The Blues Brothers

The brothers are pursued into Chicago by the police, the Good Ol' Boys, and the Nazis. The Good Ol' Boys' Winnebago goes into a river, the police all get into a pile-up, and the Nazis go off the end of an unfinished freeway. They get to the tax office and pay the money the mission needs, but are arrested as they are given their receipt.

Nikki Williams

Continuity mistake: In the scene where they go to Elwood's apartment, Elwood puts on a 78 RPM Decca Louis Jordan record. The record is entitled "Saturday Night Fish Fry". But the song that plays is "Let The Good Times Roll".

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Mystery Woman: You contemptible pig! I remained celibate for you. I stood in the back of a cathedral, waiting, in celibacy, for you, with three hundred friends and relatives in attendance. My uncle hired the best Romanian caterers in the state. To obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party, my father used up his last favor with Mad Pete Trullo. So for me, for my mother, my grandmother, my father, my uncle, and for the common good, I must now kill you, and your brother.

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Trivia: This movie set a long-standing Guinness World Record for the largest number of automobiles ever destroyed in a movie, 104, including 60 refurbished and reinforced police cars wrecked (most beyond repair) in the various chase scenes. This record held until the belated sequel, "Blues Brothers 2000," (1998) deliberately set the new record by wrecking one additional automobile for a total of 105.

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Suggested correction: It possibly depends on what one counts as "destroyed." Sources suggest there were 104 cars destroyed in BB, with 105 in BB2000. The record has been broken several times since and now stands at 532. It'd be great to see evidence of the numbers for verification.'t-know-about-the-blues-brothers?page=12

The trivia entry is mostly correct and doesn't need a correction. Just a word change to make it accurate. "Blues Brothers" (1980) did hold the record. 60 police cars were wrecked, but so were an additional 43 cars for a total of 103. "Blues Brothers 2000" beat their own record by 1 car. It seems person who made the entry found on the internet that "Blues Brothers" wrecked 60 cop cars and thought that was the record and assumed 61 was the new record.


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Question: Did John Belushi do all the dancing, especially the turnovers in church, by himself or was it a double?

Answer: It was a double, and the "making of" documentary on the DVD shows this.

David Mercier

To be fair, John did do a lot of flips and dancing as Jake; just not all of them in the movie.

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