot, as they climb the hotel staircase, their hats and suits have no dust whatsoever.

Charles Austin Miller

Revealing mistake: During the big chase scene at the end, right before the Nazis accidentally drive off the bridge, the Bluesmobile is seen doing a backflip over their car. Watch carefully as the Bluesmobile first lifts off the ground - an air-ram is visible firing under the car, which causes the car to begin the flip. (Note: This scene has been cropped in some releases so that the air-ram isn't visible, but it is still present in other releases of the film).

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie when the brothers are preforming "Sweet Home Chicago", they do a lot of spins and turns. The very last spin they do puts Jake towards the audience and Elwood towards the band. Then the camera angle is changed and Elwood is towards the audience and Jake is towards the band. (01:55:05)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Jake topples down the stairs in the desk, the broken remnants of the desk are actually planks of balsa wood cut in the general shape of a desk. The amount of the debris changes from shot to shot. (00:14:40)

Continuity mistake: When Elwood and Jake "See the Light" at the church, they begin dancing wildly at the far end of the aisle - yet in a static shot of the dancing later on, the Blues Brothers are seen standing still at the end of the church, just as they did before Jake saw the Light. (00:23:00)

Other mistake: There is an Ohio flag flying outside the hotel where they're going to play their big gig. (01:33:22)

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Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. The Ohio flag is one of at least 5 flags flown in a row, presumably the others being state flags. And this shot was filmed in Illinois, not Ohio. It's not uncommon for a place to fly multiple flags.


The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carrie Fisher is shooting at Jake and Elwood in the tunnel under the Palace Hotel, she hits a water pipe and water sprays everywhere in a mist. In the next shot of Jake and Elwood lying in the mud, there's no spray visible behind them at all. When Jake stands up a few seconds later, the spray is back, but is more directed now. (01:57:39)

Revealing mistake: When the cop car hits the Winnebago to chase the Blues Brothers, we see a puff of white smoke emit from under the cop car as it rolls over that was used to help flip it. The pole can also be seen rolling around near the top of the screen in that same shot.


Continuity mistake: When Carrie Fisher is shooting at the Blues Brothers in the tunnel, there are 3 pipes that run along the left side of the wall that aren't alongside Carrie when the camera angle changes to shots of her.


Mystery Woman: You contemptible pig! I remained celibate for you. I stood in the back of a cathedral, waiting, in celibacy, for you, with three hundred friends and relatives in attendance. My uncle hired the best Romanian caterers in the state. To obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party, my father used up his last favor with Mad Pete Trullo. So for me, for my mother, my grandmother, my father, my uncle, and for the common good, I must now kill you, and your brother.

More quotes from The Blues Brothers

Trivia: This movie set a long-standing Guinness World Record for the largest number of automobiles ever destroyed in a movie, 104, including 60 refurbished and reinforced police cars wrecked (most beyond repair) in the various chase scenes. This record held until the belated sequel, "Blues Brothers 2000," (1998) deliberately set the new record by wrecking one additional automobile for a total of 105.

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Suggested correction: It possibly depends on what one counts as "destroyed." Sources suggest there were 104 cars destroyed in BB, with 105 in BB2000. The record has been broken several times since and now stands at 532. It'd be great to see evidence of the numbers for verification.'t-know-about-the-blues-brothers?page=12

The trivia entry is mostly correct and doesn't need a correction. Just a word change to make it accurate. "Blues Brothers" (1980) did hold the record. 60 police cars were wrecked, but so were an additional 43 cars for a total of 103. "Blues Brothers 2000" beat their own record by 1 car. It seems person who made the entry found on the internet that "Blues Brothers" wrecked 60 cop cars and thought that was the record and assumed 61 was the new record.


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Question: There is a Blues Brothers song, sang by Elwood and Jake themselves, "I'm a Sole Man". However, this song does not appear in the film, but is often related to their band. Was the song supposed to be in the movie? Is it a deleted scene? If it is, can someone tell me when it was supposed to appear?

Answer: It's called "Soul Man". The Blues Brothers exist as an entity seperate to the film - they originated as a band performing on Saturday Night Live. The band continued, releasing an album in 1978, entitled "Briefcase Full Of Blues", which contained the track Soul Man, as well as many others. This was followed by the film two years later, the soundtrack of which formed the band's second album. None of the tracks from their first album appear in the film - a third album followed shortly after the film, again containing non-film tracks.


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